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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by ArNG11

  1. i actually close either tomorrow or Thursday but props to the VA for making this Veterans Day week a memorable one.
  2. Look for something that states acquired stenosis or to that effect. VA likes to play with terms especially degenerative changes. I like that one because the degenerative changes they mention in decisions point to the fact that it is only by old age or trauma that this condition would exist. Well if you are only 30-40 years old you shouldn't have issues like that unless there has been a traumatic injurY JMO
  3. I submitted those claims as a fully developed claim. I'm not surprised though. It will get worked out in the end, maybe just with a good deal of persuasion. : )
  4. Home sweet home.

  5. Thanks all. It's a nice break from all the other shenanigans that the VA comp side of the house has given me. I did have an update of sorts, although it doesn't change the fact that I got my house I will be closing a day or two after Veterans day but no matter still gitty about the whole thing and this Veteran's Day will still be a good day to reflect. My only complaint is the moving part. But I think I might just have a stiff drink on the rocks watching a roaring fire in my new fireplace with the mrs when its all done.
  6. I understand as they have tried that maneuver on me. I haven't gotten into the fighting on those claims for depression and anxiety yet. I have to wait on the decisions. Those claims actually have a projected completion date of 01/2016.
  7. Carlie, I stand corrected in my post, however, I was trying to state is that unless the personality disorder is tied to say a compensable condition, say depression, anxiety, or PTSD, then they will try to to mark it as a pre existing condition, and state it as a personality disorder which would be zero unless accompanied by other symtoms or rather as a result of. I can attest to this fact as it is happening to me of sorts. With any traumatic event or stressor I can assure you, your personality will be altered and changed. the ticket though is that it's has tied to a rateable service induced condition. Maybe I'm confusing the issue or making my argument muddy. My apologies.
  8. They have been doing this for decades. The docs now the difference and they know what's rateable. Don't get me wrong I do know there are docs out there that take their job seriously and look out for their patient, however, there are those that are not looking out for your best interests. My case back in the day, in the Air Force my psych dr actually cared and helped me through the issues with medication at the time but working to be off the Meds. When in the Army, during and after, Iraq, I didn't quite handle leaving Some memories behind. Some still haunt me today and fuel my anger, depression, and anxiety and well frankly some destructive tendencies. I lossed faith when the provider blantely stated " you know you're not getting anything for this" as if I cared about that then, for that matter now, I just want my demons to go away and stay in Iraq where they belong. So my advice is just use caution, watch your six, get out of it what you need to in order to be whole again or at least closer to being as close to normal as you once were. JMHO.
  9. How quaint. My FDC has changed to a regular claim. As I am now scheduled for C&P exams this 19th. I guess they don't believe their own Pysc professionals notes and diagnosis. Or the x-rays and any of the service medical records. Oh well same song and dance, except I am not as unarmed and unprepared as I once was.

  10. I will give you my experience. You do not want your mental condition diagnosed as an adjustment disorder. That is a cope out in order to bail on a compensable condition. It sets you up as having a personality disorder which will most likely be put off as you having the condition prior to your service. Or in service which means either way no disability as this is not compensated. If you have anxiety or depression or both, PTSD, then those are compensable. If your service made it worse as in the condition pre existed then it can be compensated. But a personality disorder carries 0% , zero, zip, nada. JMHO
  11. I haven't yet. Is there any major changes with this edition?
  12. Yup. You gotta ask in order to receive. I got 10% off my 4 tire purchases. It adds up quick.
  13. That's how I read it to. Maybe they'll open other centers like this or branch out stateside.
  14. I love getting the Chuckles. Back to Gathering Evidence. How may pieces of evidence do you need to state that a condition exists now, and while in service.

  15. Formulating secondary battle plans. It's quiet and the smoke is starting to clear. Lock and load!

  16. I'll have to agree on the priority groups and wait times. It doesn't really make a difference. Depends on what you're being seen for, and availability. I've seen getting care in an expedient manner and as slow as molasses. It does make a difference on the health care professional at times they will push the urgency.
  17. That's funny, I'm one of those guys that doesn't take those receipts. Not any more. Thanks Stretch.
  18. I have to say I haven't smiled like this in a very long time. I'm kind of almost gitty if that's possible. This is a benefit I encourage every vet to take advantage of. It's been a while since Ive stated this but I can say it, it can't rain all the time.
  19. Yeah my FDC has a estimated complete date of Feb 2016. Of course I did complicate things for the VA raters. Imagine that. Hobbies and legal research will keep you busy that is for sure.
  20. Oh kind of a funny coincidence. I am a disabled vet, getting my first home on a VA home loan, closing on Veterans Day. *knock on wood * I have to endorse this. This is by far the most valuable benefit I have used from the VA. Its really priceless.
  21. Same story here, except I don't officially claim or have been diagnosed with PTSD from the VA. Personally and several studies can give figures that many Veterans that worked or were stationed near bases and posts that had burn pits develop breathing problems such as sleep apnea and among other things. The problem is that like myself these symptoms don't develop right away. If they are not annotated in your SMR's you typically get denied, even if you develop symptoms and are diagnosed with sleep apnea you are denied, at times even when it's in your SMR's. A good nexus and a specific timeline and documented medical evidence is your real hope to get service connected for this high ticket item.
  22. I can't really say that I have had a large number of victories with my fight with the VA. However, I have to give credit when credit is due. Even though I am fighting the VA on the bogus ratings and denials I received, my mighty enemy had made a possibility come true. On Veteran's Day, this disabled vet will close on his first home purchase using a VA Home Loan. It does make me happy and sad, but mostly happy and elated for this to be a reality. It's bitter sweet, but I have to give the VA its kudos. VA home loans is a great benefit.
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