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100% p&t exam

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Starting a new thread to avoid confusion.  I was awarded 100% p&t on 12/1/2020, effective 7/7/2020 (date of last c&p).  However, in the decision letter it says they are scheduling exams to evaluate my current severity.   What is the point if I’m already 100% p&t. Are they just looking to take away what they just gave me?

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Ok so now for a early effective date you have to have exams.

For a conditions  just granted yea ok.

He ain't ask for no increase rating on any of these issues it ain't even been a Year.

O now the va is just looking out for him.

By ordering more exams for 12 issues just granted

To see if they improve or need to be rated higher smh

I believe that what the purpose of the exams was  right.

He don't even have a letter stating there granted yet I thought.

Like I said I am postponing the exams until I get the letter.

If you got the notification letter and any award.

I would still put something about the exams in the record.

And u have to go to the exams if they dont cancel them.

Listen I got granted retro 8 years extra schedulers tdiu. 

I didn't go to no exam they used the record.

I could be wrong but that new to me that the bva grants a issue and then ro order exams to see if it improved.

Before they even give a notification letter.

Spo you have alot advice and you have a vso.

Good luck.





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I have read this whole deal twice, and may be missing something, but,

These may be "Veterans presence not required" exams.

In other words, the VA makes time for the examiners to look at the Veteran's medical records without having to see the Veteran.  I have had 2 or 3 of these in the past.  One time, I had one exam at 11:00 and the next one at 2:00.  The examiner stated that I could leave after the first one at 11, as the second one was a paper C&P exam.

So, they could be looking through your records for EED's, which is about all I can get out of these 11 pages..




“There is no hook my friend. There's only what we do.”  Doc Holiday 

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On 12/10/2021 at 10:31 PM, pwrslm said:

Why are you so against this? 

20% from 07/18 to 11/20 would be $301+ x16  months absent any other award. If the board made a mistake, it should be notified as quickly as possible because they may correct it on the spot. 

We are here to try to help, our opinions really don’t matter just trying to give the veteran the best advice. Yes, some advice is better than others but at present the veteran was told that the VA is currently working on his grant by reviewing his records and scheduling more exams to determine if the veteran should get an EED of his 100% P & T and or an SMC payment. Not sure why the veteran would even try to challenge (file a supplemental or an HLR) at this time. Cue claims can be filed at any time and there is no time limit. I am not against your post or any veteran getting his/her maximum benefits but why put the cart before the horse. By advising the veteran to allow the VA to do their job would be the best advantage.

At present the veteran stands to have his claim possibly awarded a 100% P & T back to November 2018 and an SMC payment compared to the advice of challenging the VA to increase a rating that they may or may not increase. Look at it this way, if the veteran files a supplemental claim/HLR it would put the claim in a disagreement status that would take a little longer and the veteran would possibly get a few extra hundred dollars a month compared to allowing the VA to complete their review of the veteran’s records and or exams including scheduling new exams and possibly get the veteran a few extra thousand dollars a month with an EED 100% rating and possibly an SMC payment. Which sounds better a few extra hundred dollars a month or a few extra thousand more dollars a month. We do not know what the VA will do but an EED of a 100% rating sounds really nice in these hard days. By using your math and this does not mean anything try calculating $1259.24 x 16 months absent any other award. The 1259.24 is the difference between 90% to 100% rating and this is only for a single veteran with no dependents.


Edited by pacmanx1

My intentions are to help, my advice maybe wrong, be your own advocate and know what is in your C-File and the 38 CFR that governs your disabilities and conditions.

Do your own homework. No one knows the veteran’s symptoms like the veteran. Never Give Up.

I do not give my consent for anyone to view my personal VA records.


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There ya go, missing the issue. The rating of 0% is final. Speculation on the outcome of the issues remanded is a blank check, in other words nothing is certain. It is certain that they awarded 0%. That is final, and a vet can raise that issue any time, not dependent on the outcome of the remand.


All that was distraction, yet nothing changed. The truth is like that. The 20% "could" also be the bump for SMC. But the simple fact is, if the Vet can show that there was pain noted in his records, the 20% is an easy gimme.

Edited by pwrslm
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37 minutes ago, pwrslm said:

All that was distraction, yet nothing changed. The truth is like that. The 20% "could" also be the bump for SMC. But the simple fact is, if the Vet can show that there was pain noted in his records, the 20% is an easy gimme.

Another issue missed or overlooked, the veteran is rated 90% and a 20% increase will not even move the combined rating score to reach an increase in his combined rating.  90% + 20% is rounded down to 90% no pay change, no increase in monthly pay, no retro payment, no nothing, just an increase. A 20% rating will not get an SMC payment. 

Edited by pacmanx1

My intentions are to help, my advice maybe wrong, be your own advocate and know what is in your C-File and the 38 CFR that governs your disabilities and conditions.

Do your own homework. No one knows the veteran’s symptoms like the veteran. Never Give Up.

I do not give my consent for anyone to view my personal VA records.


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