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Gotta Love The Ssa

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hi all,

A follow up on my SSDI case. OK, filed for SSDI OCT.06, had state doctor exam about a month ago (April). I had called my claims rep/case worker, I forget the exact title of the person handling the case, in regards to m medical conition and because of the rarity, should I bring any additional information for them. He told me yes, bring what I thought might help the doctor examing me a better knowldge of my condition and to call him back in 2 weeks and he should have an answer for me on my claim. So I did, MRI copies, and surgical reports things like that. So I go, exam was a joke, the psych eval was twice as long as the general medical eval. So no biggie, now it's 2 weeks later, I call and call til the rep answers the phone, now he says to me, oh, I see here that you have an eye exam at a opthamologist, and they referred you to a neuro-opthamologist, did you go? Yes, I told him and that I had already given that information back in Oct with all my other doctors names. OH, he says, I do not have any of the medical records from his office, we will have to send out a medical release to him. I mentioned that I have a 2 page report that was sent to my original eye doctor from him in regards to the referral and the diagnosis, exam etc info and could I fax that to him and would it be acceptable instead of waiting for the doctor report. At this point another week or so isn't going to matter now, so he said go ahead and fax it to him. So I did that day. He also told me to call him and follow up in a week to 10 days. I called the SSA rep yesterday to make sure he had everything they needed to make a decision on my case,he said he was still waiting on the neuroopthamologist doctor's records and I said, wasn't that why I faxed you a copy of the letter from him 10 days ago, he was like, hold on let me check. He gets back on the phone and says, oh someone just had the fax listed as a coorespondence and not as medical information so it was never fowarded to the doctos here who make the decision on your case. He then told me he would send all that info diectly to the doctor who makes the final decision today and I would know by the end of the week. I was in awe, he asked me to fax it, so I did, then doesn't do anything with it, You just gotta love the SSA.

My advice to everyone waiting on the SSA for a decision in a claim, give the rep/claim person working on you case a call, just to make sure they have all the information they need to make a decision. I called the toll free # and they gave me the claims reps direct extension to call him. If I didn't call I would be waiting a few more weeks or even months because of the oversight on my eye specialist doctor to begin with.

Sorry it was so long winded, I tend to do that from time to time.



Edited by tdak

Have a great day!!!


"Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. "...Ronald Reagan

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holy crap thats a lot to go through. Too much BS from the SSA only to end up where you knew you already were before the crap. I am glad it worked out for you.

I don't care if they make me blind, its just the fact that if they do will the state take away my driving privlidges?

I don't need any more crap on my plate than what I already have. I am not saying I couldn't handle it, because I surely can, its just that it may break me down good this time. I have a disabled child shes 12, autistic, midly, goes to special school and a 14 year old, that in itself is nuts.......ahhhh a teenager...lol. I love my kids and my world evolves around them first then me, that is another reason it took me soo long to take care of myself too. I think that life hands out what you can handle, so I just go with the flow. Oh yea plus my 46 year old hubby (like a teenager at times) 2 dogs, a cat, bird, fish ,rat, and the normal every day stuff.

It's amazing the things we go through on a daily basis and the SSA can't even tell you if you need to fill out a form or not, for the most part.

The SSA is greatly known for the runaround they give, yet they say they get the run a round from claimants....makes ya wonder, huh?

Well, have a great night,


Have a great day!!!


"Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. "...Ronald Reagan

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Tamara my experience with Social Security was a dream. They helped me at every turn they even gave me moral support to hang in and they were respectful which in itself made me feel better.

Thank goodness that you are surrounded by a wonderful family and some nice pets.

You are also part of the Hadit Fambly.

Good Luck

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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OOh - I didn't think about the driving issue thing. I would think as long as you could pass the eye test at the driver's license place - you would be able to drive. The test can't be real hard to pass. I was afraid I would fail it when I was wearing my old glasses - and Eek! I PASSED! Scared me into getting NEW glasses when I realized there were OTHER people on the road who couldn't see any better than I could.

My son is also high functioning autistic. took them forever to figure that out --when he was 14. Actually, I am the FIRST person that figured out what in the heck it was. When I read the info on autism --it HIT me --OMG! That makes SO MANY things make SO MUCH SENSE for SO MANY YEARS. At that time (1993) they still didn't know as much about mild, or high functioning autism. They are doing better now.

Have you applied for SSI ir SSD for your daughter? If a child is disabled in a way that would preclude an adult from being able to fully support themselves --they should be granted disability.

With SSI - they deem the income of the parents until age 18.

But if you get a determination that she is disabled - but ineligible due to income - you still have a record of a pre-18 declared disability.

Actually, if you get SSD - she can draw child's benefits for SSD PAST age 16 - as long as she was declared disabled.

There is an important distinction for MANY benefits for a disabled person depending on whether they were deemed disabled PRIOR to or AFTER age 18.

If it is prior to 18 --they can remain eligible for practically ANY benefit a child is eligible for (our health insurance, your SSD, etc. etc. etc.)

If you have a child that becomes SEVERELY disabled at age 19 --tough luck for them - they don't qualify as your "child" anymore.

So depending on many factors known only to you -- you may want to check into the pros and cons of getting a disability determination for your daughter.

And I know that you already know--don't believe everything they tell you - 'cause they just make it up as they go along...

And - by the way -- it hasn't "worked out" for me on the SSD yet -they are still playing their silly "we don't know what we are doing and so we will act like it is you that doesn't know games."

SSD made a determination that my son was not eligible for benefits on my husband's record because "the facts do not show that he was living with or recieving contributions for support from" my husband at the time of his death...


How in the Heck can SSI CUT his benefits because of him living with us and getting support from us -- and SSD say he was NOT living with us and recieving support??? The caseworker at SSI said SSD probably doesn't check the SSI interface. Then what facts did they use??? They must have just pulled their facts out of thin air.. because his application said he was living with and recieving support, SSI said he was living with and recieving support.. my husband's OBITUARY said he was living with us...etc. etc.

And I got a letter that I was not entitled to any other benefits (based on the inital application -for lump sum death benefits that say I am applying for ALL benefits to which I am entitled.) So I appealed because they had never let me APPLY for Mother's benefits. They kept giving me all kinds of reasons that didn't corrospond to the law for why I couldn't apply. So I appealed and said I would like to be allowed to APPLY for benefits before a decision was made that I was not entitled to them.

OMG! They had a cow!! And told me I couldn't even GET Mother's benefits UNTIL my son was eligible (you have to have a qualifying child of the deceased in your care). Well - I KNEW that --but if they don't want me sending in appeals --then they need to STOP sending me premature decisions saying I am not entitled and only have so many days to appeal.

Then, as my husband was in the process of adopting my son --and the adoption was finalized AFTER his death --they decided the best thing to do was hae my son and I apply TOGETHER --as the adoption would take away the need to prove my son was living with or recieving contributions for support (he would be "deemed" dependent). However, I told them I still want the record corrected. Thye said what the record said before doesn't matter -- since he was adopted. Well it matters to ME - because I don't want a DETERMINATION by a Federal Agency that my son was not living with us or recieving support from us to come back and bite me in the butt later somewhere else (well, Social Security says..blahblahblah...) And thatbugs me because these agencies will be the FIRST to say that something in the record matters -- but if YOU are worried about correcting the record --they tell you it doesn't matter what the record says.

Anyway --they let us apply together --and guess what? Then have "decided" my case - but not my son's. I have been denied benefits as I don't have a qualifying child in my care...

ACK!! I want to grab them by their brains and scream 'OF course, the record doesn't show I have a qualifying child in my care!! Because you have not processed my son's application to FIND OUT!!!!!!!"

Something is up with that because they decided and denied my claim NINE DAYS after I applied!! Heck you have TEN DAYS to report any incorrect statements in the application --and they decided my case in NINE DAYS??

Looks like they were in a hurry to deny me....

I have no idea why if getting Mother's benefits is contingent on having a qualified child that they would rush the Mother's application through in nine days without considering the application of her child.

they are really giving me the royal run around.....




holy crap thats a lot to go through. Too much BS from the SSA only to end up where you knew you already were before the crap. I am glad it worked out for you.

I don't care if they make me blind, its just the fact that if they do will the state take away my driving privlidges?

I don't need any more crap on my plate than what I already have. I am not saying I couldn't handle it, because I surely can, its just that it may break me down good this time. I have a disabled child shes 12, autistic, midly, goes to special school and a 14 year old, that in itself is nuts.......ahhhh a teenager...lol. I love my kids and my world evolves around them first then me, that is another reason it took me soo long to take care of myself too. I think that life hands out what you can handle, so I just go with the flow. Oh yea plus my 46 year old hubby (like a teenager at times) 2 dogs, a cat, bird, fish ,rat, and the normal every day stuff.

It's amazing the things we go through on a daily basis and the SSA can't even tell you if you need to fill out a form or not, for the most part.

The SSA is greatly known for the runaround they give, yet they say they get the run a round from claimants....makes ya wonder, huh?

Well, have a great night,


Think Outside the Box!
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Yes I am surrounded by wonderful family and friends. I am very glad that I found this site. I have mentioned it to several of my friends who have served in the Armed Forces and just need some support.

Thank you for letting me be part of HadIt!

PS. Love the pets too, but some days they are worse than the kids...hehehe

Take care,


Tamara my experience with Social Security was a dream. They helped me at every turn they even gave me moral support to hang in and they were respectful which in itself made me feel better.

Thank goodness that you are surrounded by a wonderful family and some nice pets.

You are also part of the Hadit Fambly.

Good Luck

Have a great day!!!


"Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. "...Ronald Reagan

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My daughter would be the same as your son in my eyes, a high functioning Autistic child. She goes to a special school just for Autism and she is the only girl in her entire class. Needless to say she is the only girl in the entire chorus in the school (25-20 kids in chorus). This year actually there are now 5 girls there. That is big, due to the prevelance of 1 to 5 ratio Boys to Girls being Autistic. She just turned 12 in April and I knew from the moment she was born that there was something not quite right. She also had other medical issueswith severe allergies and ashtma from birth. I couldn't even breastfeed because she was so highly allergic to milk and soy, that she had a reaction to the breastmilk from me drinking the milk first. Never reaching milestones on time or close. Never walking til she was 17+ months old. I can remember if she wanted to get somewhere she rolled there, it was quicker for her. I kept being persistant with the doctors that there was something going on, but they kept saying that she was just a little behind and would catch up....yea right. In baby months a month is like a year or 2 to an adult. She didn't speak til she was almost 5. SHe said 4 words somewhat clearly for about a year before speaking. It was all gibberish (the docs called it jargin..sounds making no real sense to us) In any case I finally had her evaluates when she was 3 years 3 months old and she started in a special schol that summer. It was hard, I know you understand that. Having to repeat everything all the time and only get the same response back each time, because they knew what they were supposed to say, not knowing why they said it. SO I didn't come across the Autism spectrum until 1999. SHe is technically listed as being PDD (pervasive developmental disorder), but as per the state Autistic. I do have Medicaid for her as a secondary insurance and had to get a waiver (for Autism) for it due to too much income. I've used an advocate service since early 05 called Family Empowerment and they have helped me tremendously with her. Actually thats how I found out about the income waiver for Autism and geting her Medicaid. I did apply for her at the SSA (2004 I think) and was denied, due to the income. If I get approved, then she will get a little something and once she is considered an independent adult, if she even needs it then. I am still very hopeful that she will live a full and normal life.

As for the SSA, well we go back to being a state/governmental run agency....hmmm. Makes ya think. I really have to say this time around for me filing has been the best experience so far and they seem to be crossing all the t's and dotting all the i's to make sure they are checking everything out for me. I actually didn't even claim for my ulnar neuropathy of my left elbow or bilateral carpal tunnel that I have, because I wanted to make sure that if I did get approved that it would be for my SC'd issues, so I could use that as evidence to get 100% from the VA.

If they deny my SSD then I will add the rest of my ailments to the list thats all, but for now I will just have to sit and wait.....It's time to play the

"Waiting Game"...our first contestant is.... :lol:

I hope that the SSA comes back in you and your sons favor. Its amazing to see people who get assistance and really don't need it when there are people like us trying so hard and fighting to get some help and keep getting let down and denied for what...only the SSA really knows, well maybe not.

Have a great day!!!


"Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. "...Ronald Reagan

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Yep..my son hasgot the Pervasive Development Disorder diagnoses too. For me it helped so much when I read about Autism - as I could finally start putting into place all the pieces of the puzzle that didn't make sense for so many years.

My son was in Early Childhood Education too - and even at a young age they could agree SOMETHING was wrong - but they never knew what it was.

When I first read about Autism - it was like OMG! THAT IS IT!!!!

Instead of being devastated, like they say parents are when discovering it --I was HAPPY!! I FINALLY know what it is! I FINALLY know what to call it! I FINALLY know some things I can do about it!

Yet the Social Worker warned me about "reading into" the info and trying to self-diagnose -- or diagnose my son, as the case may be.

But about a week later - she said -Oh the doctor said you are right.

Yet - the doctor put the PDD diagnosis on it... but talked all the time about Autism. So I said - why don't you label it Autism in writing?

Well - you know we hate to LABEL kids (Yeah - right - you labled him PDD) --and different people use different terms so it doesn't matter what the label is (Yes it does - it matters for insurance, for education, etc.) And if we label someone with Autism the parents get so upset (NOT me! I am happy that I finally know what is going on after all these years)

Then he told me that instead of trying to label it -- we should focus our energy on helping my son.. (Yep, labeling takes a lot of time and energy).

So I said "Okay. What do you suggest we do to help him?"

He shook his head and said "I don't know."


I ran across a neat website a few years ago called "Whoops. Wrong Planet" that talked about instead of trying to change our kids into what people think they should be -- we should accept them as they are.

Autism also runs in gifted families. Personally, I think the brain is evolving and rewiring itself -- and these kids are the FIRST stage of that. I think they will be the "missing link" of the future brains.

But right now, my son is 27 going on 12 -- and that dance you do to protect the 12 year old without offending the 27 year old is quite a juggle.



My daughter would be the same as your son in my eyes, a high functioning Autistic child. She goes to a special school just for Autism and she is the only girl in her entire class. Needless to say she is the only girl in the entire chorus in the school (25-20 kids in chorus). This year actually there are now 5 girls there. That is big, due to the prevelance of 1 to 5 ratio Boys to Girls being Autistic. She just turned 12 in April and I knew from the moment she was born that there was something not quite right. She also had other medical issueswith severe allergies and ashtma from birth. I couldn't even breastfeed because she was so highly allergic to milk and soy, that she had a reaction to the breastmilk from me drinking the milk first. Never reaching milestones on time or close. Never walking til she was 17+ months old. I can remember if she wanted to get somewhere she rolled there, it was quicker for her. I kept being persistant with the doctors that there was something going on, but they kept saying that she was just a little behind and would catch up....yea right. In baby months a month is like a year or 2 to an adult. She didn't speak til she was almost 5. SHe said 4 words somewhat clearly for about a year before speaking. It was all gibberish (the docs called it jargin..sounds making no real sense to us) In any case I finally had her evaluates when she was 3 years 3 months old and she started in a special schol that summer. It was hard, I know you understand that. Having to repeat everything all the time and only get the same response back each time, because they knew what they were supposed to say, not knowing why they said it. SO I didn't come across the Autism spectrum until 1999. SHe is technically listed as being PDD (pervasive developmental disorder), but as per the state Autistic. I do have Medicaid for her as a secondary insurance and had to get a waiver (for Autism) for it due to too much income. I've used an advocate service since early 05 called Family Empowerment and they have helped me tremendously with her. Actually thats how I found out about the income waiver for Autism and geting her Medicaid. I did apply for her at the SSA (2004 I think) and was denied, due to the income. If I get approved, then she will get a little something and once she is considered an independent adult, if she even needs it then. I am still very hopeful that she will live a full and normal life.

As for the SSA, well we go back to being a state/governmental run agency....hmmm. Makes ya think. I really have to say this time around for me filing has been the best experience so far and they seem to be crossing all the t's and dotting all the i's to make sure they are checking everything out for me. I actually didn't even claim for my ulnar neuropathy of my left elbow or bilateral carpal tunnel that I have, because I wanted to make sure that if I did get approved that it would be for my SC'd issues, so I could use that as evidence to get 100% from the VA.

If they deny my SSD then I will add the rest of my ailments to the list thats all, but for now I will just have to sit and wait.....It's time to play the

"Waiting Game"...our first contestant is.... :lol:

I hope that the SSA comes back in you and your sons favor. Its amazing to see people who get assistance and really don't need it when there are people like us trying so hard and fighting to get some help and keep getting let down and denied for what...only the SSA really knows, well maybe not.

Think Outside the Box!
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    • These decisions have made a big impact on how VA disability claims are handled, giving veterans more chances to get benefits and clearing up important issues.

      Service Connection

      Frost v. Shulkin (2017)
      This case established that for secondary service connection claims, the primary service-connected disability does not need to be service-connected or diagnosed at the time the secondary condition is incurred 1. This allows veterans to potentially receive secondary service connection for conditions that developed before their primary condition was officially service-connected. 

      Saunders v. Wilkie (2018)
      The Federal Circuit ruled that pain alone, without an accompanying diagnosed condition, can constitute a disability for VA compensation purposes if it results in functional impairment 1. This overturned previous precedent that required an underlying pathology for pain to be considered a disability.

      Effective Dates

      Martinez v. McDonough (2023)
      This case dealt with the denial of an earlier effective date for a total disability rating based on individual unemployability (TDIU) 2. It addressed issues around the validity of appeal withdrawals and the consideration of cognitive impairment in such decisions.

      Rating Issues

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    • I met with a VSO today at my VA Hospital who was very knowledgeable and very helpful.  We decided I should submit a few new claims which we did.  He told me that he didn't need copies of my military records that showed my sick call notations related to any of the claims.  He said that the VA now has entire military medical record on file and would find the record(s) in their own file.  It seemed odd to me as my service dates back to  1981 and spans 34 years through my retirement in 2015.  It sure seemed to make more sense for me to give him copies of my military medical record pages that document the injuries as I'd already had them with me.  He didn't want my copies.  Anyone have any information on this.  Much thanks in advance.  
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    • Caluza Triangle defines what is necessary for service connection
      Caluza Triangle – Caluza vs Brown defined what is necessary for service connection. See COVA– CALUZA V. BROWN–TOTAL RECALL

      This has to be MEDICALLY Documented in your records:

      Current Diagnosis.   (No diagnosis, no Service Connection.)

      In-Service Event or Aggravation.
      Nexus (link- cause and effect- connection) or Doctor’s Statement close to: “The Veteran’s (current diagnosis) is at least as likely due to x Event in military service”
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    • Do the sct codes help or hurt my disability rating 
    • VA has gotten away with (mis) interpreting their  ambigious, , vague regulations, then enforcing them willy nilly never in Veterans favor.  

      They justify all this to congress by calling themselves a "pro claimant Veteran friendly organization" who grants the benefit of the doubt to Veterans.  

      This is not true, 


          About 80-90 percent of Veterans are initially denied by VA, pushing us into a massive backlog of appeals, or worse, sending impoverished Veterans "to the homeless streets" because  when they cant work, they can not keep their home.  I was one of those Veterans who they denied for a bogus reason:  "Its been too long since military service".  This is bogus because its not one of the criteria for service connection, but simply made up by VA.  And, I was a homeless Vet, albeit a short time,  mostly due to the kindness of strangers and friends. 

          Hadit would not be necessary if, indeed, VA gave Veterans the benefit of the doubt, and processed our claims efficiently and paid us promptly.  The VA is broken. 

          A huge percentage (nearly 100 percent) of Veterans who do get 100 percent, do so only after lengthy appeals.  I have answered questions for thousands of Veterans, and can only name ONE person who got their benefits correct on the first Regional Office decision.  All of the rest of us pretty much had lengthy frustrating appeals, mostly having to appeal multiple multiple times like I did. 

          I wish I know how VA gets away with lying to congress about how "VA is a claimant friendly system, where the Veteran is given the benefit of the doubt".   Then how come so many Veterans are homeless, and how come 22 Veterans take their life each day?  Va likes to blame the Veterans, not their system.   
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