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Galen Rogers


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If you go back to the main forum page and scroll down you will see that there is a section for IMO.

Valor4vet has been posted there. One member used them, posted about it, but hasn't responded with the outcome--since appeals take years.

She is a physician assistant, who after becoming one, worked for the VA as a C & P Denier to pay off her student loans.  Her husband's a marine veteran (likely had her do all his IME/IMOs for free) and helps in the office reviewing the c-file for her since she does the exams and write poorly written reports. They have a baby. They are located in Tempe down the street from Arizona State University and market to the wet behind the ears veterans that recently left the service while attending college.

For me, I wouldn't spend one of my bahrain dinar on her, when the VA it self can get one of their bottom of the barrel medical school flunkies to write a bogus opinion and continue the viscous develop to deny cycle against you.

"You get what you pay for."

Which is why I went local with seeing a board certified specialist having this real competent private physician know my conditions for over a year and not just a Jiffy Lube McDonald's burger. And physician assistants under law aren't allow to work for themselves, they need to be under medical doctor supervision. But what about CVS and their one minute nurses?, well they got that covered with one doctor in every state to circumvent that law.

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Thanks for the info. The problem I'm having is the Ortho Doctor who has seen me in the past won't do an IME for me or even just regular exam of my knees with a written and legible report of what he sees. All I have been able to find are doctors who normally do these exams for lawyers and charge $1500 or more for each item examined. It's quite frustrating. It could be where I'm at (Northern VA). So guess I'll keep looking. If anyone knows of less expensive options that still provide good documentation please let me know. 

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Unfortunately $1500 is about the going rate for an IMO.  Very few doctors want to get involved in VA affairs, and do not know what to write even if they did.  Save your dollars and get a quality IMO when you can because the cheaper options are usually a waste of your hard earned dollars.  The question becomes, is the IMO really worth it?  In my case it was because I was looking at ten years of back pay and $3000 did not look like that much when you looked at what I stood to gain.

It is a sad state of affairs when veterans must spend this kind of money for an exam to refute a medical opinion that is faulty.  Unfortunately the VA does not pay doctors to write winning opinions. 

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Thanks for the response. What i need is an exam and report that say what my current condition is. I am challenging the rating they gave me (low ball). So I don't actually need a NEXUS letter. I already spent around $6K forn one that I submitted with my initial claim. That helped get it approved. I just need a current evaluation to help justify my request for an increased ratingand to refute the C&P nurse who examined me. All they have to do is examine me, look at the current MRI and then write what they find. Basically what they would do if I just went to them and said my knees are bothering me and want to know what is wrong. So I think I will just do that. My Tricare military clinic doctor won't do that. SO I will just go to an Ortho Dr. that I have never seen and get a second opinion. 

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I called around and found a Dr that never had gave a IMO /ime to a Veteran  his office girl went I explained what I needed and she went back to ask him  he said tell me to come in and bring my va medica recordsa that petain to what my condition was and he would read them  and  he said yes he would help me all he could after he examines me and test me....he gave me a great IMO to dupute a VA Dr   although my private Dr was a Specialist as the VA was just a regular MD...And this private Dr even put his credentials and address and phone # and said if you need to contact me with any questions about this letter please feel free to any during regular business hours   9:00 am to 5:P.M. Mondays through Friday's.

I think this IMO WAS 90.00 for the first visit and 300.00 for the Dr to write the letter.

it really helps when contacting these Dr. to tell them what all you need and that your trying to get a claim awarded based on your Military condition. the Dr is not liable in any way with the VA if they use the words ''likely as not''caused by his military service.

I ask this Dr to write up his medical opinion after he examined me and tested me and just what all he thinks and to rebute what the VA Dr mention  he said Roger that.

I mention this to the private Dr and he  understood and was glad I mention it to him  and he put that in my Letter. (Is likely as not)..I have had 3 private Dr's to render their opinion and all three times it worked....my private Dr's were all specialist in the field of my condition. and I ask them to put their credentials at the end of his letter.

They all 3 uses their own business head letter.

Call around there are Dr's out there that will help veterans you just have to find them  and explain what you need and why. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE INSURANCE JUST LET THEM KNOW...I PAID THEM CASH..

by letting them know you don't have insurance  the Veteran friendly Dr will know you can't afford a lot out of pocket.

 don't get discourage after calling and all you get is a no Or we only take  patients with insurance...I called about 50 different Dr's and groups of Dr's until I hit the jackpot  sort of speak.

It just depends if the Dr is veteran friendly and wants to help you.

Be honest and direct when you talk to these Dr's and be open...you can tell him/her about your finance situation if you want too  I think I mention I had no Insurance   the Dr understood that.  these veteran friendly Dr's are not stupid and can read between the lines as for as why your asking him/her for their help.

Edited by Buck52

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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2 hours ago, Galen Rogers said:

Thanks for the info. The problem I'm having is the Ortho Doctor who has seen me in the past won't do an IME for me or even just regular exam of my knees with a written and legible report of what he sees. All I have been able to find are doctors who normally do these exams for lawyers and charge $1500 or more for each item examined. It's quite frustrating. It could be where I'm at (Northern VA). So guess I'll keep looking. If anyone knows of less expensive options that still provide good documentation please let me know. 

Yea I feel you. You could get 100 percent disability and that wouldn't cover your cost for rent in this area. But back to the rates and nexus letter stuff. I figured you have them fill out a DMQ and then have them write a short statement to back up what you need to show the VA? I mean how would that cost 1500? Unless we are asking to write a thesis on your condition.

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