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C&P for Bruxism secondary to PTSD

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Stick Slinger


I am rated at 30% for PTSD and I have other things pending but after returning as a door gunner in Desert Storm, I started having severe headaches and TMJ. Both have been diagnosed and DBQ done by my medical Dr stating more likely than not related to the PTSD. I have an upcoming C&P exam with QTC for my diagnosed Bruxism, related to PTSD. I have broken several  teeth from grinding at night and just broke another crown that they will see on Monday when I go in.

Anyone else ever dealt with this or have any advice? I sleep with a mouth guard but I am on my 3rd one right now after chewing threw the first two. I also have been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and sleep with a prescribed CPAP machine.. Any advise is appreciated.

Semper Fi!

Edited by Stick Slinger
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I filed around the middle of May. I have been diagnosed from my Dr with Migraines, TMJ, Bruxism, and sleep apnea.

I have been awarded 30% for PTSD and asked for them to review the rating and they called me back in for another C&P but I have heard nothing from that.

I an going to see QTC on Monday for the bruxism. I have broken teeth and had them fixed with crowns only to break the crowns. I sleep with a mouth guard but had chewed through two of them so far. The constant headaches and jaws hurting is getting really old!

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@Stick Slinger - the new night guards are padded. I had an older one for 5 years - it did not hold up & the new ones  have a soft resilient inside. check it out. 

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So I had my exam today. It was scheduled at 12:00 so I got there @ 11:50. Filled out some paperwork and they took me back @ 12:20.. immediately I had a girl helping me over to get some type of Xray of my face. this thing spun around my head taking pictures I guess. So I then go and sit down waiting for the Dentist. Nice enough lady came in and asked me a few questions. I told her I had a letter from my Dr and from my Dentist that I would like to make sure she has. She said she had everything in the computer. I asked her to please look over it to make sure she had these letters. It wasn't there and she acted a little rude and asked someone to scan them into my file. So I felt better knowing she at least saw and hopefully read the letters.

She asked me a few questions and then looked at my teeth for a few seconds. Then she typed in a little stuff and told me thank you for your service and I was done.

That's it?? OK now it is 1:00 and the girl quickly escorted me to the door and told me to have a great day.. I said, "it must be lunch time for yall as quick as you are getting me out of here. She laughed and said yep..


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UPDATE 7-26-17


I went by the veteran services here and ask her to print off what ever was entered from the Severe Bruxism C&P from July 10th. It was in there and she printed it for me. It says under Pertinent Findings:

A note dated June 6th authored by Dr X X diagnosed the claimant with PTSD and symptoms attributable to PTSD which included severe bruxism and migraines. Also a letter dated April 17 2017 signed by ( a different Dr) stated claimant suffered from OSA as confirmed by a sleep study in Feb 2017. He was prescribed a CPAP machine to treat the condition, but is unable to wear it many times because of his anxiety and "feelings of suffocation"  secondary to the PTSD. The letter also stated that the claimant had suffered from Migraine headaches, TMJ disorder and PTSD since 1991.

Then the box was checked stating: the claimed condition is at least as likely as not ( 50 % or greater probability ) proximately due to or the result of the veterans service connected condition.

So now I guess I wait. I still am waiting for DBQ appointments for the Sleep Apnea, Migraines, and TMJ..





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