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Cry Me A River

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Well will someone cry me a river for misleading dipsticks on another veterans benefits advice forum.  Many of the so called wise ones over there who often belittle vets for asking certain questions regarding claims and display an abrupt arrogant attitude toward same vets are now the ones who are griping and complaining about their own serious health issues and having to pay out of pocket for expensive dental work due to overloaded VA dental service in some locations.  Tough S.  Their forum run by a weed head who also who styles himself as a cool joker bans other vets for taking issue (disagreeing) with some of their misleading or lying advice to newbie vets and others.

I suggest all vets seeking questions to your disability questions to be wary of the other forum and to double check if possible any advice you receive from any forum on important issues of your claims/appeals. Besides this Hadit forum you can cross check advice from many reputable online veterans law firms that post free advice on their webpages and also many hundreds of public non binding BVA decisions that are very similar to your own claim or appeal. 

Another source is the very respected thick disability manual from the National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) that can be purchased from Amazon or direct from publisher Lexisnexis website (expensive) but well worth it.  You can also purchase the manual on their DVD format and forgo the heavy thick manual.  Your choice.  You can of course ask questions of accredited VSO found at VA regional offices if they show proper attitude toward you and have the time of day for you.  I would definitely cross check any info from them though.

My information is based upon 30 plus years of successfully representing myself in claims and appeals before the VA and BVA and even the U.S. CAVC vet court.  I have won claims of CUE before the CAVC court, PTSD and TDIU before the VA, Vocational Rehab before the VA,  Agent Orange Heart Disease before the VA and others, etc. However, I am not an attorney, paralegal or VSO.

Edited by Dustoff 11
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It is always best to try to be sensitive and humble, we all learn from experience ours or someone else and it is best to learn from someone else. I may be wrong and you can correct me and tell me just to shut up but I think we all can still learn from others.   VA, sometimes I think they try to invent ways to deny a veteran's claim and what works for one veteran at a particular VA won't work for another.  There is no absolutely no continuity at VA. I would say things get better at the BVA and CAVC level but those levels can be scary too.  So I would say take a deep breath and try to relax.  We all try to tell veterans to do their own homework and know their own claim.  like my motto? My intention is to help, my advice may be wrong, be your own advocate and get a copy of your C-file and read CFR 38 part 4. Know what is in your SMRs and know the regulations.

It's printed so I don't have to say it over and over again.

Edited by pete992
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  • HadIt.com Elder

Pete I would say that it is my observation that "this ain't your first rodeo." 

Great posting; lot of wisdom there.

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I had comments on "the other forum", but I have decided that it was not productive for me to insult the other forum.  

You see, "just because" you have dirt on someone else, does not necessarily mean its in your best interest to tell the whole world about someone else's dirty laundry.  Sometimes its better to wash one's own laundry rather than point out how dirty your neighbor's laundry is.  Last I checked pointing out someone else's dirt does not make your laundry "one bit" cleaner.  

Even worse, if you point out other's dirt too much and too often, you could wind up rubbing off some of that dirt on you.  

Edited by broncovet
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This is not the place to discuss other forums.


Founder HadIt.com Veteran To Veteran LLC - Founded Jan 20, 1997


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I am writing my memoirs and would love it if you could help a shipmate out and look at it.

I've had a few challenges, perhaps the same as you. I relate them here to demonstrate that we can learn, overcome, and find purpose in life.

The stories can be harrowing to read; they were challenging to live. Remember that each story taught me something I would need once I found my purpose, and my purpose was and is HadIt.com Veterans.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

ALL Veterans need to do is come to hadit .com if they need help with their claim/claims  or anything VA

I pass out Hadit Cards at my VAMC and also chat with veterans and tell them about Hadit..Most don't know about Hadit.

Most all the Veterans that I have mention hadit.com to them , they have won their benefits and a lot of times more so than they expected.


I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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