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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Andyman73

  1. Buck,

    I only met one or two Vets from the recent desert wars, that were injured in combat.  One of them is a heavy vehicle recovery specialist.  He got dinged pretty bad in the lower leg from a ricochet while trying to recover a heavy truck.  No body believed him when he said he took a round, until the CO saw this single bloody boot print all over the shop floor.


  2. Andyman,
    It is pretty bad when a doctor has a reputation like that. Hadit needs a forum topic dedicated solely to physicians to avoid and explaining why. So much for the VA being perceived as "non-confrontational". Sounds like something the VA OIG might be interested in hearing about...

    I will certainly be watching to see how the RO plays this.  Especially when they see the statement sent today by the benefits counselor in regards to the examiner leaving out vital information..

  3. Buck,

    Ok, thanks.  One of my key points for my EED claim, is that the C&P exam was left unfinished.  There was no ruling on it.  I was examined for my feed(new)and my knees, ankle and back(for increase) all in conjunction with a claim for initial SC for my feet.  The decision letter stated that there was no basis, at that time, to warrant an increase for the already existing SCDs.  The letter made no mention what so ever about my feet.  My recent foot exam DXd me with the same issues, and the RO awarded me 30%.  There was no new evidence to give them, outside of the VA's own treatment records, which all took place after the 2006 C&P exam. 

    So while the recent exam did have that to go with the C&P exam findings, the two examiners still found the same issues..  The only real difference was that the recent claim was adjucated and the original claim was not.  I am not asking them to find something that was not there at the time, but to see the near identical findings in both exams, and award the SC based on the first exam date.

    Not too hard or complex, right?   Anyway,

    Hopefully some others will chime in with other words of guidance.

    Semper Fi.


  4. Vynce,

    More on that....my doc said that he knows that dr, and he treats all Vets like he did me, during the exam.  Says that guy has a real hard on for weeding out fraudulent claims.  I said, ok, at least I wasn't singled out.  But what about him leaving out all my references to pain, especially in relation to my SCDs of which several are directly pain related?  He said that I need to speak with the benefits counselor, to see if there is anything I can do.

    So, I did that, this morning, and he said that there is nothing to do, before RO rules on claim.  But he said he will send a letter stating what happened during the exam, disregarding my pain issues, and that I saw in the notes that the he left out all comments about pain except to say how he can't see one minor leg injury leads to chronic pain related depression.

    I told the benefits counselor same as I told my MH dr and the examiner(and wrote on my statement in support of my claim that was sent with my evidence package)that the VA SCd me back in 11-98 for pain related issues, for my knees and lowerback.  And that I was recently awarded another rating for pain related issues with my feet, that date back to service time as well.  I said this is as plain as day for establishing a case for chronic pain..23 years since the initial injury.  And 17 years since the initial SCD was awarded.

    The benefits counselor said it seems obvious to him, too.

    I understand the need to weed out the false claims, but to totally disregard the key evidence that makes the basis for the claim(depression 2ndary to chronic pain) is borderline criminal!

  5. John999,

    When I filed, I sent off all the evidence I could think of that might be pertinant to my claim.  All the STRs showing injuries and repeat visits due to pain from them.  And a copy of my current MDD from my VA MH doc.




    According to the chart, my suicide ideation should make it easy to rate me at 70%. 

    I had a therapy session yesterday, and we spoke about the exam.  He told me that it was a serious error that the examiner left out the pain related issues!

  6. Jetdoc,

    Welcome to Hadit!  One thing I want to add, while not overly serious, is this; if you do get into the system, and get assigned a PCP, make sure you get at least an annual check up.  Years ago I was getting treated, but stopped going due to getting personally billed for what should have been SCD related treatment.  I was out 5 years when I made contact to get seen by my PCP. 

    They told me that I would have to start with an initial work up as if I was a new patient and get assigned to a PCP.  Never was I informed that my compensation would be effected or reduced.  But it took 4 months to get back in.  This was 10 years ago, when I got back in.  I am working and have private insurance and drs, but do see my PCP for hypertension and stuff.  Keep in mind that this was my experience, others will have different stories.

    Nonetheless, you made a great choice by joining the Hadit family!

    Semper Fi, Marine!


  7. Ok, I read that DRO info on the link.  I have a question, then.  I just received a letter from VA stating that they received my NOD for EED for my bilateral foot condition.  I sent them the evidence, being current C&P exam and opinions that got me SC'd @ 30%, and copy of same from 2006 that had the same DX with a few more findings, but no decision given for or against. 

    The only difference between the two claims was this, the new one had copies of VA treatment that took place after the 2006 exam.  However the exam findings were nearly identical.

    This is pretty much a cut and dried case, since the recent exam found the same and awarded SC, the earlier exam had found same plus a few extras, with no decision...should I go DRO route or traditional? 

    I would like to have this decided asap.  Also the letter says I should contact my VSO rep(DAV) and discuss with them, since they will be discussing with them.  I haven't used them, even tho they are my POA reps.  Should I call them and talk about this?



  8. flores,

    I wrote a statement that I submitted with my evidence package.  I then wrote a 2nd statement where I wrote brief paragraphs covering all the topics I wanted to make sure we covered.  I gave the examiner one, and told him that I had sent a copy to the claims intake center, as well, to make sure the rater knew what I wanted to say, no matter what the examiner wrote.  I do have memory loss, my short term memory is virtually useless.  Which gets me into all kinds of trouble at home.  I covered that, too.


    I have thought of the IMO, and certainly will if this comes back lower than 70%.  I am currently DXd by VA MH doc as MDD, and am in treatment with him.  He said that chronic pain is a very serious issue as it leads to more depression than most folks realize.  I sure hope that his opinion, submitted with my evidence, will counter that quack's words from my exam. 

    Semper Fi.


  9. I filed/denied for sleep disturbances 3 years ago and was denied and now i am refiling under apnea secondary to ptsd, too bad i wasnt more educated at the time, its too late for retro back to 2012

    I filed mine as sleep disturbances, but am submitting my sleep study results that clearly show SA as DX.  And that they prescribed CPAP.  I hope and pray that one health survey, in the second half of my enlistment, where I marked off trouble sleeping, will be good enough for SC.

  10. Berta,

    Thanks for sharing that, it was very enlightening.  I just entered a claim for painful jaw condition.  One of my STRs mentions a 3 finger opening.  However that was in the late '90s.  I can't open far enough now, without pain, for 2 fingers.  And most mornings I have to force my teeth together a few times, to stretch the muscles and realign my lower jaw, so I can chew my food.  This probably also is the source of some of my regular headaches. 

    Anyway, thanks again for posting that link!


  11. Buck,

    Isn't that the truth!

    You got to wonder, though, what is the reason for not doing their jobs according to the law?  Isn't that the whole point of the system to begin with? To care for and treat the Vets as they come? 

    Have you filed any complaints about your c-file?  Maybe just use IRIS under the complaint tag-line and ask why you haven't received your c-file, that you requested 5 months ago.  And state the regulation that requires them to have it to you by a certain time after the request was made.

    At least this way you do establish the EED.

    I'm just begging my EED NOD wait...I hope it's not a long wait.  I found the C&P exam from 9.5 years ago that was never adjucated.  In the reasons and basis section of my letter there was no mention what so ever of my feet, but everything else that was also examined.  I also sent a copy of my exam from this year, where I was awarded 30% SC for the same DXs that were also in the original exam!

    Pretty cut and dried, so I hope and pray it has a quick resolution in my favor.


  12. Buck,

    Yep, just like my case where the examiner wrote he doesn't see how one injury, a minor leg injury, can cause depression.  Never mind that I pointed out to him several times that not only did I injure both knees when I fell, but my lower back also.  And that I went to the med clinic multiple times for pain in the back and both knees.  And that I also developed foot problems and had a second back injury.  And that I was SC right out of the box with knee pain syndrome and low back pain.

    Which would seem to me to be the VA's own evidence proving my chronic pain, therefor the nexus for the depression secondary to chronic pain.  But what do I know?

  13. I have gone over my STR, trying to find any entries related to sleep issues.  I found one on a health survey, where you check off the boxes "yes, no, or don't know" and then write on the back why you checked yes.  I wrote trouble sleeping.  I'm fairly certain that I mentioned problems sleeping during a visit to sick call.  I have to go over my STR again, to find it.  Cuz even tho there isn't any specific mention, beyond high levels of stress to SC my depression, those sleep issue entries may just be the thing to getting my SA and MDD SCd! 

    Wish me luck, please!!!


  14. Andyman,

    Your post is so helpful for me. I want to capture the frustration and hopelessness that accompanies the VA claims process. My grandfather is a vet, and my mom worked with the VA on his behalf to procure him hearing aids at a reduced price. I know that isn't the same process as getting disability compensation, but this process was so convoluted and frustrating. My grandfather, who's 89 years old, would have NEVER been able to figure out everything the way my mom did. 

    Thank you for giving me the vet's perspective!



    It's the least I can do, to assist you with your research.  You can even ask your Mom about her experience(you may have already done so) trying to get her Dad taken care of.  Even so simple as hearing aids, and yet it was a tough hill to climb.

    So you can only begin to imagine a Vet, with no combat or traumatic experience to connect his mental health issues to their service, has to face Mt. Everest of a climb to service connection.  Or even worse, a Vet with an exposure related illness(Agent Orange, for example) that is being told by the VA that they are out of luck, since their exposure illness is not recognized.

    A good example of that would be the Vets who were stationed at Johnston Atoll, a chemical and biological weapons disposal site(now closed).  The VA and the Fed. Gov't. hasn't recognized any exposure related illnesses from there.  A 42 yr old lady my twin brother served with at Johnston Island, just died from thyroid cancer.  She was perfectly healthy before being stationed there.  And has no known family history of any disease.  But thyroid cancer is a known exposure related illness from AO and other toxins.

    I hope and pray your article will open the eyes of folks with the power to do something to help fix the VA.

    Semper Fi.


  15. Sarah,

    As you are rapidly learning, the whole VA claims process is a huge web designed to create confusion and delay.  Now, imagine that you are one of us, a Veteran who is trying to live their lives with what health and physical ability they have after serving our great country.  Now, imagine the daunting task of trying to file a claim, how to write it up, what evidence to submit, if you even have your Service Treatment Record(STR). 

    Still with me? Let's go deeper into the rabbit hole....we rejoin the Vet as they sit in the exam room for the C&P(compensation and pension) exam for their claim.  Right off the bat the Vet will be on edge, as most examiners have a near adversarial approach to the exam process.  Then the questions start, that try to lead the Vet to say something that can and will be used to discredit their claim.

    Sometime later, weeks or months, the Vet gets the award/decision letter, with great anticipation they open it to find that their claim has been denied due to lack of evidence(most often ignored) or no service connecting treatment record.  Or even more insulting, a lowball rating.

    Now they are crushed, heartbroken, dejected, or outraged and angered to the point of losing their composure. 

    I went 15 years between my initial rating and my next increase.  This was mostly due to lack of knowledge, fear of rocking the boat, and overwhelming sense of hopelessness.  I had no knowledge of what to do, shoot, I didn't even know what I didn't know.  And it drove me to the point of comtemplating suicide.

    By the grace of God, I stumbled upon Hadit while researching something else.  This website created by Tbird is probably God's greatest gift to Veterans of all generations and their families.

    Semper Fi


  16. Navy04,  The letter I received did not state whether or not it's a C&P exam.  I have an claim but it's been since 2014 May so this is my first appt.  And I'm working by myself.  I just want to know so I can go in there with the right mindset. 


    Maybe try calling the scheduling department, as if you wanted to change the date, ask them what the appointment is for.  You can say that you're double booked and want to know what the VA apt is for, to decide which apt you want to reschedule, the VA or the "other one".  A little verbal slight of hand may get you your answer.

    Semper Fi.


  17. I have noticed that on my EOBs for years now.  Some gets paid and some get denied.  Only time I ever had any issue was when I got billed directly.  I called their billing department and told them "Sorry Charlie" I refuse to pay for SC treatment.  They said but you're not.  I said, explain how I have a SCD rating for it, then?  That stopped right then and there.

  18. Sarah,

    I don't have anything worth saying for your research.  However I do want to thank you for even just showing interest in Vets and what we have to deal with after we leave the service.  I hope something good will come out of this.  So many people and groups just pay lip service to Vets, you know, like honoring us on Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, and so on.  But all the rest of the year, it's something that goes back on the shelf till next year.

    We did what we did, so all can enjoy the American Dream.  And what do we get? A few days a year of recognition, a VA that treats us like vermin, something to be exterminated, or just placated enough to make us go away(lowball our disability ratings).  It was hard enough dealing with what ever medical or mental issues while on Active Duty, but it's 10 times worse with the VA. 

    And the talking heads wonder why the suicide rate among Vets is so much higher than National average. 

    Anyway, thanks again for your interest.

    Semper Fi.


  19. MARINEVET95,

    When the alert was given for my C-130 squadron to mount up, for Rwanda in '94, it was just hours after I had left for a few weeks of leave.  I called my roommate at the time, no answer, called his workshop, same.  Finally after trying every # I could think of I got a SSGT in the engine shop.  He was all DI(he was still fresh from the drill field) until he recoginized me, and then he's all like "they all gone, man, going to Kenya."  They were wheels up 12 hours after the order came down.

    But for Liberia in '96, we had 2 weeks of hurry up and wait, standing around with our gear and shop det boxes all staged.  That really sucked...then finally a long slow noisy flight to Rota, Spain.  I don't recall anymore, but I think we were attatched to the 2/2 MEU both times. 

    Do you have any entries in your STR in regards to your teeth?  I have @ 6-7 for undiagnosed jaw pain between the medical and dental sides of the house.  The dentist noted wear on my molars, way more than normal for only being in my early 20s.  I have never been told that I grind in my sleep.  I do clench like a mad man, tho!  Often I would catch myself clenching because my jaw muscles would be screaming for release and my jaw would be aching where the teeth are anchored.  Even now, all these years later, I have to conciously suck and bite the insides of my cheeks, just to keep from clenching.  But that only works if I'm aware that I'm doing it.

    Semper Fi.


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