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First Class Petty Officer
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  • Service Connected Disability
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    US Air Force

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  1. Sir, if you are interested we do have a free service that will review your VA decision letter. This may help you to provide some more clarity.
  2. Hey, This is Richard, I own Veterans Benefits Evaluations. I am a disabled Veteran who has been around the VA disability space for the better part of a decade. Just to be clear we are not claim support, we are NOT VA claim consultants or coaches, we are a 3rd party medical evidence provider. There is no such thing as an accredited medical evidence provider. I will explain our entire process to clear up any confusion: Everyone gets a free benefits eligibly exam. You are assigned to a fellow disable Veteran and his/ her assistant. Vern is his assist and was calling to collect some information, so that the process can start. Once we have some basic information it is taken back to our staff. There we help to identify any possible secondary claims, increases, mental health claims or if there are any denials you need medical evidence for. (These are all possibilities) We then identify what (if any) medical evidence is needed to back up those claims, you can then take that information to your doctor or use our platform to order needed medical evidence. You are then set up for a call with your assigned representative to help identify any questions you may have and walk you though the buying process. There is NO FEE when you win your claim and NO FEE on backpay. I also guarantee you that you will not find a better price for the qualify of medical evidence that is produced. I have attached one of our recent reviews. If you have any questions, let me know.
  3. We feel the same way! It's a preset we can't change, yet! LOL
  4. My wife created a new Tik Tok Channel to help educate Veterans on their VA Disability Benefits. She saw what I went through and wanted to help. Let me know any topics you want me to cover!
  5. There are a good amount of options out there if you need an IMO. Some claim's do not need an IMO. If you have been seen by your own provider for years, that would be the route to go for sure.
  6. I highly recommend seeing Dr. Jaclyn H. Polsky if you need an independent medical option to go with your mental health claim. I saw her work and is very detailed and she has a ton of experience working with the VA. https://www.soflapsych.com/ I don't recommend someone unless I believe the work they produce is top of the line and Dr. Polsky does produce top of the line reports.
  7. I would say lets start here, what conditions are you looking to service connected and how (direct secondary etc). If you give us more info we may be able to point you in the right direction.
  8. Does the pain your back cause mental anguish? If it does you could be looking at a secondary claim (if your not already service connected for mental health).
  9. Since this is in your records, I would go forward with a claims package that includes a detailed personal statement, buddy letters, and I would include some medical journals off https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ that related to your case.
  10. True but for appeals you had to fax them in. This gets rid of the need to fax anything at this point.
  11. Team, Direct VA upload is now open to the Veteran, where in the past this was just for the VSO's or lawyers. What this means is that you do not have to mail or fax info to the VA anymore, you can directly upload your information here: Direct Va upload https://eauth.va.gov/accessva/?fbclid=IwAR3ZOyaPuzPzeUGWx7RcTRfFS1AQtZYgOIbthX4pfbo1PRi3UC7tbSLlBNE I just used this system to submit my supplemental appeal this morning! It was easy to use and sent a confirmation number!
  12. This is a good thing! This means that most likely they are going to do another C&P exam to get another option or they will rate on what they have have on file. Typically I've seen these go in favor of the Veteran.
  13. I see nothing but good coming out this for the Veteran. How can a C&P examiner that works for the VA remain impartial if they work for the VA? That in itself has inherent ethical issues.
  14. I would agree! Supplemental claims in my experience are going just as fast as a FDC right now!
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