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About blahsaysme2u

  • Birthday 08/27/1984

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  1. what is going on with the va website? anyone else getting this link to work? im getting this error on a lot of pages but this one happened for the SDVI page https://www.va.gov/life-insurance/options-eligibility/s-dvi/
  2. hey guys and galz- i been out the loop for the past year just waiting on my final round of claims to work through the system. i was just popping in to see whats been happening- and looks like blog posts have all disappeared. i had taled to another member about this way back last year...they told me that it was being looked into but looks like nothing more has come of it... Can someone let me know- are these posts just gone? thanks so much and hope everyone is safe and doing well!
  3. as always you give the best example and explanation...thanks so much for a clear-er explanation...
  4. there was post recently on the rules- and it was great info- but i noticed something that was very important missing that most veterans dont realize or think about...EED! whenever there is a change in EED, the date for the 5,10,20 gets reset- in your favor... if you fought to have a claim EED back to a claim in 2008 from a win in 2019 effective date and won- you are now protected under the 10 year rule- and will be protected under the 20 year in year 2028 instead of 2039! this is important info i think gets missed and just wanted to share here is confirmation from a repubutal law firm to back up: https://www.seankendalllaw.net/faqs/va-disability-rating-20-year-rule.cfm#:~:text=Retroactive Awards&text=The Veteran would receive a,the decision was recently made.
  5. i also used all this research that @Vync found in my appeal- i cant wait to get before a judge-
  6. i am also still fighting this team! instead of CUE i imideately filed for appeal by judge at BVA. i have been in holding pattern for over a year waiting on a date with the judge. any other updates on this? any advice on how to proceede?
  7. yeah until you told me what was going on with yours i didnt really have any idea what was happening...i now believe this might be an issue with this particular "type" of appeal. i filed 2 other VBA appeals since and they have been certified and shown up on va.gov the next day. but this particular appeal is still in limbo. i think the VA is hoping we will give up on the issue maybe? i dunno
  8. yeah i sent a 21-4138 requesting they certify my appeal that was sent in on 10/24/2022. i have called peg like i mentioned, a few times now, and they have submitted "service tickets"(whatever that is) to have the appeal reviewed and certified received. they told me that i can call back in 30 days to request another "service ticket", as they can only be sent 1/30 days. i just checked again this morning and still no movement...ill try IRIS question too...ill use the same wording i used in my 21-4138... i just cant believe there isnt a timeline for some form of acknowledgement....i understand adjudication takes time...but there should be something saying they have to say "yeah we got your claim,NOD, appeal and are working on" within some time frame...otherwise whats to say it could sit in limbo with indefinitely with no action/review/certification? this seems like a HUGE loophole that needs closed...i wonder how many times this has happened and its just happened to me the 1x... how many times has a vet sent in a claim and it just sat there for years with no one even looking at it? how can this be changed? i mean i cant even appeal or go to the courts without adjudication- soooooooo how can you make change without a NOD? this is nutz
  9. hey man im rooting for you! im sorry things have been going poorly but keep your head up...dont stress.. setbacks happen- but giving up - thats 100% lost "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take" -wayne gretzky -Michael Scott
  10. no im not...i lost a ton of weight through a program called Virta health....its sponsored by the VA to help Vets get off diabetic meds...its been life changing... im off my blood pressure meds too... https://www.virtahealth.com/blog/virta-long-lasting-cardiometabolic-health-improvements-for-veteran-patients
  11. when i was taking metformin i found out that topiramate interacts severely...when i confronted the doctor about it i had to practically beg to stop taking metformin and try something else to manage my diabetes.... i am now off my diabetes meds- but as stated above, you have to take responsibility for your own health sometimes and not rely on others to always get it right...either bc of ineptness or mistakes- you are your own best health coach
  12. im going with D....cept i dont accept your definition...its a long stick but its used for something else
  13. Look up Daniel David Palmer-who slapped a deaf janitor on the back and the next day he felt better...and how did he learn to do this? From Jim Atkinson‐ during a séance... like I said...its quackery
  14. sublimation is made up....its not legit medical term(at least used in the context of spinal manipulation) again, quaks... now, i am a firm believer in the placebo- if you have a doc and it makes you feel better- keep doing it...do what gives you relief...just know there is no medical basis for it and most likely is all in your head...
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