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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by ArNG11

  1. I'm not sure where to go with this. I know back in my AF days an original Dd214 got sent to my home of record, the others were sent to me at my forwarding address when I separated. 

    What about the local state beureau, when they were processing your medical discharge?  

    I dont stay in contact with any of my Guard comrades except one and he was the admin person for our company. I'll check to see what he suggests. 

    Ghost files and copies should be available somewehere. 

  2. That mime that I used signifies "wacko":wacko:. Totally honest, I'd consider stating that I'm a little wiser in some things, but only because, history and experience. Being humble is another.  Learning and expanding your mind is great and will go on for a lifetime, almost exponentially really but it's emotions that interfere with proper judgements and decisions for the paths that become available to you and the ones you go against.  I believe I'm trying to hard here.  :biggrin:

    Hope Mulder gave you the info you saught after.

  3. I will let this forum know what happens in my case/claims.  I have two agencies that agree I can't be substantially employed, now lets see if the third will concede to that fact as well.

    I do agree having a smoking IMO/IME is an excellent defense to have to combat the attack strategies these agencies throw at you.  IMO just redirect the energy they throw at you right back at them, with undebatable evidence.  It is a frustrating dance yes but possible to give them a big can of STFU.  (insert colorful metaphors here).

    I'm in my early 40's myself so I know whats coming. However, I will look to this site specifically because of all the knowledge here will overpower their stupidity and biases. One good thing I have to admit is using their record systems and shady ways against them. Evidence and medical records are what win. Laws and regulations can be used to protect yourself. These 4 are mighty strong when used precisely.  

    "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast."  JMO

  4. sure Gastone, I'll try to put a sanitized copy or at the very least quote Elli's opinion.  

    My quirk about the Gyno, is simple, yes the VA can use any "doctor" to opine on a disability or condition they do it all the time, however, which opinion is more probative.  A doc that actually reads records and evidence and uses medical rationale or a non specialist who is just out to deny a claim? 

    I have my C-file and symptoms of sleep apnea are there heck this last appeal they approved fatigue, tiredness, sleep disturbances and other key items that substantiate my claim. Also I am attacking the gyno's dates, which both are off by a year on symptoms, C-PAP use and sleep studies.

    Also with my brain being fried, well don't really deny that , but I must be getting something right as I have been successful with my claims and most fights. :biggrin:

  5. On March 5, 2016 at 8:08 AM, Andyman73 said:

    I'd have a really hard time resisting "7 of 9", tho.  Even the Borg Queen would make short work of my will power.  Not sure which one would be the lesser of two evils, the Borg or the Daleks.  Do you suppose the Body Snatchers are disguised among the VA employees?

    Andy I get the comment on the Borg and Star Trek, but Daleks, I mean River and the cute blonde are nice but I don't get the reference on the body snatchers?  That reference is wayyyyyy back, and the doll on that one was I believe a brunette,  still you made crack a smile.  Thanks bro.

  6. On March 4, 2016 at 1:11 PM, Gastone said:


    I think the legal term used in Civil cases, "A preponderance of Evidence," plays a large part in the Award or Denial. If it's a 50/50 situation, the Vet is supposed to get the Award.

    Your Sleep Dr or Board Cert Specialist could tip the scale in your favor, depending on his wording of his clinician notes or DBQ. Worked for me in 11 and Toddt recently, could work for you.

    Semper Fi

    No, the VA Gynecologist opinion trumps my docs opinion, and Ellis' opinion apparently. So much for the regs being on my side. Go figure. Of course I am still waiting for the legal beagles to handle that grenade with a short fuse.

     In the same opinion and sets of DBQ's that denied SA, she stated I used a  CPAP and the other not.  The symptoms in 08 were apparently not important either.  Nor the sleep studies in 09 and 12, hmm imagine that.

    Not that I disagree with you, I've pitched and used that argument and it got shot down fast.   Heck even my ex law dog said to leave it alone, but I'm stubborn, so I'll fight it till I can't fight it no more.  What is the VA going to do call me a liar, oops they have already done that.  I guess, I'll prove how much they follow the law and regs.  Yeah I kind of already proved that as well.  THEY DON'T.  

    We will see how things wind up. Some point or another for the song and dance, the piper will get paid. 

    Sorry I go take meds, I am getting almost too cynical and grumpy. :wacko:

  7. Just out of curiosity on this topic, if you specifically state that you disagree with the decision/SOC and I don't know include a statement to the extent of prior decisions and any there after (SOC, SSOC) with oh something such as a waiver of review form, does a waiver of review form have to applied to each individual issue or does it blanket all of the pending appeals?

  8. this is actually interesting and I wonder very much how it will be handled, specifically in my claims.  If one department deems you unemployable then the rest should follow suit.  In my case one already has, the other retired me because of couldn't do my job and would not retrain, now just waiting on the third to concede to the same facts.  I'm only 41.  

    Sure will get interesting here within 6 months. I really can't understand why the age discrimination has gone on for so long and the fact that these agencies get away with doing that.

  9. Agreed Gastone, Co2 levels are markers.  You don't want to ignore those signs. 

    I haven't looked for these but back in the combat medic days we had pulse ox monitors that would go on the pointer finger, I would imagine that they have some type of monitoring system.

    I think some of the new CPAP even have this monitoring with Blue tooth devices.  I haven't seen the regular CPAP with it but I know that the Bi-paps do and even come with a monitoring app. Respironics is the brand name that comes to mind.

  10. You could give them your former employer's contact information with the date you last worked.  That would help. Just make sure you send the information in a manner that you have proof you sent the information and they received the documentation.

    I still do it old school via mail with green card return receipt that is just me.  I have a nice file of green cards so I don't want to ruin my record keeping.

  11. I'll apologize as well as I get quite a bit riled up with the topic thread.  " The VA continues to Lie"  These last few months I have been getting a lot of that in my claims. When I saw the topic I put my two cents in.

    Like asknod has stated and 1000% correct, the need for a medical nexus is imperative to a claimant's case, without that specific part of your defense a person would not have a leg to stand on. On an issue like this specialists and strong IMO/IME will be needed otherwise your claim will not go anywhere.



  12. I agree with the above.  I have gone through all the typical meds and I even had a fundiplication done.  Thats where they wrap part of your stomach around your esophagus to create a homemade narrowing to keep the acids from coming up. Even doing positional therapy when I sleep.  I still have problems and I am back on Nexium.  

    You don't want to leave this condition untreated, it can do quite a bit of damage.  From what you wrote down, just my opinion, you warrant a higher than 10% rating.  Look at the rating schedule and match your symptoms, put in for an increase if you haven't already, if the claim is still alive put in an NOD.  Sounds like you may be past the 1yr mark for the NOD but not matter.  There are steps that you can take to get the increase especially with medical evidence.   JMO

  13. Silent uproar, I have actually moved to this my self and your right it does work.  You just have to find the right dosage.  I take two pills three times a week and keep the water intake up. I get it at Target. It is just called Senna Laxative 8.6 ml.  100 pills in a bottle lasts pretty long.  Oh I'm on 20 to a max of 50mg of percocet daily so that must be kept in mind.  I would definitely discuss your dosage and frequency with the doc and the pharmacists.

    Smooth Move huh, I'll have to remember that next time I am by that place.

  14. In order for a reduction of benefits the VA has the obligation of showing marked improvement from your illnesses, specifically your mental diagnosis.  My  opinion from what I read I don't see that, but mind you I am not a doc.  To me it would seem that records don't justify a lowering of your connected disabilities.  As long as you are in treatment and this information is documented the way it is you should be okay.

    Personally I stopped going to the VA, however, that is my choice because of my experiences with the VAMC where I live.  I have gone completely private on my medical care.  That being said though, I can't negate the fact that the VA has some good programs out there.  If you feel comfortable and have a rapport with your with your provider then great. Utilize them as you need to in order to manage your symptoms and conditions. If you don't feel comfortable that is another matter entirely.  Does that make sense or offer some help to your issues?   Good luck bud and hang in there as I have quoted " it can't rain all the time" 

  15. Ironic that if it were positive exams towards your claims they can't be done , however if it paints a negative picture and can validate a reduction the docs jump on it like flies on turds. 

    I agree with the above, a letter from Voc rehab would be great evidence to use towards TDIU.

    Also SSD evidence for those same disabilities preventing substantial gainful employment would be great.

    hang in there guys. 




  16. 14 hours ago, TALON II FE said:

    Personally, driving them in is ok, but I would want them going thru the new data intake centers to make sure they are filed correctly and are not just 'top drawered'.

    Talon you're probably right with that one. With the new "intake" centers it is necessary to do that now.  You know because the VA claims centers are all about making it easier for the Veteran. ?

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