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TDIU - buying duplex

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I am rated at 90% with TDIU.

I also have Social Security Disability

I make 150 per month off pension from state

I know I am not allowed to earn any substantial income but I am looking at maybe a duplex up to a quadplex (but rare with 3 bedrooms) home.

I will live in one of the units

VA Home loan program will cover up to quadplex (as least thats what I have been told as long as I do live in one of the units)

I am wanting to do this because most of my income comes from the federal government, and if for some reason one or the other or even both stops.. i wil at least have my home being paid for buy renters hopefully (thats the plan)

Social Security Disablitiy is pretty straight forward.. I can only make 1,170 per month.  Which I can stay under even if quadplex.. i just wouldnt rent the fourth apartment out and reserve it for family in need on an emergency basis.

VA Compensation TDIU is a bit more complex on the rules.  

No substantial income.. thats vague and can be interpretated by an individual in many differenient ways.

I would like some feed back on this from as many people or hopefully others that have went down this same path I am looking at.

Thanks in advance!



South Indianapolis message me if you need help, and if I can I will

I also am starting to gold pan as a hobby, and if your interested maybe we can hook up.

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The difference between "substantial gainful employment" and income is  important.  You can have plenty of income from investments, stocks, bitcoin, etc, as you are not "working" to "earn" that income.  

SGE is defined as earning over the poverty level which depends on your number of dependents, but is around 11,000 per year.  

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A mortgage is not easy from the point of view of constant financial dependence and the need to obtain a stable income. It seems to be a rather difficult decision to take out a mortgage when you live on disability benefits. But still, a mortgage allows you to get your own home after a while, which is very important. I also decided on a mortgage without having a stable source of income, and thanks to Mortgage Advisor Liverpool, I was able to choose the most appropriate option for myself. Over time, I learned how to manage the lowest incomes properly, and now I'm doing pretty well. I wish you good luck with your decision!

Edited by Grizimino
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Certainly a mortgage requires constant monthly payments, but then, renting does too. The costs may be more, or less, compared to the rental, but you still need to make those consistent. The new VA Life insurance and S-DVI can be found here     https://www.benefits.va.gov/insurance/valife.asp

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You will not have any problems with the VA. Renting apartments you own is not gainful employment.

Years go I considered a duplex, but after living in a rental duplex for a while decided against it. Why?  Because you cannot chose your neighbors, and its bad enough if the neighbor is in the next house, but in the same building things get worse. You have to share a yard, you may only have enough parking for one or two cars, which today is not enough. You have at least one common wall, and I learned living in government housing you can hear your neighbor in the next unit. 

A Four plex could be a bigger challenge.  Depending on what you purchase, you will only have a normal sized back yard, that 4 units have to share. Image having a cook out, and your neighbor's  kid or kids invite themselves, what do you do feed them or tell the to scram. Good luck, hope it works out.. for me living with my next door neighbor ( and he is a problem) is enough trouble for me.

                                                                                I am not a lawyer so take my opinions with a grain of salt...

If I had listened to the nay sayers, I would never have acheived any ratings after I was awarded TDIU in 1999. Now I have not one but two 100% ratings, a TDIU  and 4 SMC awards !  I say JUST GO For It

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” -Albert Einstein.






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