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Will I Escape My Anti-Social World

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Well this is a new thread. I have completed a 16 week course of psychotherapy in a group of about 10-15 people. I have realized I prefer being alone away from strangers. I hate going to hospitals and it's a bunch of STrANGE individuals around me. Right now I'm feeling extra jittery lightheaded shaky all of the above. My question is how will psychs are MEDS stop these crazy thoughts that I have. Will I stay jittery. I swear I take about close to tn pills a day my primary are physician says that my liver points are up. It could be because of the pills I don't know. That's one reason I been paranoid of going to the doctor. When I didn't go to the doctor all my lab results was fine. Now that I keep current with doctors it seems my health s getting worse and worse. Ok I'm 90% disabled my income is ok and stable but it as done nothing far as my mind and the way I think. So I realize like a said months ago no money in the world would benefit you if your mind isn't right. So yes I plan on staying in therapy just not group counseling. I will only leave the house for doctor visits and psych visits. I will avoid being around strangers because I still have a very violent side that's easily provoked. This February I turn 40. Will I part I doubt it. I have no real. Desire to party with others. Even with my family I have mild desires of being with. So this is where I'm at right now. My insurance waiver has been waived for 10,000 dollars of insurance I called the insurance to check and make sure I was right because in my health right now death. Is certan to my future. I told her I was 90% disabled and my fees was waived she said the only way it was waived if I was Lund totally disabled. So I guess they got me at 10O% disable they just haven't told me. I don't know. I plan on calling the 800 number to check to see if I need to submit anything for the tdiu part of my claim. OOOOH well today starts a new chapter of my life after group therapy. Once again THANX for having me one more time. This place have helped me get through many miserable nights when insomnia reared it's ugly head after I wrote out my thoughts on here I was able to go to sleep so I guess venting helps

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Brother 82,

I read your thoughts and wish there was something I could do to instantly make your situation better. Sadly, the only thing I can do is offer you encouragement and be here...whenever you want to talk, I will listen. I know that doesn't seem like much but I don't really know what else to do other than pray you continue to relay your struggles to the professional doctors & that you can get relief.

Treatment (pills, etc.) for PTSD is often different for each individual. But never stop trying. Hope they find something that at the correct dosage gives you the peace so you can once again enjoy your life. Keep taking things one day at a time! God bless you...


Your kind words was enough bro. Thanx. I will never stop trying to better myself.
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82nd try hanging a damp towel on your door at night it will help with the dry throat. I have gas heat, and if i dont do that its miserable in the morning. just soak it, wring it out and hang it there.

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82nd try hanging a damp towel on your door at night it will help with the dry throat. I have gas heat, and if i dont do that its miserable in the morning. just soak it, wring it out and hang it there.


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There are also some over the counter stuff for dry mouth -

just ask at a pharmacy.

One is called Bioteen (sp).

Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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If I have bad nightmares, I can't go right back to sleep, or the same dream wants to come back. So sometimes it helps me to get up just for a bit. I have heard that it is good to get up and drink a glass of water before you go back to bed.

Have you considered sleeping with a light on when the dark is bothering you?

Think Outside the Box!
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