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VA in the DMV area

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Quick background; I injured my back severely in Kuwait in 2013(I was 22) no proper medical exam or treatment at the peek of the injury just pumped full of pain meds. Once back in the states it still took months before Someone decided I actually needed an xray just to be told I was fine. There were times where I’d experience temporary paralysis below the waist, daily pain levels above 5, numbness, pinching and burning sensations in lower back and to be told nothing was wrong made me want to give up and suffer in silence because no1 seem to take me serious. However the pain was so intense I found myself in the ER sometimes twice a week with strange knots in my back that were shrugged off as muscle spasms and just given more pain meds. I was given a 10% rating after separating in 2014. I didn’t know what that meant or why. Almost 7yrs later the pain is worse back and forth with the VA with treatment that either aggravates or just doesn’t work and I recently discovered that I was diagnosed with sciatic nerve pain BUT it stated it didn’t come from work. I couldn’t believe it. I now live in MD near DC and although terribly discouraged feel I need to fight what seems to be a system that hasn’t cared for me properly since day 1 and appeal. The question is. IS IT WORTH IT? I paid out of pocket for X-rays and made some discoveries about my back that make much more since than what the VA tells me. Has anyone experienced anything similar?

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I was discharged with some sort of mental condition and granted 10%.  I knew this was a low ball since I was unable to work.  I began the fight in 1972 after I got back from Vietnam.  The VA lied to me about what happened to my IMO and most of my health records.  I never even got a C&P exam.  I was in the VA nuthouse for a couple of months and that is where they made the decision to deny my appeal for more that 10%. I went on for years appealing and being denied increases on the most flimsy exams.  Typical exam would be one or two questions from a VA shrink:   "Are you working" and "Do you hear voices or see things?.  By that time I had to have been working or I would have starved.  I did not hear voices or see funny animals.   Therefore no increase. Finally, I got a exam shrink who actually asked me a few questions.  I got increased to 30%.  I knew it was possible to get increased at that point.  I went at it seriously and got 70% and when I lost my postal job I got TDIU.   It took 30 years.  Thanks to help here on Hadit I got through the VA minefield.    The VA system is really a disgrace and the VA tends to keep you in the dark.  If we lucky few win our claims imagine the thousands who fail and give up.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I agree John and when most of us Vietnam Veterans got out   no information was sent to us about filing for these claims.

I never knew a condition that happen in military we could claim later on in life  and us older Vietnam Veterans are seeing more and more conditions come up as we get older.

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Hey John999

Where in the heck you been? we've missed you on here buddy!

I been wondering about you  and your area you live  if you had to fight some neighbors or something?

Hope your doing ok?

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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I have a herniated disc in my neck.  It causes me a lot of pain when I type.  I don't want to get surgery so I have to limit how much I tap away on the keyboard.  I have had so many opinions on what to do about it.  I will be on here as much as possible.  I think about you guys.  I am somewhat behind in every thing.  I can give my own story of pursing VA benefits for 45 years.  I have gotten my TDIU and three SMC's over the years so there is hope for 100% benefits and extra money no matter how old you might be.  Back in 1972 when I started to claim benefits the VA system was so corrupt and worthless. Maybe if is better now, but I doubt it.

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  • HadIt.com Elder
On 12/9/2019 at 9:16 AM, Buck52 said:

I agree John and when most of us Vietnam Veterans got out   no information was sent to us about filing for these claims.

I never knew a condition that happen in military we could claim later on in life  and us older Vietnam Veterans are seeing more and more conditions come up as we get older.

Now I have four AO conditions including DMII,  Heart Disese, P.N. in all four limbs,  Chronic pain disorder.  I think my high blood pressure is most definitely related to the other AO conditions.  I take pills all day and I some times forget to take 10 pills at a time twice a day.   I found the VSO's not very helpful and some downright hostile and dismissive. I saw a female vet breakdown into tears due to attitude of VA DAV counselor.   They have nerve wanting  19$ a month to do what?  So they can party hardy?  I have been a life member for 40 years and they have done little for me..Hadit deserves 20$ a month since they actually help.  VA knew I was out of work and never mentioned TDIU.  It was a VA secret in 1970 I guess.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I agree John999.

The Veterans of today may have it hard as we did back in Vietnam but at least they are getting the health information before they get out and being screen for just about everything.

My grandson just got out(2018)  and  has a 100%P&T RATING he had filed on some conditions that he had and was not expecting the 100%scheduler rating at age 24...he said they added some other conditions and that combined him to the 100%P&T Rating.  I told him he was lucky they did that.

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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