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    ruby got a reaction from GBArmy in Ever heard neurologic injuries from shock wave from booby trap explosion?   
    Yes, you can get a TBI.  Do some medical research on on shock wave damage, vibration etc.
  2. Like
    ruby got a reaction from GBArmy in Atherosclerotic vascular disease affecting the lower extremities and Ankle Brachial Pressure Index   
    It’s a simple test of measuring the BP in your ankles.  It takes 5 minutes.  
    Hope this helps.
  3. Like
    ruby got a reaction from vetquest in Caught off Guard at C&P exam for increase in mental health   
    I haven’t a clue what you can do but I would file a letter in your file that the examiner stated they would hospitalize you if you admitted you have had suicidal  thoughts in the past . I would call your psy doc or your mental health professional get an appt and have them put it in your file you were afraid of beIng hospitalized so you said no never.
    i have those thoughts all the time and I do have a plan and it’s all documented in my file.  But I’m not suicidal at my psy visit  just severely depressed at times and I have a pact that I will call her first before I execute my plan and I will.
    I believe I was asked if I was currently suicidal in my C&P.  I would get it corrected immediately.  I’d file addition evidence titled statement of correction saying that your understanding from what she said you would be hospitalized if you admitted to suicidal thought within the past 3 yrs.  
    I don’t think the patient advocate can help.  Go to medical records and tell them you want have a statement put in your records.  Get a copy when it’s done and send to VARO or your VSO
    im sure it’s documented in your records you have these thoughts and now your saying no basically you lied.
    Get it corrected!
  4. Like
    ruby got a reaction from Dustoff1970 in Private Doctor Nexus Statement   
    Would like to think I worded  my case properly and throw everything at them. There wasn’t a medical treatise or a medical opinion that I didn’t have.  They imos were from world renown physicians.(I was lucky).  I think any time you can prove your drs, IMO have more knowledge then time at any level the VA examiner has it’s a win.  Your 100 years or expertise far out cedes the va 10 yr examiners base knowledge-significant
    theyre  refuseal to accept the info to make them knoledgeable showed disdain /laziness for the vetereran. Nor would he read the medical treatise. I had at least fifty article or cases and the rules that applied to the eveidence ,such duty to assist. The DRO read my case @nd I won.  He only kind of understood but enough to figure I made my case.  
    i took the denial apart word by word.always demand a hearing in person.
    good to anyone appealing.
  5. Like
    ruby got a reaction from Dustoff1970 in Private Doctor Nexus Statement   
    They ignored my VA doctored and private MDs IMOs unti it went to the DRO but I also stated in my appeal that my medical va doctors and private IMOs  experience equaled 150yrs of experience to 1 DO with 15 yrs.  Plus I included every rule or regs that applied to a equal or greater than evidence.  I also complained that the examiner was not aware of my condition and refused to accept additional medical treatise to education himself on my condition or review the IMO or VA specialist statements.
    complain about it being the same examiner (np) who has less knowledge and expertise then a specialist.  Put in in writing!
  6. Like
    ruby got a reaction from Dustoff1970 in Medical Studies/Treatise As Evidence revisited   
    I totally agree.  Some people/VSOs  say the least the better but  Carlie always told me more is better.  If you get your claimed first time around at the RO level great 99% don’t.  You want your  evidence everything from day 1.  
  7. Like
    ruby reacted to Dustoff1970 in Medical Studies/Treatise As Evidence revisited   
    Well after reading hundreds of BVA and Veterans CAVC court decisions plus Federal Appeals Circuit decisions over the past many years since at least 1999 it is clearly evident to me and many others as stated in those public decisions granting veterans their disability benefits appeals that the BVA and courts consider reputable medical studies, research, treatise as reliable probative evidence in granting veterans their appeals and often without a doctor's opinion on the matter of the particular study or treatise.  I will cite just a few of these decisions below after I say this. 
    There are jealous hearted dip sticks on another veterans benefits forum (VD*) that are constantly insanely railing against the veterans use of these studies in their claims and appeals as evidence to support their claim with or without a doctors opinion supporting the treatise or study.  For some unexplainable reason these dip sticks heads are exploding over this issue when in fact it is none of their damn business if the veterans enters this information along with other information and evidence with their claims and appeals. 
    I suspect that these mostly former military lifers, VA raters, VSO lifers are jealous that many vets are winning their appeals at BVA on same evidence that was denied at the VARO level and are also bypassing the lifer VSO system that has failed me and other vets in the past many years.  I became a successful DIY on my claims and appeals since 1998.  And no dip sticks the veterans name does not have to be mentioned in these medical studies/treatise. 
    The dipstick who runs the other forum braggs about banning Hadit Veterans members from his forum and his profile is that of a loser/joker and he is a self confessed weed head. That should tell you something about their forum right there and they sure don't like competition from other forums or they wouldn't be exploding their heads over this issue. One of their moderators who calls himself Mick referred to these reputable medical studies as garbage.  Another responder known as Broken Record called these studies crap.   I suggest they take two aspirin and call me Dr. Dustoff in the morning.
    They also rail against veterans using paid for outside doctors opinions to support the vets claims and appeals when in fact Broken Record the VA adjudicators routinely use outside paid for doctors opinions who have never examined the vet or interviewed him/her to render an opinion on the vets disability claim.  What is good for the goose is good for the gander for you  dip sticks.  The lifers also gripe and complain about non lifer vets with VA disabilities are now allowed to shop at onbase military PX and Commissary and to use the base recreational facilities. Here are just two of several Federal Appeals and CAVC court decisions written in plain english agreeing with what I said above.
    Federal Appeals Circuit court in Hensley v. West, stated:  "A veteran with a competent medical diagnosis of a current disorder may invoke an accepted medical treatise in order to establish the required nexus; in an appropriate case it should not be necessary to obtain the services of medical personnel to show how the treatise applies to his case."  Hensley, 212 F.3d at 1265 (citing Wallin, supra).  
    End of story and my advice to the jokers on the other forum is to get over it and get a  life.
  8. Haha
    ruby got a reaction from seminoles in What to do when VA providers put in inflammatory or false notes in progress notes?   
    You can go to foia and ask for the forms to correct your records.  
  9. Like
    ruby got a reaction from Dustoff1970 in Official VA Training guide and study confirming PTSD causes adverse physical illnesses in vets.   
    I haven’t had a problem viewing via the link.
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    ruby got a reaction from Dustoff1970 in Official VA Training guide and study confirming PTSD causes adverse physical illnesses in vets.   
    I had a hard time printing in correct format but it worked I have 2 copies  this is very interesting.
    if you use this in any claim you’ll need her credentials.  Look her up and get her vitae it’s impressive.  
    Shes now my link to diabetes and vascular disease and sleep apnea and asthma.
    great find!
  11. Sad
    ruby got a reaction from awgv001 in The FIRST thing you need to do..   
    I agree many people including people very close to you may resent you forgetting “free money,”  you don’t have to work for.  
    When a comment is made that insinuates that I’m getting free money, I always say  I’d walk in your shoes any day of the week, you don’t have pain and your head isn’t screwed on backwards.  
    I only told one person who has told a lot of people.
    The JOLLY GREEN GIANT rears it ugly head in people you never thought would act in such a manner.
  12. Like
    ruby got a reaction from Vync in Question about my 100 percent rating   
    Your P&T go to tax assessors office with the letter that says Chapter 35 benefits and go to the base and get your military card.
    Congrats!  The letter should also indicate no further exams.
  13. Like
    ruby got a reaction from Vync in C & P Results   
    Look up painful scars and see what the rating might be.  Scars are difficult because they require to be a large surface.  If you think it’s worth the percentage I would write a request for a new c &p due to the the fact the examiner wrote no pain when you specifically stated it was painful.  I would also do what Shrek said see the Chief in charge of C&Ps first.
    But it may not be worth doing anything.
  14. Like
    ruby got a reaction from GBArmy in C & P Results   
    Look up painful scars and see what the rating might be.  Scars are difficult because they require to be a large surface.  If you think it’s worth the percentage I would write a request for a new c &p due to the the fact the examiner wrote no pain when you specifically stated it was painful.  I would also do what Shrek said see the Chief in charge of C&Ps first.
    But it may not be worth doing anything.
  15. Like
    ruby got a reaction from wirat in How do you claim a known rated condition?   
    You can state your symptoms (symptoms are important)  and asked that it be rated as xxx at the percentage you think is correct for that dx.  I go to the CFR 38 chapter 4 find the exact wording the va says the percentage you think is correct and state your claim.  Then have you MD write it as such.  Submit your request, nexus,, medical notes, prescriptions (all evidence) medical articles including BVA decisions to support your claim.  No stone unturned.  The reasons for this is the effective date if it goes to a higher authority.
    Example  dx code 8100 is for headaches to get 50% the va states this is for prostrating headaches and I had my doctor say that I had prostrating headaches.  No I didn’t get it as they forgot to rate or deny this claim.  
    i asked for right and left cervical radiculopathy and that was granted for 30%  based on my mri and emg.  
    i include the medication I’m prescribed for that condition and the side effects.
    i also ask for the effective date if I know it for certain otherwise I don’t.  Such as I’m asking for eff 2008.  The DRO gave me eff 2006.
    at the raters level I didn’t get anything I asked for at the DRO level I got everything I asked for.  I supplied abundance of evidence.
    do as Bronco said never send anything that you don’t have copies of.  I have a VARO near me I drove there and date stamped every piece of paper I submitted.
    good  luck
    My purpose on somethings ie arthritis was to get it service connected and when it got bad I would ask for an increase as it was 0% at that time.
    i once read  in a legal book to tell them what you want, it’s easier for them and your claim will go quicker.  I think I went from 30% to 100% secular in 3 yrs at the DRO level.
  16. Like
    ruby got a reaction from Vync in Secondaries   
    I would say yes, anything you find helps esp if you have to appeal.  Look at CAVC decisions first.  Then any medical journal that shows a relationship.  
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