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Ao Recognition

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Chances are good most surviving vets will die from AO related conditions. I think we should get some official recognition. 58,000 died in Vietnam and over a million have and/or will die from AO. We are not on any Wall. We don't have a decoration (Orange Heart). Just because our own government killed us does it make our sacrifice any less significant?


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I agree. Twenty-six years ago I watched my brother, who was in Nam a year before me (68), die a slow, painful death from what is now a presumptive leukemia. He was only thirty something, and never received any compensation. Nor recognition, except for the VA cancer doctors who told us, "off the record", it was ao related. He said once, "well, it's been 20 years, but that damn war still killed me." And I have my own ao issues


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Oddly enough someone put me in for a Commemoration Certificate of Honor from the Defense Department some months ago.

It is very beautiful but I am not too happy with it.

It states:

"On Behalf of a grateful nation and the Department of Defense, we are proud to recognize and honor you and your spouse's service in the name of freedom and democracy during the Vietnam War. Our nation is forever indebted to you. Done this 6th day of June 2013."

As I understand it, this is available to all spouses of deceased AO veterans who died of AO causes, certainly not just me.

John said:

"Chances are good most surviving vets will die from AO related conditions. I think we should get some official recognition. 58,000 died in Vietnam and over a million have and/or will die from AO. We are not on any Wall. We don't have a decoration (Orange Heart). Just because our own government killed us does it make our sacrifice any less significant?"

I agree completely with you. Our nation used a weapon of mass destruction that harmed and killed not only Vietnam vets but vets ,such as Thailand vets and even 2 CONUS vets.( James Cripps is ,hadit member, is the first AO CONUS vet)

This AM Fox news mentioned that many officials claim that workplace violence and not terrorist activity is what that nut case Army doctor perpetrated at Fort Hood .

It sure bothers me a lot that this guy, Hasan, was a psychiatrist treating members of our military.

God knows what damage he did to his patients with his hidden terroristic agenda before he started killing people.

This is different from the AO situation but then again, something is wrong with these pictures, and how our nation's perceptions of events can alter their true essence

John, you were the first person here as I recall over a decade ago to welcome me to hadit....

You continue to make observations that are Always on the mark.Of course you and most of us never dreamed VA would ever put IHD on the AO list.....years ago...and they did...but our nation ,even with AO compensation, has still failed to recognize the incredible sacrifices of AO vets, thanks to a US contract with Dow and Monsanto, and also an AO Settlement fund years ago that ,once the money was gone,

was over and closed to all other vets and survivors , yet the AO victim list still grows and grows,as vets are still being diagnosed with AO disabilities and/or, as you said, dying from them.

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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John, I agree this is sad! I try not to get mad, but as I fight this cancer and heart condition and knowing one of them will kill me.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"

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It's a day late and a dollar short for asking the Government for AO recognition. With only 367,000 of us left of approximately 2.9 million, it would appear that ship has already sailed. Add to that all the others from Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Korea, Johnson Is. Okinawa, Guam and probably a short ton of bases here in CONUS, everybody and their mother would be wearing some form of medal, gold star, have a trophy wall with a certificate or be honored at a Vets' gathering. No thanks. I know what I did for two years over there and sometimes cringe when I remember. I know, too, that some of my diseases are AO-related. With another medal and $4.25, I can get a white chocolate macadamia nut with whipped creme in Vende size. We're yesterday's news, ladies and gentleman. We're a rumor in our own room; a legend in our own minds. Let's worry about service connection for these issues and work towards leaving no Vet behind. Medals and Certificates of Exposure don't improve the bottom line for sick Vets. Advocating for those left alive is where the action is. The last thing I need is another Dog and Pony show telling me how wonderful I was or that they wish to thank me for my service. Shoot. They don't have to thank me. It's part of the job of being an American citizen-or should be. Besides, wild horses couldn't have kept me out of that sandbox in 1970. When you're 18, the smell of cordite is Chanel No. 5.56-eau d'stress. When you're 62 and at Stage 4 cirrhosis, you worry about the here and now.

It's now 2013 and we know infinitely more about AO. Let's put it to good use and help those Vets still alive and their spouses prepare for the future. I think that was the whole idea for most Vets' help sites.

Edited by asknod



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  • HadIt.com Elder


It was part of being an American in 1970 because there was a draft. Now only a small sample of Americans ever enter the military and even smaller number serve in combat arms. Today they serve by choice which shows guts there is no doubt. I would not have joined the army if there was no draft in 1969. I might have wondered around the world or joined the circus. I don't want to go quietly to my grave. I think there are about 870,000 of us left who had boots on the ground. Recognition for those exposed to AO will mean attention for those who are sick. It might mean more outreach by the VA. Iraq and Afghanistan wars have even claimed PTSD as the signature disability of those wars. Hadit is a large forum and there is room for all opinions. I wonder how the remaining WWII and Korean vets feel? I read their obits every day, and read RVN vets age 62-65 who have died young. Maybe it is because we were just treated like ghosts when we got home. At least that is how I felt.

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