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Do I Have A Case?

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I am just wondering if I have a case. I was a gunners mate in the navy aboard the USS DEYO. In 1981 and 1983 we got assigned for special Operation mission off the coast of El salvadore, Honduras and niceragua. I believe it was called jittery prop. The ship was sent there because of the special equipment onboard to easdrop on communications. We also had a blackhawk helicopter on board with Army rangers who flew inland looking for gun runners. Everything was hush hush until years later. One of the door gunners got sick one day and I took his place. To make a long story short, I was given five minutes training and off we went. We took off in the early morning hours before daylight and were using night vision devices. About ten minutes into this flight I heard the pilot say there was some tracer fire coming up my side and ask me where it was coming from. I didn't know because i was still trying to figure out these googles. He banked very hard and I Thought I was going to fall out of this helo. I was just terrified that I was going to fall out. About five years ago I almost fell off a roof and had some flash backs of that day. Since then I have biweekly dreams and on sleeping pills and xanax waking up terrified from that dream. I seen a theripist and she believes it is PTSD. Is this worth a claims case. I am a little embarresed because of what other pepeol went thu. I am also still employed. So is it worth it? What if the deck logs I requested don't have me on this chopper? Thanks for any help

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If there is no documentation what so ever then it might be hard to get a claim. PTSD cases need a verifiable stressor or combat award which qualifies as a stressor.

Edited by Jaluluah11B
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This is posted in the wrong section. If there is no documentation what so ever then it might be hard to get a claim.

PTSD cases need a verifiable stressor or combat award which qualifies as a stressor.

There is some exception to the underlined above.

Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

So many take a run at PTSD when all they really need is a diagnosis like depression or anxiety disorder linked to their service.

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Pete is exactly right. The shrinks and VSO's encourage these difficult PTSD claims. Now ptsd can only be diagnosed by VA. This is not good unless you have a PH and a few combat awards. The VA tends to DX adjustment disorder instead of PTSD.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

It's up to you. It could mean added income. Remember VA comp is supposed to supplement your income to help equalize it to the amount you'd earn if you didn't have the condition. If your therapist is a VA therapist, you may want to proceed. Bear in mind the incident may be difficult to prove, should that be needed but it can be done. Generally classified documents should have been de-classified by now. There is a chance you do have PTSD and it does/can effect your life. jmo


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You need 3 things:

1. Current diagnosis of PTSD. No docs diagnosis, no service connection.

2. In Service event or aggravation. You mentioned this one. Documentation is best, but if you were classifed as a "combat" Veteran, this may make documenting it much easier.

3. A nexus or link between #1 and #2, above. This is a docs statement something close to, "The Veterans PTSD is at least as likely as not due to one/more combat issues while in the military.

If you have all these, your chances are great upon appeal. The VA denies about 80% of initial claims, so it is highly likey you will need to appeal.

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