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Dav Or Law Firm

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When, I signed on to this Law firm, they wrote a note at the bottom of the POA, that confused the VA. They said this POA was restricted??? The VA said that I could not have two POAs. This Law firm Also said they would keep me informed, but today was the first time they have called me in 6-9 months. I was not expecting a call every day, week, or every month, but some communications. It was so long, that in the mean time I met a NSO with the DAV and he has really impressed me. He is in the Houston Office. The Law firm Lady told me all the new claims they have submitted, and the brief for my appeal, etc. I did sign a new POA with the DAV, but the Law Firm wanted me to think about it, and I could do another POA with them. Would really appreciate some feedback.


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My first question would be, did you signed a contract that you can't get out of, without some kind of recourse involved.

Doesn't sound as if that law firm is to client friendly. You might wanna think about changing POA to the DAV, cause if that law firm can't even write out a POA without confusing the VA, then what other confusing information their going to mess things up down the road. What was it they wrote at the bottom that confused the VA?

The VA is correct. You can only have 1 POA during any 1 time. Also, did they give you the copies of the claims and appeal they submitted?


Edited by cooter


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These people are not scammers, they came highly recommended to me. They are Kazmierczak & Kazmierrczak Law Firm.



Who's the law firm, it's OK to post their name.

I ask because there are many scammers out there now.

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Were they primarily SSA disability law and just within the last year

or so they added veterans law ?

I think your claims are strong enough not to have to pay for help

for your VA claims purposes.


Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Ya know sometimes free help, like the DAV, can be worth just what you paid for it. I would keep the law firm, unless you are prepared to pay out of pocket, now, for what they've done so far. I'd request the law firm copy you w/everything they do/did. I had a lawyer for one of my claims, at the CAVC, and I timely received a copy of all letters/events/stays, etc.. They should be sending you timely copies, along w/billable hrs spent, at least monthly. If they aren't doing that it "may" be cause for their removal and "perhaps" release you of any liability for their previous work. It's your choice. jmo


When, I signed on to this Law firm, they wrote a note at the bottom of the POA, that confused the VA. They said this POA was restricted??? The VA said that I could not have two POAs. This Law firm Also said they would keep me informed, but today was the first time they have called me in 6-9 months. I was not expecting a call every day, week, or every month, but some communications. It was so long, that in the mean time I met a NSO with the DAV and he has really impressed me. He is in the Houston Office. The Law firm Lady told me all the new claims they have submitted, and the brief for my appeal, etc. I did sign a new POA with the DAV, but the Law Firm wanted me to think about it, and I could do another POA with them. Would really appreciate some feedback.


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I agree with PR. What changed from you hiring the law firm in the first place? Probably nothing except maybe a VSO with a smooth tongue. Lots of people with smooth tongues have this because they have failed to perform, tho I can not promise that is the case with this DAV.

Its never a good idea to "switch boats in the middle of a rushing river". Switching will almost certainly delay your claim, since the VA appeals has tougher standards when you are represented by an attorney than by a VSO. Since they have started it using the tougher standard, represented by an attorney, when you go back to the DAV you will have the worst of both worlds: You will be subject to the standards of an attorney, but have only the expertise of a VSO. I do not recommend switching unless there is a very compelling reason. Since you have both options, then I would stay put.

I wont cite the cases, but the VA case law has distinguished between Veterans represented by an attorney and those represented by a VSO.

How do I know this? Well the AMVets "dropped" my represention so I had to find another VSO. Swithching boats, even tho I did not initiate it, was a prime reason my claim took 9 years when it should have taken 6 months. I have heard the AMVets often "skim the cream" and drop Vets who they think are harder to win, because they want it to look like they win a high percentage of cases.

Edited by broncovet
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