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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Andyman73

  1. pete992,

    I certainly have documented in my SMR several times, at least, being seen/treated for sinus and upper respiratory illness, and pneumonia.  I have at least one blood lab result showing over the limit Co2 as well.  I also had a pretty severe angina too.  And my pb began showing up as higher readings.  I will be bringing copies of all these to my upcoming sleep specialist appointment. 

    I sure hope and pray that this will be the required medical issues showing signs of SA from my AD years, for my sleep dr. to make a well stated nexus statement.

  2. 19 hours ago, armyvet89 said:

    Thanks Andyman. Would it be acceptable for her to say that she feels it is at as likely than not that my OSA started in service and is aggravating my PTSD?

    Because she is a nurse, it won't hurt for her to say that, especially if she was able to observe you(sleeping next to you) during your AD years.  That's for the OSA, as for the PTSD, that would be a stretch, however, she can certainly say that she noticed your personality began to be effected by the change in your sleep pattern, which she would have seen by being around you during that same time frame.

  3. 63Charlie,

    I feel your pain, literally.  I fell down a flight of stairs during boot camp, 23.5 years ago. The VA's own radiology lab found degenerative disc disease at several locations in 1997.  To this date, I have no SCD rating for that.  I did get a 10% for low back pain/strain dated to my EAS of 11/98, which was bumped to 40% on 03/15. 

    My injury date was 11/21/1992.  I also injured my knees and neck during same shortcut down the stairs.  I'm now dealing with pain throughout my SI joint/illiac crest region-bilaterally.  I had injections for the pain in both SI joints, on the 4th of this month.  No relief what so ever.  All this through the VA.  Went through PT, which was stopped after 3 sessions by the PT himself, due to no change and increased pain.  Saw physiatrist, who referred me to the ASU for pain relief injections.  So far I've been looked at, poked at, prodded, and enjoyed an EMG, by 6 different VA medical types, but not one official DX offered or given.


  4. armyvet89,

    As your spouse, and as a medically trained professional, her lay statement will carry some weight in your favor.  Depending on her specific medical training, like LPN or RN, she will know what symptoms to look for or what they mean, as she observes your sleeping issues.  Also she will be able to say what it looked like over the years, as well.

  5. If you look at the rating chart, on here in the CFR threat, it shows you what ratings per ROM(range of motion). If you can bend 45 degrees, you may get 10%, if it's less, you will get more.  I am currently rated 40% for my back, due to forward flexion of 20% or less, I think. 

    Years ago, when I was first rated 10% for my back, I was bending as far as my body would go, pain and all.  I didn't know any better and didn't have internet access at that time.  Shoot, Hadit was still a newborn when I entered into the blackhole of the VA's claim processes.

  6. DDuck,

    I agree with you completely.  When I was a kid, I couldn't understand why Dad wouldn't do many physical activities with us.  As a teen I learned why, it was due to injuries received in 'Nam, and throughout his 24 year enlistment.  Now that I am in same boat, I try to explain to my kids why Daddy can't do this or that. But wife is a different story...she wants what she wants how she wants it.

  7. 10 hours ago, silverdollar22 said:

    That's going to be my plan of attack tomorrow with my MH doc that prescribed my sleep study. I going to ask questions like: could sleep depravation incurred during depressive episodes be caused by SA? Or  Could my SA or my lack of good sleep be connected to my Depression?  Let's see what he puts in his notes then i can on my next appt. try to redirect my question to fit better into a nexis. 

    Certainly do, don't get nuthin for not askin!


  8. ArNG11,

    Yeah, that guy is no fun, for sure.  It doesn't help when there are some in my life, that I can't avoid, who give me the least amount of credit possible.

    So...I guess what I'm getting at is...that jerk in the mirror has a cheering squad.

      I had written several paragraphs in between the first line and this one, but then deleted it.  Why vilify myself publicly? I already struggle with feeling like everyone else, in general, agrees with the guy in my mirror.

  9. I concur, the 15 years between rate increases due to VA downward pressure negatively effected my family's financial status.  I had to work every hour of overtime I could, just to support my family.  Even so, it was barely enough until I got some increases a year ago.

  10. Eric,

    I'm not on any meds for MH. But I've been taking NSAIDS and tylenol for a combined 23 years now, for pain throughout my 6yr AD and all the years since.

    DX'd MDD by VA MH, but NSC.  Not sure what rating could be, but the SI would put me in the 70% if I was SC.

    But am in the middle of a neuro exam, will finish on 2 May.  They are quite interested in seeing my non-VA sleep study results, since SA can and does effect short term memory.  The longer undiagnosed the more severe the effects.

    My wife hated going to bed, since my snoring, gasping and choking would keep her awake. Most of the time she would sleep in another room till I got up for work. 

    Fighting for SA SC is like Sysiphus and his boulder, always pushing it up the hill, and always it rolls back down, for eternity.

    Semper Fi.


  11. On 4/23/2016 at 4:44 PM, Black3018 said:

    It took me 10 years to file because I honestly thought I didn't have any issues and that the things I was experiencing were normal for a combat vet. The nightmares, paranoia, trust issues, and memory loss. I filed after talking with my former platoon Sgt and not remembering some of the actions I did while I was in iraq( I don't remember several fire fights and an ied attack). After I talked to him for several hours I realized how big of a problem I had. I still struggled to file and get help because I didn't want to feel weak. In grateful for my therapy because it's helping. The whole situation is frustrating. I haven't had more then four hours of sleep a night since my c&p. I told the examiner everything that happened to me. Every fire fight, losing marines in my squad, watching my best friend die and not being able to save him. Nightmares every damn night since the exam. It's a struggle but it could be worse 


    Vets like you are the main reason I avoided ever mentioning MH issues during my regular VA appointments over the years.  That is, nearly a year ago when I nearly blew it all.  You see, I'm not combat experienced or anything, and I knew if Marines like you felt weak, and you been there and done that, I certainly had nothing to speak about.  I've been in therapy 9 months now, and yet have not come to terms that I deserve any of this. 

    Semper Fi, my Marine brother. 

  12. Buck,

    I certainly will share whatever knowledge I may gain, and what the outcome is, as I move through this.  I have an appointment with the sleep clinic that did my test and DXd me, coming up in less than 2 weeks.

    I started going through my SMR, old school style, since my home computer died this weekend.  I will be bringing a lot of it with me to my appointment.  Since falling down the stairs has led to a lifetime of pain, and NSAID use, I'm quite sure it aggravated and added to the cause of my SA. I have a blood lab from 09/94 that shows Co2 reading of 34%, several points beyond the high end of normal range.  Of the known medical causes of that, the only one that I would have had at that time would have been sleep issues.

    Also, during the first part of my neuro exam, I told the one dr that I have SA, and she was firm that it is most definitely a main cause of my memory issues.  And when I told her that my pulse ox dropped in the mid 70s% saturation range, she cringed quite noticeably!  So...might be something there.  And since I was DXd  as MDD by VA MH, this past June, depression is medically known to be connected to SA, as well.

    Will be quite interesting to see what the end results of the neuro exam and my upcoming sleep clinic appointment add up to be. I'm a little anxious, but excited too, maybe my "golden ticket" is beginning to take shape? Hopin and prayin!


    Semper Fi

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