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Sleep Apnea home test

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Good morning!

So I had a sleep test done on 27Oct15.  I asked for the results of the test yesterday in "secure messaging" on myhealthevet.  I get the reply that I need to come in for the overnight test there, with all the hookups.  (I have heard from others that the "at home" test is pretty much inconclusive alot).

In my results below of the "at home" test, can anyone clarify things?  
(bolded part is mine)

Unattended portable sleep recording was conducted 10/27/15 16:00. The study was performed with airflow, resp belts x2, position sensor, snore microphone, actigraphy, and pulse oximetry. This HST was requested in further assessment of symptoms of snoring, witnessed apneas, and excessive daytime somnolence.

Respiratory rate is typically 12 - 14/min Pulse data shows ~ 58 bpm total and 71 bpm supine.
Baseline SpO2: ~94.1%
Time in bed: 7 hrs 41 min.
AHI: 2.2 overall, 0 supine (% 1.7 of time supine)
Minimum SpO2: 88%
IMPRESSION: This study does not meet criteria for a dx of sleep disordered breathing. However, events which were recorded were primarily central events. The few obstructive upper respiratory events were not positional.
RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) In further assessment, recommend an overnight diagnostic sleep study within 2 weeks. 

So, after doing a little research, I see that there are 3 types of sleep apnea:

*Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs when a patient’s upper airway closes (either partially or fully) but efforts to breathe continue.The primary causes of upper airway obstruction are:

  • lack of muscle tone during sleep
  • excess tissue in the upper airway
  • the structure of the upper airway and jaw

OSA is the most common form of sleep apnea, affecting more than three in ten men and nearly one in five women.

*Central sleep apnea (CSA)CSA occurs when the patient’s airway is open, but respiratory effort ceases due to a decrease in his or her ventilatory drive. It is a =18.7pxcentral nervous system disorder.CSA can be caused by heart failure, or disease or injury involving the brain, such as:

  • stroke
  • brain tumor
  • viral brain infection
  • chronic respiratory disease

Patients with CSA don’t often snore, so the condition sometimes goes unnoticed.Mixed sleep apnea

*Mixed sleep apnea occurs when the patient shows signs of both OSA (where the airway is obstructed) and CSA (where no effort is made to breathe).

In seeing the above from my workup, it "states" I have more of a "primary central events", yet the definition of CSA says don't often snore.  Oh...I snore, trust me!  lol.
So what does this all mean? Is CSA more apt to be dangerous? More apt to compensation? Et cetera?
Sorry for such a long post, and I'm sure better results will come from the full on/in house testing at the facility


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Usually a home sleep study requires  at least 3 consecutive nights?


from what I have read about.



I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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I don't have my test results handy, but I did look at them yesterday.  I had a sleep study done at a local lab.  They only observed me for 2 hours without CPAP on.  Only because I woke up after 2 hours to pee.  They told me that they had seen enough and were going to continue the study with CPAP on after that point.  I think I had between 60-90 apneas during the first 2 hours, with my pulseOx dropping in the 70% range at least once.  I think the longest time between breaths was 48 seconds. I had both types of events but predominantly the OSA events with a few CSA mixed in.  Also they noted that my pulse raced as high as 98 bpm, and the over all rate was elevated as well. 

I also had what they called hypopneas(?) And an awlful lot of non-sleep or wakeful sleep events...or something like that.  I can post my findings later today, once I get home from work.

I am currently using a heated humidifier CPAP set for 11 on the air pressure setting.  They told me that my SA was severe enough that the insurance provided everything right up front, no additional evaluation needed. 

Semper Fi.


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Buck52--Yeah, not sure about the amount of times of a home study, but they scheduled me for a "lab/overnight stay" on 21Dec15. We shall see.

Andyman73--Thanks for the info. I'm hoping that the Lab/overnight stay test shows more data, which will give a clearer picture like you received.  My GF states I snore excessively loud and we sleep in separate rooms now, which sucks, and I gasp for air and have alot of sleepiness during the day and take naps at lunch, et cetera. Semper Fi!


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I did two in lab sleep studies and I tossed, turned and grunted so much that the tech told me that he thought I was grunting due to pain.  I thought dang I even feel pain when I sleep. I was then given an in home three night study and when I mailed it back I was called and told to come in and get my C PAP Machine.

Edited by pete992
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Hey...do you have any teeth wear and tear???  My dentist had been telling me that I have excessive wear from grinding in my sleep.  How ever I was never told that I grind, none of my roomies while in the Marines, not growing up at home, nor my wife of 16 years ever say I grind my teeth.  Now, I do clench, and even went to sick call for medical and then dental evaluation for jaw pain that went undiagnosed for most of my 6 yr enlistment.  Back to my dentist, his point was this, in his experience and professional opinion, most grinders have SA to some degree.  And he was very serious in telling me to get checked out.  But it was my wife that finally nagged me to near death, that got me to get checked out.  I'm sure it saved my life.

So, look into that connection, may possibly help you out.  I will be filing a claim for the jaw pain issue, ASAP.

Semper Fi.


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I had a homestudy dont outside the VA on the VA's order.  The sleep doc didnt like it and scheduled me for an overnight.  I just did that and they daignosed me with OSA and have me scheduled for a CPAP overnight.

I would go for an overnight if you can.  seems like they are pushing for it, go for it.

70% - PTSD

->50% - OSA (Secondary to PTSD)

30% - Bilateral Pes Planus w/Plantar Fasciitis

30% - Migraines

10% - Tinnitus

20% - Back

0% - bilateral shin splints



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