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mycosis fungoides

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Anyone know if  mycosis fungoides is on the A.O. LIST in some other type name?  its a itchy skin deseas  I have on my loew back *three liason patches circles....the VA don't know what it is after 2 biopsy ...the VA Dr the other day mention chronic mycosis fungoides   I am not sure they know what it is?

..I been exposed to A.O (Vietnam). but also exposed to the weed killer Round-up i USED on our yard and garden when we live out in the county about 10 years ago

I';ve been dealing with this with the VA the last 4 or 5 years,

Anyone know if it can be connected to  the A.O. AS A PRESUMPTION CLAIM?

OR Should Take this to the private sector and file on the Round-up Compesation?

I maybe able to get the VA dR TO GIVE ME A DIAGNOSE and see what he says?

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Hi Buck:

I am not sure if this is truly good news or bad news, but this is what 

I found. This article that says it is defined as non-hodgkin lymphomas, which are of course on the A.O. list


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  • HadIt.com Elder

Thanka GB

I can't get the VA Dr's to diagnose this..they just kinda he haw around it  but this last VA Dr mention this ''mycosis fungoides ''   but won't comment on the A.0. Other than its possible

...but I need a diagnose for it before I can do anything...I been dealing with this for the last 4 or 5 years  and just about every time I have an appointment (ever 2 to 3 months)to see how its going  they just prescribe me ointments to put on to stop the itch and I see a different Dr   a lot of times they bring 4 or 5 students in while they exam me  but I am afraid it will get worse...so for its just round looking patches that itch like crazy especially in the shower, no one in my family has this  and it just came up on me about 5 years ago  out of the blue.

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Buck,you're at 100%; are you close to getting a SMC? I don't want to know but If the numbers work out, maybe you should spring for a specialist for the diagnosis on the outside. Yes it will cost you, but if you have had this for 4+ years already, thats a lot of bananas you didn't get paid if you got a step up. Whatever you do, I wish you well.

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  • HadIt.com Elder


yes I am 100% with SMC S & K

I won't be getting any comp  unless I lose my arms legs  and my mind  but if this gets worse it can cause me all kinds of problems.

    if its service connected now then that may not be a problem on down the road.

but I need to see if its A.O. Related  & on the presumption list?..if not  then this maybe a private matter  from the Round-up (WEED KILLER)I used to use and handle about 10 years ago ?

 They do have a Round-up claims to file with private attorneys  which would be separate from the VA...i DON'T WANT TO FILE ON VA if its not service related.  

Its a hard diagnoses for the Dr's to make  and I understand that  but something needs to be done.

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Buck, I don't know where I saw this so take it with a grain of salt. My understanding is that if you put in for compensation, like the asbestos claim (and probably Round-Up), the stipulation is that the amount you receive would somehow be used to decrease the amount of comp/disability from the VA. Kinda like a double dip. I also think that those type of claims don't typically pay out a whole lot either. So my point is be sure you get good legal advise if you choose the Round-Up route. By the way, if you went to the sight I referenced earlier to you, it sure looks to me it would be non-hodgkin lymphoma, which is on the AO list. Of course you need the confirming diagnosis.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Yes I need a diagnose for it and if its on the A.O.List I will file with VA.

So your saying if I go the Round-up way and get compensated  from the Round -up Manufactures  ect,,,ect,,,the VA will cut my benefits?

I never knew that ?? do you know what regulation that is?

What if a Veteran was in a auto accident and was compensated by the insurance company...would they cut that veterans benefits also?

To me that don't make a lick of sense   but when did the VA Ever make any sense  eh!

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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