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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Andyman73

  1. Well, since my PCP switched me to tylenol, @ 2 years ago, I no longer have any of the paperwork that came with the ibuprofen, or motrin, or naproxin.  So Google it is, for me.  He switched me around the same time I was DXd with SA, and started using my CPAP.  So most of my acid reflux GERD symptoms went away.

    So, I will use the google provided NSAID side effect info with my 20 plus years of NSAID prescriptions. 

    Thanks for the link for H. pylori, wery interesting indeed.

    Semper Fi.


  2. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder To Include Sleep Disturbance        12/03/2015        INC            View Pending Claim


    So i just filed for Sleep Apnea but under the Sleep Disturbance secondary to PTSD route.  This is what is showing.


    What is "INC" and i am claiming SECONDARY TO and not INLCUDING, i am guess the INC is "Including" however if they consider it INCLUDING they wont rate it seperately and just put the PTSD and OSA symptoms together for one rating.  I think they are trying to avoid the 50% given for CPAP and just include it in PTSD but keep the rating level the same.

    But then again if you do use a CPAP, then you do rate the 50% for that.  I filed mine a week or so earlier than you...so...round and round we go!

  3. Personally I have roughly a 35% denial rate in my own claims.  And even one of my SCDs took 2.5 years for a rating, even though it was the very first injury in my STR, and had nearly a dozen additional entries over the course of my 6 yr enlistment. 

  4. Vync,

    I will have to look up the side effects of the NSAIDs, since my PCP has switched me to tylenol, within the past 2 years, due to the effects on my bp.  Tylenol doesn't effect bp. 

    I will make an appointment with my private MD for GERD/GERD like symptoms, but will have to be after the new year, since I'm pretty tied up with a lot of stuff going on, at the moment.

    This heliobacter pylori, what other symptoms are known associates?



  5. AFMedic09,

    I agree totally with Vync.  And for what it's worth, at least you have in your STR where you were prescribed the Prilosec.  Some of us, who where/are on a daily regimen of some type of pain reducer, have no listed GERD type ailment or treatment there of, in our records.

    I've been on NSAIDs or tylenol, for 23 years, now, but not sure if or how I can file a claim for the side effects of that long term usage.

    Vync is correct saying about spoon feeding the VA.  They give no quarter, and you must prove everything, guilty until proven innocent, such as it is.

    Semper Fi.


  6. DevilDawg,

    Here are the results for ROM from my C&P exam for my hips, so you can compare for conversation's sake;

    R hip

    Flexion (0-125)  0-40

    Extension (0-30)  0-20

    Abduction (0-45)  0-20

    Adduction (0-25)  0-20

    External rotation (0-60)  0-30

    Internal rotation (0-40)  0-20

    L hip

    Flexion (0-125)  0-40

    Extension (0-30)  0-20

    Abduction (0-45)  0-20

    Adduction (0-25)  0-20

    External rotation (0-60) 0-30

    Internal rotation (0-40)  0-20

    That's about it.  The examiner noted pain in all directions during the  ROM portion of the exam. 


  7. help7777,

    I added the whole Hadit community of Veterans and their family and loved ones, to my daily prayers, right after I stumbled(led by God) upon this place.  So...already got you covered! 

    But not so easy to do, I try to pray for the VA system and employees as well, too. 

  8. Matt,

    Now that you have that, you can compare it to the CFR rating chart and give a good guesstimate.


    5250   Hip, ankylosis of: 
    Unfavorable, extremely unfavorable ankylosis, the foot not reaching ground, crutches necessitated390
    Favorable, in flexion at an angle between 20° and 40°, and slight adduction or abduction60
    5251   Thigh, limitation of extension of: 
    Extension limited to 5°10
    5252   Thigh, limitation of flexion of: 
    Flexion limited to 10°40
    Flexion limited to 20°30
    Flexion limited to 30°20
    Flexion limited to 45°10
    5253   Thigh, impairment of: 
    Limitation of abduction of, motion lost beyond 10°20
    Limitation of adduction of, cannot cross legs10
    Limitation of rotation of, cannot toe-out more than 15°, affected leg10
    5254   Hip, flail joint80
    5255   Femur, impairment of: 
    Fracture of shaft or anatomical neck of: 
    With nonunion, with loose motion (spiral or oblique fracture)80
    With nonunion, without loose motion, weightbearing preserved with aid of brace60
    Fracture of surgical neck of, with false joint60
    Malunion of: 
    With marked knee or hip disability30
    With moderate knee or hip disability20
    With slight knee or hip disability10

    3Entitled to special monthly compensation.

    Yes, yes they do have a very nasty habit of ignoring what's right in front of them, and what the Vets tell them, and mark off what ever they want during the C&P exams.  50% or more of appeals and NODs are based on examiners marking the wrong boxes during exams.  Every so often they forget what they're doing and get it right.

    I've developed pain in my pelvic girdle over the last few years.  Mostly I thought it was just an extension of my low back pain.  I had a C&P exam for it a month ago, and the ROM numbers were reduced across the board, for both.  But the examiner gave me the "less likely than not" opinion that it is secondary to my feet, ankles, knees, and low back.  Ok, but I did fall down a flight of stairs, which started those previously mentioned SCDs.  When the examiner was moving my legs to check the ROM for pain limits,...wow, it hurt way more than I could have imagined, and he wasn't trying to hurt me.  I couldn't get up off the exam table, much less sit up, without his help.

    When I get a chance I will post my numbers here, so you can get an idea.  And I'll let you know what the RO decides as for SC, or not, and at what level.

    Semper Fi.


  9. Strangely enough, a lot of Vets have struggled with tinnitus claims, even though they were exposed to noise.  And that's just the ones who had noise hazard as a part of their MOS duties.

    For me, it was as easy as saying that I worked on the flight line and on aircraft for 5.5 years, as an Aircrew Survival Equipment maintainer.  So I got it right out of the box, no questions asked.

  10. Congratulations help7777 on the WIN! Although I think I may have won just by reading your message. It really spoke to my spirit today. I've been denied, now in remand and fighting this fight since Dec 2010. My soul is weak, spirit is tired. But I think your message just gave me the strength to run on and see what the end will bring. THANK-YOU... SALUTE!


    It's always darkest just before the dawn.  So often our reward from Him is just around the corner, if we would just take that one more step, hang on just one more day.

  11. He should also look at filing to have his hearing loss and tinnitus reopened.

    Has he ever had the AO exam at the VA? If not get him in there quick as you can too!

    I am always surprised when I find vets from Vietnam that have not filed for AO mainly because they don't want to deal with the VA. That is exactly what the VA wants! Please tell him he earned the rights for his benefits by serving his country and get him in the loop!

    Thank him for his service and tell him for me please "Welcome Home"!


    Yes,  I told him that he needs to refile for the hearing and tinnitus, they should be SC for sure.  Not sure on the AO, will tell him this morning as soon as I see him.

    Will tell him thanks from you and welcome home, too.

    Vietnam vets should probably contact NVLSP to see if they are eligible as a Nehmer Class Vet.  Nehmer Vets can be repped by NVLSP at no cost to Veteran. 

    Yes, will tell him.  Excuse my ignorance, what is NVLSP?

    Thanks to both of you.

    Semper Fi.


  12. DevilDawg,

    You're welcome.  Having your complete medical record puts you ahead of the curve, already, even before you transition from AD to Veteran status.

    Thank you for your service.

    I understand the sleep thing.  I've been DXd for nearly 2 years now, with SA.  And have been using my CPAP ever since.  I no longer snore like a grizzly, sitting on an idling Harley riding, on a moving freight train, pulled by a pair of Big Boy steam engines.  But still sleep like crap.  My bp has come down some and my acid reflux/heartburn went away, but still, I sleep like crap.

    Once you gain Veteran status, you will want to order your C-file, which contains all info related specifically to your VA claims.  Most of the info may be accessible via Blue Button download on MyhealtheVet.  But not all of it will be, so that is why you will need your C-file.  As I understand it, you get one free copy.  However, if you order updates, say every 6 months, or once a year, but only starting on the last day of record on your C-file, covering the new period.  That should keep you in the free copy range.

    I must reiterate, joining this 'net family is one of the most important choices you will ever have made in your life.  With the info and guidance available here, you will be successful with any and all honest claims for compensation.

    Semper Fi.


  13. DevilDawg,

    Goodonion(good on ya) for jumping on this before your EAS!  It will pay dividends for you for sure!  First off, welcome to Hadit, founded by the wonderful Tbird, for Vets to help Vets deal with the VA grinder.

    As for your hip, the easier one for me to answer, with my tiny little bit of knowledge and experience.  The VA(not DoD) rates most joint/bone type claims based on Range of Motion(ROM).  This means that the reduced range is what gets you your rating, for the most part.  You can look on this website, under the main heading of Forums, scroll down to the CFR section and click on the rating tables and scroll to the hip joint section. 

    There aren't any 5% ratings, the VA works in whole 10s(10, 20, 30 etc).  But they use their own special fuzzy math for combining ratings.  So if they told you maybe 15%, then odds are 20% or more.  If you already know your reduced ROM, it would be fairly easy to figure out.  As for the failed surgery and the screws, this will play a big part in your outcome.  If the military Dr. diagnosed you(DX) with frozen hip(no ROM, or extremely limited ROM), you could be looking at 50% or more. 

    If you don't already have, make a complete copy of your medical record!!!  Nothing in your possession can disappear, if you have a hard copy of it.  This includes any and all labs, x-rays and radiology reports and so on.

    Now back to your first question, which is less known to my brain housing group.  The VA has moved away from GAF scores, for ratings, even if they still used them for informational purposes only.  Have you had your exit physical health questionaire session yet?  If not, make sure to tell/mark off everything!  If you have sleep issues, trouble sleeping, nightmares, night sweats, so on, make it known.  It's nearly guarenteed if you have PTSD, you have sleep issues too.  Kinda goes hand in hand with PTSD and many other types of MH illnesses.

    The "Sleep Disturbances" claim would be secondary to PTSD, and can be filed right away as well. 

    I hope this helps you.  I've only been on this website for less than a year and have gone from 40-80% during that time.  It won't be easy or quick, for the most part, but some miracles happen and Vets get the right rating very quickly. 

    There are many Vets on here that have forgotten more than I know, who will give you better direction.

    Semper Fi.


  14. Berta,

    As far as I know only spina bifida is officially recognized in kids of male Nam Vets.  Kids of female Vets of same have quite a few more covered.  I currently have a claim in for that, been sitting in limbo since July.

    Semper Fi.


  15. allan1351,

    I had a C&P for MH(depression secondary to chronic pain) one month ago, today.  That guy totally disregarded my pain related SCDs, and kept hounding me on issues related to any and all things not pain oriented.  And he kept asking about times before I served.  I must have told him 50 times, at least, that every thing started after I entered the Marines, but not because it was the Marines.  Said that I fell down a flight of stairs on day 5, of boot camp, and that was the beginning of a beautiful relationship with my little friend, aka: Pain. 

    Not pull my hair out pain, but more than enough to go to sick call every few months, over my 6 yr enlistment.  I landed knee first, then chest, and my legs flopped up towards the back of my head, compressing my lower back.  Right around the start of my 5th year I developed plantar fasciitis which led to an ankle SC. 

    Right out the box I had 2 SCDs related directly to pain, Low back pain and painful residuals from ankle injury...and 22 months later got the SC for my knees, patella femoral pain syndrom, bilateral.  Fast forward 15 years(so...6 plus 17 equals 23 years of pain) and he couldn't see how I would have developed any kind of pain related depression.

    On top of that he wrote in his notes that he can't see how one minor leg injury(wearing a brace on one leg for only 8 days) could lead to anything. 

    During the exam he had asked me if I had any SCDs, and I told him yes, named them all, and specified which ones were directly pain related.

    He did, however, note chronic sleep issues, alcohol dependency and a third that I can't recall at this time(maybe it was memory lapses?)

    He made me feel like road kill on a hot day, and came at me like a snake oil salesman from an old western movie. 

    Took me all day to get past that!  I even knew going in, that that was most likely how it was going to go, so I was prepared to stay focused on my service years.  And that I would most likely have to keep redirecting back to my service time.  What a mental battle that was!

    Semper Fi.


  16. Buck,

    I had remembered from earlier this year, from here, that the VA don't like Vets to DX themselves when filing for a claim.  So that's why I chose the disturbance over the SA.  Those are the only 2 options for sleep anyway. 

    I looked at my CPAP, but can't remember what it was called anyway!  My short term memory is forgotten itself.  So I don't even know what I forgot, since I forget that too!

    5 days if you get more than the basic automatic response stating we got your email, you'd probably be the first!  LOL! I always check off snail mail response, so I get a paper trail, just in case.

    Glad I can help someone, especially a Vet.


  17. Buck,

    I'll have to look and see what type mine is, it has a heated water resevoir, settings 1 and 2 no heat and less humidity.  3-5 are heated and more moisture, I have used 4 a few times, but usually use 3.  As for air pressure, or what ever, it's set for 11.  From what they told me at the sleep lab, the settings range from 4 to 25.

    I'm glad to hear that you had a good night's sleep.  I sleep like....not well.  I know I have better quality sleep when I am actually sleeping, and the snoring is gone, but I still wake tired, even if I sleep 8-10 hours.  So something else is going on too.

    Mine had a wireless modem attached and it sent signals to where ever, when ever it was in use.  They wanted to track my usage and what ever else they can tell from the machine, for 6 months.

    A tech rep called at the 6 month mark, to the day, and said he's sending a prepaid package to return the modem in, they could see that I was using it faithfully.

    And now I get a robocall every 6 months for reordering the consumable stuff like filters and such.  Thank God for my insurance.  They never even questioned me, so I guess it's pretty serious, and much cheaper than the medical conditions that result from untreated OSA.

    Now I am waiting for what ever comes next after I filed for "sleep disturbance" a few weeks ago.

    Semper Fi.


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