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How can the rating officers make completely false statements, and those overseeing those decisions answer to no one, totally unaccountable to anyone. They are "untouchable", and I no longer believe any of the regulations, UCMJ, or any other regulations. It is the biggest farce ever pulled on veterans, and one form after the other can continue for a lifetime, and sometimes does. I hate to have this attitude, but after what I have seen over the last three years, you realize that things are exactly as they appear to be. When you feel deceived, you are. When a file is missing, it was intentionally removed. When a record can't be found, it was destroyed. You are not imagining things, and you are not delusional, but you are being played for the suckers. Your research, documented illness, injury or disease, your evidence of occurring in service is useless if the VA doesn't want to man up. It will just lie, like the WACO, TX VARO, and finding an honest judge may be impossible. I have been told by the TX varo that the Army's own medical documents don't exist. I have them because they gave them to me after 46 years, but they don't exist if the VA doesn't want them to. I have learned a lot, had my eyes opened to some real truths about our governments employees and how low they willingly go, and what they will do. Fake news, fake UCMJ, fake regulations, fake laws basically describes the VA because it is not accountable. Those you believe in at that administration office will be the first to gut you, to deceive you, and make sure you are deprived of any benefit, truth, or justice. This is more of a statement than a question, and I have actually answered myself. Do yourself a favor and get a lawyer, not a VSO. They are sales people. Do sales people work for you or the product manufacturers? Go buy a new car and see how hard that salesman fights for you a lower price from his boss. Think about it.   I don't need a response, I got it. Thanks.

victor ray

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Because they CAN.  WE havent put enough pressure on elected officials to do anything about the VA "Kangaroo Court", aka the VAOIG.  And, that is the only accountability for VA employees.  They are not held accountable for bad service to Veterans, they can lie to us, and nothing is done.  The VA votes with their dollars, and they are consistently given more money because the VA always has an answer to any criticism:  WE need more money.  

Congress gives it to them, the VA squanders it, as usual, and when Vets complain, the VA says again:  We need more money.  

One example is the Veterans choice program.  Vets complained because of the long wait time, where many Vets died.  Congress responded with another 8 billion or so of money for Veterans choice.  

After VA got their money, the VASEC announced that most of that money would be used to fund a VA hosptial that was more than a billion in cost over runs, instead of Veterans choice.  It was a perfect example of how VA makes sure any money goes to favorite contractors, VA exec bonuses, VA exec parties, but not to Veterans, and the VAOIG nods off and looks the other way.  

Did you notice in the VAOIG reports they "make recommendations"?  Well our police force does not "make recommendations" they arrest bad guys.  VAOIG does not arrest bad guys because they are bad guys.  

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The RO is exactly as WellsFargo. All that matters is how many transactions you did. That's it- That's ALL you talk about at work. That's all your supervisor cares about.

If you make the supervisor look good, the supervisor can make your little transgression go away.

What can you do about it? Complain. As Bronco said:

17 hours ago, broncovet said:

"just the facts, Maam"

'This is what they did to me.

When I complained to XXX, this is how they blew my concerns off.

Because of the response, I'm concerned they're doing this to other Veterans.

What are you going to do to rectify this?'

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1 hour ago, MikeHunt said:

The RO is exactly as WellsFargo. All that matters is how many transactions you did. That's it- That's ALL you talk about at work. That's all your supervisor cares about.

If you make the supervisor look good, the supervisor can make your little transgression go away.

What can you do about it? Complain. As Bronco said:


'This is what they did to me.

When I complained to XXX, this is how they blew my concerns off.

Because of the response, I'm concerned they're doing this to other Veterans.

What are you going to do to rectify this?'

Write the president, write Secretary Shulkin, write the BVA (they have been under investigation too),  write your State Veterans Commission, and revoke any POA from all VSOs. Make the VSO sign everything in front of you, and FAX everything. Accept no "we'll put it in the mail", because it tends to get lost very conveniently. Time is on their side, and they use it against you. 

I don't think we have discovered the experiments that took place in the Mekong Delta either. Those gamma globulin injections caused a lot of illness and diseases, but that's covered up too. Vietnam Vets got screwed period, and the VA has the power to make it right, but no desire.

victor ray

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Well this is what Appeals are for, the Veteran has the burden to prove his case and no matter what the raters says or decides  that can always be beat down...and you do that with good solid medical evidence using a private specialist leaving no stones un turned. 

 It may not be easy but by using the correct CFR'S  with correct rating criteria  & Medical Evidence in your favor will prevail over a rater decision ,  just lay it all out and prove your correct...usually with a DRO Hearing or a BVA Judge by this time.  


WE need to educate the private Dr's to the Language/GUIDELINES and LAW of the VA, I've did this twice and both times was approved.

This is actually what  VA Certified Reps and Experienced Attorneys do. but some times we can't afford an attorney or give the 20% of any retro SO WE HAVE TO WORK OUR OWN CLAIMS THE BEST WE CAN.

I advise veterans that are having problems with their claims in Appeals  to read other BVA Decisions that would pertain/or close to to their own claim, you can learn a lot with the CFR's and case Law  and it helps , you will be amazed.

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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2 hours ago, broncovet said:

Because they CAN.  WE havent put enough pressure on elected officials to do anything about the VA "Kangaroo Court", aka the VAOIG.  And, that is the only accountability for VA employees.  They are not held accountable for bad service to Veterans, they can lie to us, and nothing is done.  The VA votes with their dollars, and they are consistently given more money because the VA always has an answer to any criticism:  WE need more money.  

Congress gives it to them, the VA squanders it, as usual, and when Vets complain, the VA says again:  We need more money.  

One example is the Veterans choice program.  Vets complained because of the long wait time, where many Vets died.  Congress responded with another 8 billion or so of money for Veterans choice.  

After VA got their money, the VASEC announced that most of that money would be used to fund a VA hosptial that was more than a billion in cost over runs, instead of Veterans choice.  It was a perfect example of how VA makes sure any money goes to favorite contractors, VA exec bonuses, VA exec parties, but not to Veterans, and the VAOIG nods off and looks the other way.  

Did you notice in the VAOIG reports they "make recommendations"?  Well our police force does not "make recommendations" they arrest bad guys.  VAOIG does not arrest bad guys because they are bad guys.  

Yes, they make recommendations and that's about it. I don't know how many findings the VA received from 1972 to 2015, but in that 43 year period they spent only what it took to falsely withhold the absolute 100% documented evidence. Nothing on medical care even though I still carry a P-3 profile, 46 years after it was issued. Never saw a PEBLO, or real medical board. 

Write and call the media.


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thank you and I have done all that for about the 3rd time now, and it up for a DRO decision. I was told by the DRO in St. Louis that it would go much quicker with a review decision as opposed to an inperson visit. That was in March and it looking like November at the earliest. I believed the DRO like a fool. The impression she gave was a few months, like last June, which came and went. Now they sent for my SSDisability records, and had me send in the 21-4142, which extends the process another year, basically. They have blatantly lied, withheld treatment records, altered others, removed many, so it's difficult to lay out th case when they supply you with the evidence, and then say it doesn't exist. It just corrupt employees basically, and it takes cold, biased, heartless people to work there. Everyone is a liar until vindicated. 

What many don't realize that your evidence is not evidence at all, unless the BVA says it's evidence, or DRO, whoever you are with. Just because you have it in writing doesn't mean it will be used, in fact they can tell you it doesn't exist. The papers in your hand do not exist. That's where the lawyers come in. They are generally accepted as professionally creditable, and when he submits the same papers, they now become evidence. This so called backlog is fake, self generated, along with the NWQ. Your claim is basically decided in 125 days, but the apparent disability rate, monthly payment, back pay, and disease illness or injury determines the path it takes and length of time to resolve it. Kind of like sorting mail. Claims filed years ago have their own special shoot, with a whole dif ferment set of forms, all designed to take various lengths of time, or requiring different additional forms to delay. They are masters at deception because they designed the game, and have been playing it forever. My claim in the NWQ went from St. Louis, Mo to Georgia, then to Nebraska, then to Texas, where they said there are no records, lol. Now it's back at St. Louis. It never went anywhere in reality, but the powers that decide are in different locations, the ones mentioned, and they all take a crack at finding flaws, a reason to delay defer, or deny. When the claim is good, it's put through different sets of laws looking for other avenues where it can be denied, decreased, or delayed. Each stage takes time, so we die off with unsolved  claims. Not all cases require lawyers, but if you are owed any real back pay, it's probably worth it, because they are greedy, and the more you get the more they get. Any claim involving Agent Orange, large backpay, CUEs, malpractice, negligence are going to be challenged. Good luck.

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