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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Andyman73

  1. Thanks, guys, I appreciate your words and support.  I guess the things that really get me is the VARO told me 2 would be granted, and that the 2 that had entries in my SMR don't even rate an exam because I've not been given a DX of either. 

    One was filed as secondary, but ebennies lists it as a primary...and that was one of the ones she said would be granted, and examiner opined was caused by a primary contention already SCd.

    I do have copies of the first exams, from Oct. 30th and Nov. 3rd.  Took till early January before I was able to get them.

    pwrslm,  I had sent in maybe 2 dozen pages of medical evidence and VA prescriptions showing treatment for pain, but that certainly can't be good enough to show chronic pain, right?  Guess not...as far as the VARO was concerned.

    Been nearly 2 weeks since I emailed Sec. McDonald...no response from anyone.


  2. USAF-Vet,

    I know how that wait feels, I just spent 2 months in waiting in prep for decision phase just to get 100% denials across the board.  Which included one that the examiner wrote at least as likely, or more than likely caused by primary, for a secondary claim, and one that the VARO said would be granted without exam. 

    Now I've been waiting for the envelope for which eBenefits showed notification letter sent, for over a week now.

  3. 4 hours ago, Buck52 said:

     Good points Navy4life   I agree

    Andymann, I meant the records that they need to review for your (during) C&P because there always something in those they need to ask about and the C&P is the time and place to do it

    what those examiners put in their report ''usually'' the raters use that in their decision  or just about have to unless they disagree  with them and raters can't make their own opinion because there simply not Dr's

    Kinda funny tho, I have never had a single exam where they were looking at my STR while I was there.  Or else I could have said look here, around this month and year and so on.

    My last exam, Saturday 3 weeks ago, I was in and out in 5 minutes!!!  He asked about radicular symptoms in my lower extremities, which I saw on blue button notes as marked exactly as I described them(a first for me!). Then he performed the "do you feel this" test with the monofiliment.  Which I did feel...he said I don't have periferal neuropothy.  I said oh, I thought this was an exam for radiculapathy.  Said nope.  Oh....

  4. Navy04,

    Yeah I do.  I go every 4-6 weeks for MH therapy.  He's the one who said that pain is one of the most common causes of depression, especially chronic pain.  I asked him before I filed my claim for that.  Examiner ignored 99% of my evidence pointing to chronic pain, over the past 23 years.  VARO said physical evidence aside, she can't go against the examiner's opinion.

    I was going to PT for the pain in my hips/waist but the PT stopped after 3 sessions.  Said he doesn't see any reason to continue as there was no improvement and the radicular pain was quite evident to him.  He referred me to see a Physiatrist for further evaluation and the next step in treatment.  VARO denied this even though she said that the PTs repeated mention of radicular symptoms was more than enough to link it as secondary to my SC low back.

    She denied my R ankle since the pain isn't separable from my pes cavus feet SCD.  OK, so no matter the examiner put at least as likely as not caused by the SCD feet condition, with ROM in the 10-20% range...she told me this one is good to go, but may not get to 20%.  Said she will review the evidence to see if she could get it to 20%.

    I'll be going to see my PCP in the next week or two, had to reschedule due to Blizzard Jonas.  Will be speaking about this with him.

  5. All I can say is that I have yet to have a C&P exam where they went over my STRs with me during the exam.  And that I did speak with the VARO who called me a few weeks ago, only to have ebenefits show the contentions she said would be granted, as denied.

    As for giving up...well...after banging your head against the brick wall for so long, either you knock yourself out, or forget what it was you were doing and stop banging just to make the hurting stop.  Banging certainly doesn't quiet the voices inside, either!


  6. Ok, well, regroup and outflank them, right???

    On the 3rd I have an appointment, now, with my private dentist.  I called and spoke with them in regards to my worn down teeth and jaw pain.  I told them when I was in the Marines I was having a lot of trouble with pain in my jaw.  And that the dentist strongly suggested I get checked for sleep apnea, since in his professional experience younger folks with worn teeth more often than not, have SA.  Which I got tested and DXd for, 2 years ago.

    Lady looked in my file and says yep, we put you in for a mouth guard back in '13, but my ins. denied.  I said I will bring in my STRs showing their findings and a questionaire(DBQ) for the dentist to use. 

    So, now I just need to download and print the DBQ for painful jaw condition and a copy of a nexus letter.

    Semper Fi.


  7. Thanks, Green.


    VSO was the one that told me all were being being denied before they even got to the VARO.  Yah, I know eBenefits is more wrong than right.


    Yah, that's just it,  clear the wait list by denying all, so the appeals list grows and grows.


    They were half and half. The depression was secondary to chronic pain, but ebennies has it listed as secondary only to knee pain SCD.  The R ankle was secondary to feet, but is listed as primary contention.  That one specifically was to be granted as per VARO!  MH said he can't write me a letter directly, due to local VAMC regs, but he will do a depression DBQ during my next session and use the notes in that to give his opinion. The MH examiner did not use a DBQ for my C&P exam!

    Also, no reply yet from his honor Sec. McDonald, sec of VA.



  8. I know it's not official until you get the letter in your mailbox, but I just looked on ebennies for the first time since last Thursday and saw all my current contentions are denied. 

    This is after I spoke with the VARO on the phone, and after she said which one's were go and which were no go.  Even the one the examiner wrote at least as likely caused by another SCD!  And she said it would be granted, probably only at the 10% level.  It was supposed to be a secondary, but ebennies shows it as primary.

    Anyone got a one way ticket to Mars they aren't using, cuz I already been to Death Valley!


  9. On 1/25/2016 at 2:46 PM, pumibel said:

    Hey Andy,

    I just got back from my dental C&P, and two dentists (I made sure they were dentists not assistants) discussed my case with me. The TMJ specialist said that yes, I am a daytime clencher, not a night time grinder, and the majority of clenching is caused by stress. Since I have symptoms and damage associated with chronic, long-term clenching, it is completely reasonable that this started with the 2001 trigger as I had postulated. I had to discuss the PTSD claim and details associated with that because it was relevant to the jaw and headache pains. Hell, I was clenching right there in the office!

    In my case, the damage is mostly to the myofascial tissue rather than the actual joint, but the discs attached to the jaw bone are out of alignment from the years of clenching. Since physical symptoms and my account are in accord, they support a service connection. I know this is ultimately up to the VA, but there you have it from two experts.

    So this excuse that your VARO is giving you does not really stand up if your jaw pain is from clenching. You should definitely keep after your VARO about getting that exam! At the very least you can be seen by VA dentists if you can get the condition service connected. It will save you $$$!

    Hope this helps!




    First off, I got nearly 3ft of snow at my house, not including drifting which reached over 5ft in some spots.  Yay for me!  My kids loved it, tho, got 2 snow days out of it!

    Ok, I had to reschedule my PCP appointment to next Friday, due to the snow.  While on the phone with the schedulers I asked them if I could get in to see the dentists at the VAMC.  She said since I am not 100%, I would be billed for the visit.  So I said I will talk to my PCP about it.  So that's where that stands.  And if that produces no results, I will schedule with my own dentist and go from there...at least he is already concerned about my worn down teeth.

    Semper Fi,



  10. Hmmm, as of my current status, my bilateral bonus is 5.4, according to my VAMC benefits counselor.  Which is 10% of 54, added on makes it 59, as I understand it.

    As for the 2 10s, equals 19 with bilateral bonus of 1.9, which was my first bilateral rating. 

    I started out with 10 for L ankle, then added 10%, 2 yrs later, for bilateral patellafemoral pain condition.  15 years later added 2 10s, one per each knee.  And then a 30% for pes cavus w/plantar fasciiis bilateral.

    I agree, the VA's fuzzy math is designed to screw the Vet out of fair and right compensation.

  11. Buck,

    Thanks, I plan on call my dentist for an appointment within the next week or so. 

    Was a toasty warm 15 degrees when I left for work this morning.  Got no plans to go nowhere over the next few days.  Got my snowblower all gassed up and jerry can topped off too!  More than half my neighbors are AARP types or older and they depend on my willingness to stay out in it, to clear their drives and sidewalks.

    Semper Fi,


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