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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Andyman73

  1. Broncovet,

    I understand, it's just thinking about it and going through it sure don't make you feel better about it.

    So...chronic, If I fell down a flight of stairs at boot camp, and over 8,500 days later, still have pain, there might be something to it?  I know that the pain I'm enjoying, many times a day, is slowly inching higher on the 1-10 pain scale.

    By the way, I keep my wooden leg in a nice "Pelican" carrying case, that way it stays nice and clean and shiny...well, I would if I had one, that is.

  2. I think for most of us, the type of VA malpractice most common is not so serious, it's more of an everyday variety....intentional and willful refusal to diagnose less serious medical issues.  They treat the symptoms and not the disease. 

    For example, say a Vet has been experiencing pain in the middle of their body, let's say it's the illiac crests.  And let's say he's been dealing with it for 3-4 years, and it's slowly getting worse.  Now, for sake of conversation, said Vet filed a claim for secondary to low back, knees, feet, and ankle. At C&P exam, it's noted painful and limited ROM of hip joints...but no DX.  Then, said Vet returns to PCP, who also notes painful and reduced ROM, and refers Vet to PT. After 3 PT sessions, therapist notes no improvement and recommends consult with physiatrist. 

    Physiatrist does full work up, is concerned that symptoms present don't match common issues that present with pain in illiac crests. Refers to pain management. Vet goes, is seen by very nice Dr. at the ASU. She injects Vet at both SI joints, to see if that helps Vet.  Nearly 2 weeks since ASU visit, pain has returned to previous levels.

    Multiple visits to various med types, and no diagnosis.  While not outright malpractice, not exactly good practice either.  So...I'm not any worse for wear, but sure feels like I'm getting run through the grinder and passed on to the next Dr., and so on and so forth.

    Maybe it's just me.

  3. Okay, well, got the injections done, Monday a week ago...April 4th to be exact.  My SI joints never felt better! However, they felt fine before, so, no change.  And the pain in the illiac crest region, that only stayed gone for a week.  I was off work 12 days, and during that time the pain eased, and then was gone altogether after the injections.  But now that I'm back to work the pain is back to hurting, too.

    Doc told me, when asked, that getting the injections will help DX the issue...we'll see.

  4. 21 hours ago, armyvet89 said:

    I do have paperwork saying the doctor recommends I get tested for SA but he was just an orthopedic surgeon. Would that hold any weight? I have the dx for ptsd but haven't submitted the claim yet because I'm waiting on medical papers to submit with the claim. If I do end up claiming SA second to ptsd do I have to put it on a separate claim?

    Send that sucker off!!! Since you already have the DX for the PTSD, send in that claim.  File on Ebennies for instant EED starting point.  Then send in copies of the medical records once you get them.

    Yep, SA secondary to PTSD will be it's own claim.  But like Bronco said, gotta have a sleep specialist make the link to PTSD.

  5. I must be in some exclusionary group, I can't get anything secondary to my back. Up or down, I couldn't even get R ankle secondary to L, or bilateral knees, or bilateral pes cavus w/plantar fasciitis...

    Funny how my VA therapist was telling me, at my last session, that the VA really isn't out to deny me SCDs.  Must be in my head.  I'm seriously considering telling him at my next session, that I don't want to come anymore.  I don't feel any better, and it seems like what ever good may be happening in therapy, is being drained away by the VARO.  I'm just imagining that 6+ different denials are some big deal, but not really, right?

    I'm imagining the burning in my big toes right now, cuz it's so much fun pretending your feet are on fire, right?

  6. iceturkee,

    You may also be experiencing pes cavus(claw foot) related pain and plantar fasciitis, which tends to shadow pes cavus.  I have a handful of pes issues, however get 30% for pes cavus with plantar fasciitis bilateral.  I thought arthritis got it's own separate rating, but I guess not.  Anyway,  I have back problems too, but somehow the two don't meet in the middle for me.

    Try painful foot condition, bilateral, when I put my claim in, it said painful foot condition, to include plantar fasciitis. 

    Now I have an EED claim in for same, since I had a C&P exam back in early '06 that found all the same issues, but then was not decided yay or nay.


  7. Do you have medical record entries showing the Dr. recommending you seek treatment for SA?  That would be worth it's weight in gold.  If you are already DX'd for PTSD, put in a claim for that ASAP.  The SA would most likely be secondary to that.  Others will chime in with better info than I have for you.

  8. Gastone,

    No SC for SA or MDD.  SA DX'd by private dr. MDD DX'd by VA MH dr., but not SC'd because examiner ignored tons of evidence.  Am SC'd for bilateral patella femoral pain syndrome, low back strain/pain, and residuals of ankle injury L ankle.  These are SC'd to my EAS, 11/98.

    Still trying to write up NOD's for SA and depression secondary to chronic pain.  Should have them done by week's end.  Have a few months on the depression and more on the SA time line to get them in.  Very hard to over come the over whelming urge to go belly up and let it all go. 

    Dealing with the illiac crest pain issue, which no body wants to make an official DX or opine what may be causing it.  April 4th I go to pain management for shots for pain for which isn't DX'd. 

    This Thursday I go for neuro exam, that had been scheduled for last Thursday, but got bumped a week.

    Add to that a VSO that keeps siding with "them", and can't seem to be bothered to help me.  And being turned away by 2 notable law firms...

    Riptide is pulling me out, all I can do is swim parallel to the shore, just hoping to break free before I get pulled beyond the point of no return.

  9. I don't have a success story for this, nor do I have one pending either.  I do have a denial for SA secondary, however. Trying to figure out how to get this done, since my depression secondary to chronic pain was denied, mostly because the shrink examiner willfully chose to ignore a huge pile of SMR/STR entries for pain, and subsequent VA treatment and prescription records as well. 

    That examiner did state that I suffer from chronic sleep issues, tho.  But that does me as much good as not having filed at all. 

    Not gonna hijack someone's thread, so....

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