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mycosis fungoides

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Anyone know if  mycosis fungoides is on the A.O. LIST in some other type name?  its a itchy skin deseas  I have on my loew back *three liason patches circles....the VA don't know what it is after 2 biopsy ...the VA Dr the other day mention chronic mycosis fungoides   I am not sure they know what it is?

..I been exposed to A.O (Vietnam). but also exposed to the weed killer Round-up i USED on our yard and garden when we live out in the county about 10 years ago

I';ve been dealing with this with the VA the last 4 or 5 years,

Anyone know if it can be connected to  the A.O. AS A PRESUMPTION CLAIM?

OR Should Take this to the private sector and file on the Round-up Compesation?

I maybe able to get the VA dR TO GIVE ME A DIAGNOSE and see what he says?

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I'll tell you where this came from. I talked to a friend who has copd. He said he gets (or got) very small comp checks from a couple of these asbestos litigation funds. I think he still does but it isn't as much as what the VA pays, even for 10%. But what happens is when he tried to get a VA disability, they denied and said that since he was getting payment from the fund, it was evidence that he didn't get the breathing problems in the Navy, but after his service. In otherwords, the VA denied s-c for him. So, I'm just saying you got to really check this out and make sure you're not going to short change yourself. The obvious thing is you need to find out what the anticipated payout would be from Round-Up and compare to a likely diagnostic code. Also, would your additional VA s-c coverage likely help with survivor benefits if that is a consideration for you.As for whether or not VA decisions make any sense, well, it's there ball and their rules.

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From just one of the many BVA decisions:    

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with active disease or during a treatment phase is rated 100 percent. The 100 percent rating shall continue beyond the cessation of any surgical, radiation, antineoplastic chemotherapy or other therapeutic procedures. Six months after discontinuance of such treatment, the appropriate disability rating shall be determined by VA examination. If there has been no local recurrence or metastasis, then a rating shall be based on residuals. 38 C.F.R. § 4.118, Diagnostic Code 7715."



Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is on the AO presumptive list....



Edited by toddt
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  • HadIt.com Elder


Here is in part what the Dr said in her notes  on date 8-01-2019 on my last visit at the VA. I had a biopsy done in 5-23 2017 and one in 2018

Also what is ''lower back with skin colored patch with cigarette paper appearance'' mean??? IF ANYONE CAN UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS DOC SAID HERE LET ME KNOW?

Antecedent history: Presented with annular rash on lower back. Biopsied on 5/23/17 with results returning as follows: SKIN, LOWER BACK (PUNCH BX): - This case was sent for consultation to Cockerell Dermatopathology. - An addendum report will follow. ADDENDUM (6/2/17): COCKERELL DERMATOPATHOLOGY REPORT (6/1/17) SKIN, LOWER BACK (PUNCH BX): - PATCHY INFILTRATE WITH SLIGHT EPIDERMOTROPISM. NOTE: While not unequivocally diagnostic this pattern may be seen in some forms of early patch stage mycosis fungoides and if that is possible clinically, it would be advisable to perform additional biopses. These are not the features of dermatophytosis or Hansen's disease in these sections. ROS: Denies F/C. No other skin complaints. Personal History NMSC/Malignant Melanoma/Other Skin disease: denies FamHx NMSC/Malignant Melanoma/Other Skin Disease: denies Allergies: PENICILLIN Medications reviewed Exam: WA, WD, alert, in NAD A body skin examination including the face, neck, shoulders, chest, back, abdomen, buttocks, upper and lower extremities was notable for: - Mid lower back with skin colored patch with cigarette paper appearance, no erythema or scale -


 Scalp with small areas of greasy scale. Non-odorous -

Eczematous dermatitis with pruriuts - Likely early patch stage MF (favored based on chronicity and biopsy), Stage 1a. No progression today and no systemic symptoms - Continue TAC 0.1% ointment BID - Continue Eucerin moisturizer for xerosis. Refilled. - Patient to call clinic for sooner appointment if rash fails to improve - Discussed the possibility of a diagnosis of MF and that overall at this stage it does not change our management. He denies systemic sx and knows to call the clinic if the rash worsens or he develops fever, chills, night sweats, weight loss 2) Seborrheic dermatitis - Will re-examine at next visit  10/31/2019

Duypentrens Contracture left hand Extending from palm to left fourth MCP joint is a cord like fibrotic plaque A/P 1) will get x-rays today.

Edited by Buck52

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Obviously, there is a need for an exam by an independent dermatologist, whether it is non-hopkins or not. This is just a guess on my part, but I know I am not a doctor, and I seriously doubt that anyone here is a doc either. So, IMO I would get the exam and go from there on what action to take. I certainly wouldn't count on the VA to do a good job based on how they have determined so far.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Roger that GB Army

My thinking too..now to save up for that private exam  eh!

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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