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321 days and counting @ Indy RO

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I'm a Gulf War Vet, Marine Corps

So, here's my timeline:

Filed June 6th 2016 (Gastro-intestinal distubances (Alt. diarrhea/constipation, bloating, leakage), sleeplessness,Short term memory issues, bi-lateral shoulder pain, bi-lateral arm pain)

January 2017 - First C&P (lasted about an hour, DBQ, x-ray, hemmoroid check)

Awarded 30% for undiagnosed illness (Gastro-intestinal)

All other items deferred pending further evidence gathering

VSR added stool incontinence to my claim based on C&P results

January 13,2017 - Found out through myhealthevet VA notes that the C&P exam was sent back to doc (VA hospital) as incomplete as he was suppose to conduct a screening of all contentions

January 20, 2017 - VA doc responds to request that "Vet only complained about his stomach and his hemmoroid" "Vet denied any other issues"

Uploaded a letter to my claim disputing his response (He asked if I had any other issues, I said yes and explained all of them to him, he asked if I had hemmoroids, I said "Not that I am aware of"

April 2017 - Request showing request 1 (VA medical facility) (Found out they were awaiting STR's and IANG records from Records Management)

April 2017 - Uploaded complete STR's and IANG records, in my posession, that I FOIA'd back in December 2016

May 2017 - Pushed the "Decide my claim now" button

No movement since. Call Peggy.....decision made, awaiting signature. Call next day, gathering evidence stage & waiting on STR's, IANG records. Has been the same responses.....one person will say done, just waiting on signature, next will say gathering evidence, no decision made.....every call is a different answer...ah, anxiety + Ebenefits = Zoloft

Currently being treated for PTSD via local VAMC (Zoloft, Prazosin, Bupropion + therapy)

My STR's show Gulf War service, med call for lower lumbar injury, no (in country med reports I'm aware of....happens with Corpsmen in theater), no private records from 1990-2007 (Doctor's office threw them all away in 2014 per state law's retention policies).....so, all I have is, DD214's/DD215's, buddy statements and C&P's to prove my issues.

I feel pretty fortunate though....they could have denied me across the board after the C&P docs answer (He was a very nice guy, an 87 year old Iranian General Practioner/Family Medicine doctor at the VA hospital.....probably the memory issue that caused the discrepancy at my C&P)



Edited by IMEF-Gunny

Currently Service Connected:

30% - IBS, 0% - Hearing Loss, 10% - Tinnitus, 40% - Fibromyalgia, 70% - Anxiety  Total - 90% SC

Pending - PTSD Filed June 2017

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That totally sucks, Gunny, and I wish I had some great trick up my sleeve to tell you about. Sadly, your story sounds too much like so many of the stories here with the same substance. The different answers from different people - all just to get you off the phone. The delays with no progress and no apparent reason for it. The obvious injuries that they just can't seem to fathom as being service-connected, and the presumptives that aren't.

All I can tell you is just keep fighting and don't let the bastards get you down. Their goal is to wear you down so you'll just quit. The more they can get to quit, the less work they'll have to do, the less money the government has to pay out, and the fewer complaints that go on the record.

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Denials are job security for VA.

Unfortunately Dr Dave is correct. If Shulkin cannot reform VA, POTUS needs to consider Petreaus or some other kick ass general-to run VA- or clone Mad Dog Mattis....

Good for you Gunny on the DD 215s.........the new changes Sec.Shulkin proposed ( in process already) will help the next generation of veterans a lot , and hopefully even older vets.

The VA has already wasted millions on a IT program , that didnt work. This one will!


GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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Disciplinary and Termination Restrictions within the Federal Govt, more precisely the VA, makes any type of meaningful change difficult to impossible.

I think even Gen George Patton or Gen Chesty Puller would have great difficulting with the VA. Govt employees, by and large for the most part, don't want to "Kill the Job."

Years ago (mid 90's), when I was personally interested in such things, as I recall the "Experts" of the time claimed an employer's expectation of a 70+% expectation of productivity from any non-professional labor force was being overly optimistic. This opinion strictly addressed the private sector, not the Municipal, State and Federal workforce.

Think expectations of productivity have changed, I doubt that very much.

Semper Fi

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Flashback---- Chesty's son Lewis (severely wounded in Vietnam) was a VA lawyer for some time at VA Central.....USMC of course.

He was one of the first ( most well known) suicide victims of PTSD. Died a few months before my husband did.

His book is fabulous. Max Clellan, another 100% er SC, was a VA Secretary. PTSD got him good too.

If they ever do his bio documentary on TV dont miss  it and dont miss the best PTSD doc I ever saw....

"Fit to Kill" .......years ago.....

This is one of the docs available    ...many ........warning...stressors ....sounds....sights...



GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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I appreciate the kind words. I continue to trudge my way along.

Unfortunately my VSO has had no contact with me. They sent me a letter once, basically saying if you call us, keep it short because were so busy helping people we don't have a lot of time. The one and only time I called them, I asked their advice about removing bi-lateral arm/shoulder pain from my claim, as I thought it was causing my sleep issues, after starting the Prazosin, it seemed to lessen, so I felt like maybe it was secondary to or caused by my sleep issues instead. I felt like claiming it might be an integrity issue if it was indeed caused by my sleep problems (I was up anywhere from 6 to 20 times per night)The VSO guy said, "it's your claim, do what you want". I told him that I had muddled through so far alone and seem to be doing ok on the claim myself, he laughed at me and said "again, it's your claim, do what you want". I hate to change VSO's at this point in the game, but I might be better off to do so.

Talked to the VA again today. Gal said they have sent 3 requests to Records Management Center with no response. Told me I could call the RMC and inquire. I did and RMC said, all the VA has to do is call their office and they will direct them to the records, she said they already know that, so she didn't understand why they hadn't just made the phone call. Called VA and passed that on, they said, we've sent 3 requests and the claim will not move forward until we get the STR's or a negative response.......Quagmire! <sp

Oh well.......eventually has to go somewhere I suppose.


Semper Fi!

Edited by IMEF-Gunny

Currently Service Connected:

30% - IBS, 0% - Hearing Loss, 10% - Tinnitus, 40% - Fibromyalgia, 70% - Anxiety  Total - 90% SC

Pending - PTSD Filed June 2017

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Meds and of course PTSD, can also cause sleep issues.but do you mean sleep apnea? 

Is this perhaps a urinary problem that wakes you up?

I suggest you use IRIS and file a complaint on the records request.

The complaint box is a pop down, where you can narrow the complaint down to who they should direct it to.

VA lies about being unable to obtain SMRs as well as SSA records. believe me, as a hardcore claimant myself, they can and will snafu and fubar the most important stuff a claimant needs them to have.

Did you add the sleep problems as secondarys?


"Unfortunately my VSO has had no contact with me. They sent me a letter once, basically saying if you call us, keep it short because were so busy helping people we don't have a lot of time."

That is a really pisser Gunny.....if they send the same letter to every vet they POA, they will have plenty of time to kill.......Is this one of the Big Six orgs?

I just reported a DAV rep to his boss 2 weeks ago.

The problem involved a critical deadline and the form he filed was fraudulent...not his fault.

His DAV hours are only 3 days a week and the answer machine says to leave contact info for an appointment.

I left a brief message and he never called me back that was over a month ago now.

I dont think he ever calls anyone back. The vets cannot make an appointment with his answer machine on all day and he does not seem to reply to anyone--or he just didnt want to deal with my message.

I reported him to his boss at the DAV..I said 'listen, what I am trying to do is cover my butt as an advocate and also cover the big butt of the DAV and VA as well."..he got exactly what the situation was.... gave me email addy for a VBA person who would help but that person was on vacation until one day before the claim deadline... ophones alls and emails wortk--- he cme back, reeived more info I had for him and....maybe I will never hear the results or maybe the DAV will ask me to help with the claim...which I would---- maybe they found out I sued my DAV REP in Fed court years ago but that was all resolved very well.....after I deposed the rep.I am pro se attorney. Still, if they googled me, they would find out I was legit.

sorry for typos....gotta leave



GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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