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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Andyman73

  1. Yeah...I suppose it's a bit of a stretch to expect Ashton Kutcher to pop out behind a wall.

    Maybe the "tribbles" will get me, eh?  I really don't want to be assimilated.

    I'm not afraid of the testing, it's the results that I'm concerned about.  But that is one of the things I deal with on a daily basis, accepting that sometimes good things do happen for me.  So often the voices in my head tell me that no good deed goes unpunished, and what ever good I do, will credit someone else. 

    I tried telling my MH therapist about that, but it went over like a lead balloon.  He was quick to dismiss it, saying to me to reflect back and see how often that came true.  So often I can see where what good I did went unnoticed, and every opposite action did not escape notice.  It's not that I have a long history of bad luck or dumb luck.  But a few situations that should have gone just slightly left or right of center, went way way off.

    One example in particular, when I got picked up for being drunk in public, I had only gotten out of the backseat of my designated driver's car, when a deputy sheriff drove up.  Just like that, my friend and I were in for a free night's stay at the local gray bar hotel.  Due to outside influences we got dropped off at the main gate, where over a dozen MPs received us.  They were waiting for a couple of Marines who had been fighting, but instead got 2 happy drunks. 

    One thing lead to another, and 90 days restriction and extra duty, loss of promotion, and loss of pay(suspended at the mercy of the court).  Oh, and a 21 day outpatient rehab stint on top of that.  Certainly more than being drunk in public, with no witness to any activity beyond arriving via designated driver, and getting out of the car, warranted.  Our designated driver was not allowed to witness to the fact that he had just driven us there from a local Country/Western music joint.  And my sergeant recommending the harshest penalty allowed by the UCMJ, because our SNOIC was TDY.

    I recall reading in my SRB that my final command wrote that I was a "stay in the background let others get the credit" type of worker.  Always doing more than was required, and always willing to lend a hand wherever needed.  But in my SMR, from earlier at my first command, I was a "type A" personality.  Outgoing and energetic, despite having issues with my back and knees.  One was written before that incident, the other a few years later.


  2. As I am still on the outside looking in(for SA SC) during my sleep study my O2 dropped into the low 70s.  My AHI % was in the upper 60s, too, I believe.  My dentist, who was the one that got me to get the sleep study done, was blown away by my numbers.

    He also has SA, and said in his 20+ years of tooth work, most often serious tooth wear(bruxism and clenching) is directly related to OSA/SA.  He said that his numbers are not even half as bad as mine, and he has weight issues to contend with. 

    I'm still trying to find the right nexus to link my SA to my service.

    snake doctor, 1st off...Welcome to Hadit, 2ndly ya gotta do like Gastone says and use your CPAP EVERYNIGHT!  I know I sure do, I'm too afraid to not use it!

    Semper Fi.

  3. Okay, so I won't worry about not being able to code, anymore, but then again, I never could anyway....so no loss there!

    Well, my short-term memory is like a galaxy far far away, you occasionally see glimpses of light.  And my long-term memory, more like a galaxy much much  closer, you can see most everything, with dark spaces in-between the light. 

    Or maybe it's the final frontier, where no person has gone before.

    Mostly I just want it to come out in my favor, in relation to my claims.  My biggest rational fear is that after it's all over Ashton Kutcher will pop out and tell my how I've just been punk'd by the VA, and sorry 'bout my luck.

  4. 2 hours ago, brokensoldier244th said:

    Were you discharged for that injury? If so, thats already your link because your MEB/PEB would have had a line of duty form for the injury. 

    No sir, fulfilled the requirements of my 6 yr enlistment.  My back and knees were much more of an issue, from the same fall, and took most of my attention.  And a daily regimen of Vitamin M(motrin) kept most of the pain to a dull ache.

    As for surgery, my twin brother has scar tissue on his spinal cord from the VA.  They were removing a bulging disc and nicked his cord, making the disc related symptoms permanent.  So, yeah...not too interested in that, at least not at this time.

  5. It really all depends if it can be linked to that fun trip down the stairs.  I know I sure do enjoy the hot flashes, which feels like sunburn or steam burns on my skin.  And I love the burning heat sensation that goes down the back of my neck through my shoulders and upper back.  Feels like hot water running down, but in the muscles, not on the skin like the other hot flashes.

  6. Hello all you Vets in Hadit land!!!

    I recently had an MRI done at the behest of my PCP.  I am posting the results for youse guys to ruminate upon.  I filed a claim some time ago for pain in the neck that was secondary to back issues.  Well, that was a no go.  I didn't remember if I ever had been seen during my AD years for any neck issues.  Well, I did find a complaint of pain in my neck.  It was when I fell down the stairs during my first week of boot camp, in November 1992.  On the ER report it shows complaint of defuse pain in the neck, and other areas.  And while no injury was found during the exam, in my neck area, it was sore for a few days.  I was given 800mg Motrin for pain in other body areas, which subsiquently were granted SC after my enlistment. 

    I have mentioned to my PCP, over the past 2-3 years, feeling tingling, numbness and hot flashes in my upper extremities, and shoulders.  It varies depending on the activity and position of my neck.  My neck is stiff all the time, and I am constantly cracking and stretching my neck.  If I don't it leads to headaches rather quickly.


    Cervical spine MRI


    Clinical history: Evaluate for evidence of cervical radiculopathy


    Procedure: Sagittal Ti-weighted, T2-weighted, STIR sequences, axial T2-weighted gradient echo and turbo spin echo sequences


    Discussion: Comparison is made with cervical spine radiographs performed  2/27/2015.


    The alignment of the vertebral bodies is normal and the heights of the vertebral bodies are maintained. The signal characteristics of the bony elements are normal. There is no evidence of an acute osseous abnormality. The spinal cord

    demonstrate normal morphology and normal signal characteristics.


    At C2-C3 the disc spaces unremarkable. The spinal canal and the neuroforamina are patent. There is slight narrowing of the right neural foramen secondary to uncovertebral spurring.


    At C3-C4 the disc space is unremarkable. The spinal canal is widely patent. The right neural foramen is mildly to moderately narrowed by uncovertebral spurring. The left neural foramen is moderately narrowed by uncovertebral spurring.


    At C4-C5 there is very mild disc degeneration. The spinal canal is widely patent. The neuroforamina widely patent.


    At C5-C6 there is mild disc degeneration. There is slight central disc bulge which does not cause significant spinal canal narrowing. The left neural foramen is mildly narrowed by uncovertebral hypertrophy. The right neural foramen is largely patent.


    At C6-C7 there is mild disc degeneration. There is a linear focus of high signal along the left paracentral dorsal aspect of the

    disc which may represent a fissure of the annulus fibrosis. There is a slight central disc bulge that significant narrowing of the spinal canal and the neuroforamina bilaterally mildly narrowed secondary to uncovertebral hypertrophy


    At C7-T1 the disc space appears normal. The spinal canal and neuroforamina widely patent.

    The last part didn't paste, so here is the last few lines;

    paraspinous soft tissue is unremarkable,  impression: Multilevel mild disc disease with mild to moderate neural foramina narrowing as detail above.  Primary diagnostic code; abnormality noted.

    Thanks again to all who opine here.


  7. Here is a letter written by my dentist.  I'd like some feedback from all you big brains out there in Hadit land. 

    To whom it may Concern:

    I am Dr. Kevin L. Hicks. I am general dentist with 20 years' of clinical experience, including treatment of bruxism and TM disorder. I have been asked to write a statement in support of the aforementioned veterans claim.

    Mr. XX X   is a patient under my care since March 2013. His diagnosis is dental bruxism with associated muscle enlargement and tenderness as well significant wear in patient's dentition.

    I am familiar with his history and have examined Mr. XXX often while he has been under my care. Radiographs on 3/25/2013, 09/15/2014, 10/30/2015, and on 2/12/2016 Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) show signs of flattened and worn teeth. Also on clinical exam on 2/12/2016 patient shows signs of hypertrophied masseter muscles, tenderness to palpation with limited jaw opening (30 mm), as well pain on contralateral Temporal mandibular area in excursive movements.

    After reviewing clinical records of Mr. XXX  visits to dental and medical practitioners during his military service, a visit 7 February 1997, Mr. XXX  presented to branch medical clinical for jaw muscle pain which had been a problem for 1week. The note states that the pain, has been reoccurring since four years ago. Diagnosis at that visit was Jaw pain secondary to bruxism. Patient was seen again 11February 1997 for same issue and again 12 March 1997.

                     Mr. XXX   has no other known risk factors that may have precipitated his current condition.


    After a review of the pertinent records it is my professional opinion that it is at least as likely as not that Mr. XXX  condition is related to his service.

    In my personal experience, stress as well as obstructive sleep apnea have a high degree of causation in bruxism and associated muscular pain.


     Ok, is there anything that should be added or removed from the nexus letter?  I didn't think of it at the time, but certainly pain would be a cause of clenching and grinding teeth. 


  8. Berta,

    I was joking, of course, mostly...

    It's in reference to an irrational fear I had mentioned some time back, about being locking in a room, strapped to a bed, in some long forgotten no longer used hospital wing.  Even typing this is giving me the heebee geebees!

    My VA shrink offered it, and I am willing to go, especially if it will help me with my MH claim.  We only spoke of the neuro exam, so far.  Will have to see what  comes of that to see what comes next. 

  9. Berta and flores97,

    Okay, my therapist said expect it to take 8 hours.  I wonder how they decide the who, the what, then when, why, where, how and why for art thou?  And whether or not the light in the window is from the East, or a crack in the sky? 

    Copying patterns and repeating stories...most likely gonna bomb them.  Animal naming...maybe okay.

    Will they ask a bunch of questions like a DBQ but 10X more?

    Only thing that bothers me, is what if they find something that gets me thrown out, or locked away?  Not like jail, but like institutionalized. 

  10. Does anyone have any recent experience with neurological exams, the 8 hour variety?  My VA MH therapist is referring me to neuro to get scheduled.  He's quite interested in finding out what, if any, may be the cause of the holes in my memory.  Hmmm, wonder if maybe they can tell me why I experience deja vue (all over again) so often.

    Apparently I was confused, when he told me previously that he wanted to go through a depression DBQ during our next session, which was Feb 29th. 


  11. I guess I was spoiled just a little, with one or two claims that ran through in about 3 months, in the first half of last year. 

    I do believe I am at the trail head of a long and perhaps Sysiphian journey, myself.  If any one passes me on this trail, say "hey" as you go by.  I may be sitting to take a break, enjoying the view at a "scenic overlook", or pondering which fork in the trail to take, but that don't mean I gave up.

    I'd rather be doing night land nav with a compass and a map.

  12. My teeth and jaw hurt all the time now, I can't stop clenching.  Seems like every time I stop thinking about not clenching....clench!  But not to worry, according to the RO, 6 SMR entries do not a valid claim for SC make.

    I have my next VA MH therapy session on the 29th.  He is going to go through a MH depression DBQ "for his notes", since he is barred from writing a note directly to the RO for me.  So he will be writing in his notes how he thinks my MDD is connected to my service via several different issues. 

    He also wants to perform a neurological exam over the next few sessions after this one.  I guess he's a little concerned with the "holes" in my memory.

    Beyond that....I just don't know anymore




  13. It's not that it didn't get sent to me, or arrive within the 30 day time limit, it's that it wasn't sent, even after one email to Sec. McDonald, and 2 IRIS complaints.  For those who may have remembered anything I posted in the past few months, these claims were filed in August.  I had 3 C&P exams, 2 on October 30th and one on November 3rd.

    One exam ended up as not the claimed body part, so see your PCP for further eval.  Another-at least as likely or more than likely caused by primary SCD.  And the 3rd was the MH that the examiner totally disregarded the reason for the exam in the first place.

    Then the DAV told me all were denied on November 23rd.  But my benefits counselor told me that the claims weren't even received at the VARO until December 15th!!!  Then in January, first week, RO called me at home and we spoke over 2 hours.(2hrs 7minutes).  Told me the secondary would be granted, and 2 others would be deferred, until more evidence could be generated.  And 1 would be scheduled for exam. 

    Then ebennies showed all denied a week later, and finally on January 23rd, showed decision letter sent out.  So if I were to go with the DAV's lies, my decision letter is 90 days past due.

    And that's what I got going on now.

  14. Not sure what to say, I called the benefits counselor at my local VAMC.  I told him that I had some claims that were closed on January 23rd, according to my ebenefits account.  I said today is February 23rd, and I still haven't received a decision letter explaining why my claims were denied.

    Now, I emailed Mr. McDonald on Jan 22nd with questions about 2 of the claims that were denied with out exams, even though I submitted evidence from my SMR.  Guess what, no reply from him or his office.

    I sent an inquiry via IRIS regarding same and lack of decision letter.  That was on Feb 2nd.  Only response was the automated 5 business days to reply response.  I sent a complaint via IRIS on Feb. 16th in regards to no decision letter being received, tho my ebenefits account states decision letter sent. 

    I explained to benefits counselor that I called Peggy several times on several different days, and could not get through each time.  I told him that I contacted the VA via the IRIS and hadn't heard anything there either.  So he looked me up and saw that a claim filed in August of 15 was closed/denied on January 23rd, 16.  I said yes, and I haven't received my decision letter.  He said he will get it out in today's mail.

    Will be mentioning all this to my VA MH therapist when I see him again on the 29th of this month.

  15. pete992,

    Brother, I so hated seeing that cop out excuse "not well grounded" from the VA!  I remember when I was dealing with them from mid-1998 till mid-2000 for my knees.  I kept getting "not well grounded" because falling down the stairs during boot camp, and the near 2 dozen SMR entries just weren't enough to well ground my claim! 


    Welcome to Hadit.  You will learn many things here.  One of them is that the VA will give nothing away, and they will not tell you anything that will give you the upper hand with your claims.  What you don't know benefits the VA.  But here, you can and will gain knowledge and guidance, from those that have gone before, and you will then gain the upper hand. 

    While time is not on our side, we still must endure it's passing, to gain victory in our struggles against the machine.  When dealing with the VA, we are treated as "guilty, until proven innocent". 


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