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Last Ounce Of Patience

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Some time ago I had a traveling board hearing in which I felt that the judge was really leaning toward giving me a favorable rating decision. She even said that if it could be helped, she was not going to remand my claim. Lo and behold, she did just that, remanding all eleven issues of my claims. She was critical of issues never being adjudicated,critical of statements of VA doctors and critical of basically the entire file. She also wanted the same doctor who opined that I did not have a residual scar from my two open heart surgeries which is rated at 0% to evaluate me again and give a detailed opinion on his findings and also the denial of pacemaker implant secondary to my svc  CAD rated only at 30%. Which is part of my appeal. I am now stuck in the regional office remand line, even though my claim was advanced for hardship due homelessness I have been told that the regional does not have to honor the advance the board granted. I am ready to blow my cool. My patience is wearing very thin. What can I do.??????

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If it helps, like yourself, I was in the Navy, was at 40%, and am a cowboy from Colorado. It also took VA more than 3 years to even lowball me to 40%, and, yes, that delay made me lose my home.    (Im at 100% and it took 7 years to get there, and I still have appeals pending for effective dates)

Ok, so your issues were remanded.  What reasons did they give for remand?

You pretty much have no choice but to wait on the outcome of the remands.  

This is what I would do:

1. Wait and get  a hobby.  Enjoy it.  Dont let the world define who you are by how much money you have in the bank. YOU define who you are, and take charge of your own resourcefullness, by completing at least a goal without any money.  No dont do anything illegal.  Rememeber, you have probably made it in the past with little or no money, and you can do it again.   One thing you can do, if you really insist on working on your claim, is to write up 3 possibilities, such as:

a) all claims granted at A favorable effective date.  Then calculate your retro and what you intend to do with it.  

b) half the claims granted, or at less than favorable effective dates.  Calculate your retro.  By the way, mine is a silverado quad cab, and its nice.  My patience paid off, and, even tho Im not done yet, I still have something to look to.  forward to.   

c)  only one of your claims granted.  estimate that retro, and how to spend it.  


By doing a good job planning your retro, it helps avoid "wild spending" of retro.  Be specific.  For example if retro is over 20,000, under 20,000, or under 10,000.  Then say, "I will pay off x bill, y bill, spend 2000 on down payment of a car, etc etc.  Pick out the car!  Test drive em if you like.  Have something to look forward to.  Its important so you dont go nuts.


Edited by broncovet
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 I don't think waiting patiently, serves a purpose, especially due to your current circumstances.

I don't think there is much that can be done, other than doing any and everything that could advance your remanded issues at the RO level. SQUEAKY WHEEL GETs the GREASE.

Check out AskNod's site for info that might relate to your situation. 

Were you rep'd at your BVA hearing? If so, what does your rep have to say?

Might be time to try and get your Congressman involved. As you know, VA has really been under Congress's microscope. A letter from your guy to the RO Honcho might light a fire, worth a try, right.

Semper Fi

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I Agree with both the statements.  There are programs and shelters, some avenues for you to make it by. Just get some po box or a trusted family member for your mail. Even having to move around a solid address is necessary for VA to communicate with you.  Hang tough brother. Have some short term and long terms goals, take care of the essentials, rally up and don't give up or in.  Sorry thats all i have at the moment damn pain pump is messing with my head. 

Mr. A

:ph34r: " FIGHT TILL YOUR LAST BREATH " :ph34r:

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The logic of this board is favoring the VA.

The following quotes are pulled from this thread alone:

1.  You pretty much have no choice but to wait on the outcome of the remands.  

2.   Hang tough brother. Have some short term and long terms goals

3.  Its always good to know the time frame that this type of issue has been spread out over.

4.  Wait and get  a hobby.  Enjoy it.

5.   Have something to look forward to.  Its important so you dont go nuts.

Just about all advise given here is how to deal with the VA on THEIR terms......play the game with THEIR rules.

The advise here is of great value but the VA dont play fair and dont play by the rules. 

People here like Berta have forgotten more than I will ever learn and have a special place in heaven.  I dont have Asknod's writing skills and hope I have not offended any of the wonderful people on this board.

There are a lot of sites popping up like "The Va is Lying"  etc..  where the frustration is starting to grow into anger and possibly violence.  22 Veterans a day are killing themselves and many more die just trying to get into the VA.

It's not right to wait so long for a claim or an appeal.  It's not right to not be able to communicate with the people that make decisions on your life.  It's not right to be low-balled and denied when you were in harms way so many times.

I wish I knew what to suggest but my thinking is usually over the line or not politically correct but, this aint working.

Oh, and I am sorry for hijacking this post.......Slowlane




You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.

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Glad to hear some movement, but sorry that it is at the RO and will still take a while to complete. Good luck and keep us posted

100% PTSD

100% Back

60% Bladder Issues

50% Migraines 
30% Crohn's Disease

30% R Shoulder

20% Radiculopathy, Left lower    10% Radiculopathy, Right lower 
10% L Knee  10% R Knee Surgery 2005&2007
10% Asthma
10% Tinnitus
10% Damage of Cranial Nerve II

10% Scars



OEF/OIF VET     100% VA P&T, Post 911 Caregiver, SSDI



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