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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Andyman73

  1. babyray,

    Now, don't expect them to give you the sciatica with out you putting in a claim for it.  Only 1 out of 10,000 Vets gets a bonus SCD primary or secondary, without filing a claim. 

    You will most likely have to endure an EMG, where the examiner will zap you with low level juice, like an electric cattle fence, to get a reading on the level of nerve damage or impingment.  Also stick you with a tiny needle probe and listen to the signals going through your nervous system.  Can be lots of fun, especially if they tap into a motor branch plate!

  2. Ok, here's the official word on the emg results;

    sensation decreased on both hands, all fingers, MRI of cervical spine shows mild multilevel disc disease with multilevel mild and mild to moderate neuroforaminal narrowing.


    1) carpal tunnel syndrome, moderate, bilateral; affecting the motor and sensory components of the median nerve on both sides.

    2) suggestive by not diagnostic of acute cervical radiculopathy, C5, C6 on the right.

    There is no electrodiagnostic evidence on this study of focal ulnar nerve entrapment on either side, cervical radiculopathy on the left, brachial plexopathy on either or generalized peripheral neuropathy.

    So...there that is.

  3. Well, not sure, like doing simple math on the fly, or matching memory(really sucked at that one).  They were fun, almost like a video game app.  I didn't pay for the full access app, so only played the free games.  Like advertised on tv.

    Ok, well, got some news. I secure messaged the BH dept to reschedule.  Then I checked myHealtheVet for future appointments, not even thinking for a second about this.  What lo??? My neuro exam was already rescheduled for next Thursday, the 31st!  So I secure messaged them again, saying that the new time/date will work fine with me.  So...score 1 for the VA.  Totally caught me off guard with that one!


  4. ArNG11 and Flores97,

    I will have to secure message them.  Will try that tomorrow.  See what they have to say for themselves. 

    Yes, I do expect the results to be telling, there's got to be some reason why I have blank spots in my memory.  For example, not just forgetting what my wife told me, but forgetting that she even talked to me at all.  She swears a blue streak, that we talked, about something, even what room in the house we were in.  I draw a complete blank, might as well been talking to one of the kids, and then telling me I remember what they said, as if I was there, even tho I was at work.

    Then she wants me to think about it, to see if I can remember it.  What am I supposed to think about?  Tomorrow?  Do any of you remember tomorrow?  Then I just lie to her and say, oh yeah, now I remember, even tho I'm as clueless as to what, as the VA is in doing right by Vets.

    When I told my VA MH therapist, he was quite concerned.  He found it rather interesting that I wasn't just forgetting something talked about, but forgetting even talking, or when or where.  It even happened to him, this past session.  He was asking me how a conflict resolution tool/trick was working out.  I said huh?  We didn't talk about that, I don't recall.  He says we did, cuz it was in his notes...hmmm, I wasn't there, was I?

    Sometimes when talking with either of my brothers, and it's something from our past, I have no memory of it.  Like I called off sick, from my own life, that day.  I used to be pretty good with directions, too, verbal, not written.  But so often go left when I should go right.

    I forget names seconds after I hear them, too.  

    Dang, there goes that deja vu all over again... 

  5. Not sure, at least, not until I see my therapist again, in a few weeks.  What gets me is, is the dr the only one who administers these exams?  Isn't there anyone else who can do it? 

    Man, I tell ya, I never really had any wind in my sails, but now I don't even have any sails on my masts.  Feels like I'm manning the oars all by myself on a big ol' galleon, pulling against the main anchor still laying on the bottom.

  6. Update time!!!

    They called the house yesterday and told my wife that my neurological exam for tomorrow is canceled.  Supposedly it won't work for the doc who would be administering said exam.  Yay me!

    Now I won't have to worry about the findings anymore, just only worry about what's still unknown.

    Makes my wife happy, she didn't want me to go anyway.  She doesn't want to know what's up with that useless lump between my ears.  I think that way she can't say she knows the truth about it, so she can still get mad when I forget stuff(all day every day).  Who am I kidding, knowing would not have changed that for her anyhow.  Actually it would make it easier for her to blame me.  Cuz I'm the mental one with issues going to therapy, so it must be me.

    Nothing like having your little bit of hope wiped away like an errant crumb on the kitchen table...

    Back to staring at the blank wall

  7. Buck,

    Very interesting, very interesting indeed, sir!  The only sense I get is that the VA will willingly chose to ignore and or deny outright, any benefit to said offspring, if they aren't somehow crippled or worse.  Which is to say any that qualify for Level I compensation will not get it.


  8. killemall,

    You can use your airline ticket stubs and appointment schedule and results of dr/pt visits as proof of your willingness to be where you need to be.  How can they say you just never showed up, but went through the great lengths of flying to the mainland to make those other appointments?  That would make sense to nobody! 

    Even an a$$ backwards entity such as the VA can not deny(honestly) that simple truth.  Which lends more credence to the possibility that the VA never informed you by mail or phone, of those C&P exams.

  9. Yep, killemall, nothing like going to an appointment that they made, to begin with, months in advance, with the letter informing you of same.  Just to be told, oh, we canceled that appointment months ago...the same week they made the appointment.  Kinda like getting denied a claim that the rater told you on the phone that they were going to grant.


  10. Had an EMG done yesterday.  Oh the joys of electro-shock fun!!!  So, I guess I got carpal tunnel in both hands.  I've been having numbness and pins and needles, in both hands, but only when I was having same in the arms too.  Also, some kind of nerve irritation in the R bicep. And on the left facilitator had to push the electro probe deep into L bicep and give me a 40% "fun" zap!

    Also something with the back of the neck, she couldn't get a good reading on the R side, muscles wouldn't relax enough even with my head resting on the exam table.

  11. I do believe it was, I noted it on following health questionaires, and the drs did comment. 

    And about 2 years later I had a stress induced angina(chest pain?). And I drove right over to the ER, as I was driving when it happened! Scary!!! Not only was I in pain, but was driving, and couldn't step on brake and pull over, my arms and legs wouldn't respond! Thank the Lord I was on a straight stretch of road, and no body was coming or behind me.

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