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I Wonder If The Psychiatrist Will Sign This

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A buddy of mine just left here for his Psyc appointment.

His counselor, a MSW at the Vet Center has written him

a bang up letter of support we will be submitting soon.

All he has so far from his Psychiatrist is Progress Note's in his

Medical records.

I asked him several times if he is very comfortable with his

Psyc doc and he said he is very much so and that this Psyc always

tells him, "If I can help you any just let me know".

Well I went through all of the Psyc's notes, the Vet Center, MSW notes

and Medical records and came up with this letter (2 copies) for him to take

to the Psyc today.

I told him to ask the Psyc to read it and

1) if he agreed with it ask him if he will sign it and keep a copy for himself

to enter into the progress notes from today


2) keep both copies - tweak it to his liking - and provide, at their next appointment

something that would be supportive in helping with getting his claim granted.

Now, I was not shy in writing this letter - this will show us if this Psyc really

means what he says.

11 March 2009

In regards to:

Full Name



Address : XXXX - XX Ave. XX.


To Whom It May Concern:

As the provider for mental health care for this veteran, it is my medical opinion that this veterans Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and comorbid Depression(DC 9411, 9434) is more likely than not,a direct result of his two tour's of combat in The Republic of Vietnam.

This veteran often engaged in combat with the enemy as evidenced by his Military records and by his Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) of 16F10 Lt AD Arty Crmn (Light Air Defense Artillery Crewman).

This veteran was frequently in fear of his life during combat resulting in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with comorbid depression, of which he continues to recieve counseling, treatment and medications for.

This veteran continually presents with a flattened affect, has difficulty understanding complex commands; show's objective symptoms of impairment of short- and long-term memory, has a definite decrease in work efficiency and intermittent periods of inability to perform occupational tasks,shows all symptoms of depressed mood, anxiety, suspiciousness, and has difficulty in establishing and maintaining effective work and social relationships.

In my Medical Opinion the veterans Mental Health Disabilities would preclude him from any form of substantial gainful employment on any regular basis. I feel this veterans disabling Mental Health Conditionis static in nature.

con't p.2 - Full Name - SS# XXX-XX-XXXX

AXIS I : 309.81 PTSD, Chronic

AXIS II : Deferred

AXIS III : See medical problem list.

AXIV IV : Comorbid depression, dealing with posttraumatic stress disorder.

AXIS V : Global assessment functioning 60


1. Digenerative Joint Disease

2. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

3. Shoulder

4. Skin

5. Left foot

Thank you for assisting our Veterans.


XXXX XXXXX - Psychiatry MD

Edited by carlie

Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

That is a really strong letter. I hope the doc signs it!

We should be angry, but kind; demanding, but polite; and firm but soft-spoken.


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I figure if he means what he tells the veteran,

he will either sign that or write a letter with evidence of support.

Either way I'm fine with. What I'm not fine with is lip service,

providers that say, "If I can do anything to help you just let me know"

And then a week later they do something stupid - like cancel your xanax RX, lol :)


Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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The doc may tweak a bit to his way of talking...you know we generally write the way we talk and or think :angry: . But otherwise I think it covers all the bases.

Just a note: I agree that if the doc says he/she wants to be of help in any way he/she can...it is time to put up or shut up.

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Something I've always wondered on here.....why does everyone always use the "more likely than not" phrase?? It's passive voice and leaves room for the RO to say....."well, maybe there was another cause...."

Use active voice when writing these letters...Say what you mean. Say it was the cause....be direct...to the point. Don't beat around the bush.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Actually it is not professional for a Doc to sign a letter like that. My recommendation is for the Veteran to show a checklist of what his problems are and ask the Doc to address those issues in an IMO for the patient.

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

My experience is that you give the shrink the evidence and let them write the letter. I don't think any shrink I have ever delt with is going to sign a letter like that, especially with all those other conditions. The shrink is not competent to make medical opinions about those non-psychiatric conditions. Plus, the shrink is going to want to make his own GAF.

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