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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Andyman73

  1. Ok, so he probably won't get it.  I passed on the earlier learned info, and he told me that back in the day he was nearly unemployed for over 5 years.  This was during the time after he was med retired.  He was on a temp type of compensation at 60% and that stopped after 5 years.  Said they told him he can have the 30% from either Navy or VA, but not both. But before he could even chose, the VA dropped theirs to 10%, so he went with the retirement option.

    I told him to file the Crohn's claim this evening afterwork, since he does have an active eBenefits account.  That way it establishes his EED.  Also I told him that he should also file for PTSD, since his Delta boat cruise up and down the backwater rivers and canals gave opportunity to share the lead love with the local opposition.

    Not only that, I told him, the long term mental health effects of the Crohn's and the Nam combat certainly have done a number on his MH.  He told me that he does have the CAR with devices.

    Semper Fi.


  2. I was too bud, I did not want to ask cause I am only 33 and was just Medically Retired 2 years ago. I thought that the VA would be sniffing at my butt for the next 20 years until I got gray hair. But in fact, I just have too many medical issues for the VA to not accept that I will not get better. I mean I have a handful of items that I have not even filed for, to include Sleep apnea, which by itself will be 50%. I am just fine leaving it alone for now. Just continue to seek treatment at the VA, and soon enough you will be permanent. God Bless


    I am chipping away at the rating block, hoping to finally expose that triple digit treasure soon enough.  I have 6 open, and 2 of them will push me past that 100 mark.  And I have one that is in a whole other place(spina bifida in dependent child of AO Nam Vet) that is on it's own pace to be completed by Presidential election date of 2020...or was it 2024???

    Anywhoo,  I have been SC'd since 11/98 and have yet to be reviewed for any of my SCDs.  Some have been looked at in conjunction with new and/or reopened claims, but those were all initiated by my actions. 

    Semper Fi.


  3. Buck,

    If you got your return receipt green cards back, you know they got it.  Also check the tracking number on USPS web site.  On ebennies you can look at the documents received option, should list what they have gotten so far.

    I had one that showed received by USPS at the intake center on one date, but not entered into the system until several days later.  Kinda shady if you ask me.


  4. The first thing that "jumped" out at me was this Vet needs to apply for NSC Pension.  Its a lot more than 400 per month (about 1100 depending on his dependents), and he should be able to get that while he is waiting on compensation increase.  

    Then he needs to order his cfile.    Documetation is everything and you need to find out what exactly IS documented to see how to proceed.  

    He needs to look over his decision(s) carefully to see if they listed ALL the evidence, especially SMR, ESPECIALLY related to the "gun" incident.  

    After that, he should decide if he wants to "reopen" due to new and material evidence, 3.156  OR

    apply again for a new claim and try to get an earlier effective date later on down the road.  

    Ok, how does he apply for the NSC? I know he is married.  I'm not sure if he ever did file a claim for the Crohn's, but I know it will be a slam dunk since it developed while on AD, and resulted in his being medically retired...so...quite obviously SC. 

    So for the Crohn's he should just file as a new or initial claim on that contention, and submit all his evidence, then?  Should he try for FDC, since he has STRs showing DX and treatment, the subsequent Med Retirement, and crates of private Dr. treatment records?

    Yep, C-file for sure!  I know he has one since he told me he was denied for hearing loss and tinnitus. 

    I don't know if he wants to fight the VA for EED and the like at this time.  I know he is due to retire within 2 years, so he probably would want to just get what's due him, to start with.

    Ok, I will inform him, ASAP, as to the basic first steps to take.

    Semper Fi.


  5. Hello, it's me.  I need some help here with this.  One of my co-workers is a Vietnam Veteran, was a .50 cal gunner on a 50ft patrol boat.  He spent most of his time in the Delta region.  He developed Crohn's Disease while on AD.  He ended up being Med retired as an E-4 in 1973.  We had talked off and on over the past few years, and I knew this, and that he had spent some time in the squared circle with the VA.  As is typical of most Nam Vets, he really didn't want to much to do with the VA.

    When he did inquire as to what he might get for the Crohn's, they told him 10-15%, 40 years ago.  He also filed for tinnitus and hearing loss, both denied.  But sometime many hears later the VA gave him hearing aids for both ears.  He said one of his boat mates pulled the trigger on his .50s when he was laying on the deck with his head right below the muzzles, as a joke.  Told me that he felt the concussive blasts squeeze his head and felt his ears nearly rupture.

    He told me that the VA had wanted to operate on him for his illness, but he was loathe to let them attempt to "heal"(kill) him.  He had 2 surgeries in the years since, one was to fix lesions that formed on his bladder due to the Crohn's.  His other was to remove intestine.  He told me that he only has 2-3 feet of his small one left.

    He said, when asked, that his retirement is only about $400 and change.  I told him that he needs to come at the VA with both barrels of his twin .50 blazing, since his rating should give him many times more than the retirement amount.

    That being said, I told him I would ask on here for guidance and gather some info to share with him.  So he can make a solid decision regarding this.  I looked on the rating chart, but could not locate Crohn's disease on it.

    This is my first honest attempt at helping another Vet get what they deserve. 

    Asknod, I know you have insider knowledge with Crohn's, since you are a card carrying member of that special club.  This old Vet was tearing up as I was telling him that he has a brighter future ahead of him as his retirement date looms. 

    Thank you to all who chime in with guidance.

    Semper Fi.


  6. Asknod,

    I'm trying to find out info relating to Crohn's for a coworker, who is a Nam Vet, gunner on a 50 ft patrol boat, he developed Crohns while on active duty.  He has had at least 2 surgeries.  He is medically retired but is only getting @ 400.00$  I told him that the VA should rate him high enough to make it worth choosing the VA comp over the medical retirement. 

    I was looking on the CFR rating charts, but couldn't find Crohns listed on it.  Do you have the link?



  7. Buck,

    I'm so happy for you!  What did they say your CPAP will be set at?  Mine is set at 11 for the air pressure.  As for SC, I filed a claim for sleep disturbance, and I sent them a copy of a health questionaire from my STR, that I had marked off trouble sleeping and noted the years and that I had been using OTC sleep aids.  And I sent them a copy of my sleep study and diagnosis.

    So...that's where that's at.

    Semper Fi


  8. By the time the examiner repeated this cycle for the 3rd time,  I was speaking very slowly and clearly, making sure I was enunciating every syllable of each word correctly, to make sure he wasn't just misunderstanding me.  Was getting quite dramatic with my speaking. 

    When I was at my regular MH session and the doc was reading my journal notes, he all but busted out laughing at the part where I had refered to the examiner as a snake oil salesman from an old western movie.


  9. It looks like they sorta got stuck on the fence on what exactly to DX you with.  But at least you got your foot in the door.  As for tinnitus, a lot depends on what your MOS was, unless you were exposed to loud noise via combat or IED explosions.

    You may see your first check today, if you have direct deposit already set up.  And the retro should follow very quickly.  Rates don't go up until February, if they are, since the VA pays on the first of the month, for the month just ended.  Like today's check is for November.  Your retro should cover August(first full month after claim initiation) through November, 4 months worth.

    Also, if you have dependents, 30% is the minimum rating needed to claim them, which is what you have.  Get them listed right away, it's worth about 35$ each at the 30% rating level.

    Semper Fi.


  10. Well,

    I pulled the pin on that grenade 2 weeks ago.......I filed as sleep disturbances on Ebenefits, as I didn't want to presume to tell them what I'm trying to SC.  I do have SA and use CPAP.  Sent a complete  copy of my sleep study with me statement and evidence...so we'll see what happens when that grenade explodes!

    USMC_VET, pull that pin, get your claim date established.

    Semper Fi.


  11. Bronco, Buck, and Vync,

    First off I just want to say I really appreciate all your comments and guidance ever since I joined this exceptional internet forum family created and maintained by Tbird(name dropping!).

    2nd is that I tell my VA MH doc exactly how it's going and how I'm feeling.  He DXd me as MDD reoccuring, with SI.  He's disabled and uses a motorized wheelchair for 85% of his getting around.  He looks like a gray haired version of the Geico Caveman.  I feel very comfortable with him and feel that he truly does have my best interest at heart.  He's been in his position over 30 years treating Vets.  And is the exact opposite from the C&P exam MH doc.

    He's the talking type of MH doc with PHD after his name, whereas the examiner is the drug pushing type with MD after his name.

    I go to all of my appointments, and try to be 30 minutes early at the minimum.  Sometimes more, like the other day, I was 2 hours early, which gave me time to hit up the benefits counselor to scan and upload claim docs for me.  That guy is another one of the good ones, too.


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