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AO and Hypertension?

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Has the VA made a service connected and compensable link between exposure to AO and high blood pressure.  I got the AO Registry letter today and I can't decide what they are saying except it sounds like a time delaying hedge.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I'm not sure either John999

The VA Calls it Preciousness Anemia I Have to take the  B-12 Injections twice a month. I don't have my intrinsic -factor in my body?

They  VA) don't know why I don't have my Intrinsic-factor...its gone out of my body.

After about 10 years out from Nam I started having symptoms of tinging in my neck/shoulders arms,a shock feeling when I turn a certain way, tired all the time sleep sitting up ect,,ect,,, ..I just kinda let it go and it started getting worse and  I was having a  hard time keeping my balance and my gait was off   then my feet started hurting burning feeling on the bottom of my feet.

  I had to run cold water over my feet to get releif...this went on for a few days  and my feet were swelled up one morning, Spouse called VAMC and had me to come in right away...they run all kinds of test and was going to do a BONE MORROW test  but a Dr found out I didn't have my intrinsic-factor   that's the part of the body that takes in your B-12 as you eat and puts it in your blood stream , well my body don't do that  and I was very low on B-12    I been this way for the last 30 years or so  If I don't take the B-12 Injections I get sick and tired out.

so they loaded me up on the B-12 Injections and I felt better my symptom's went away

I think its from something caused from Nam but I can't prove it, no one in my family or distant family has anything related to this...I research it.

Remember those pills we had to take everyday to prevent malaria? I took mine but some of us got real sick with fever and chills  we  never went to sick call   b/c you just never did that unless you were wounded pretty bad,  but the thing is we all got over it in a few days, but looking back This is why I think it was caused from Vietnam.

If its not on A.O, List  then I just shit out of luck sad to say.

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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Buck, I am glad the B 12 shots help you.

I am not a doctor but practically had to become an endocrinologist to prove to VA that my husband had DMII, undiagnosed and untreated, which contributed to his death.

I had to prove the case to myself, before I shelled out thousands for IMOs....which fees were easily absorbed by the award retro.

When I see Hyperlipedemia, or Dyslipidemia,in any posts here, I always look for any Hypertriglyceride readings from their blood work ( if they post blood work results here) and the cholestrol readings.

These are current trigly values:


"Very high triglyceride level‎: ‎>500
High triglyceride level‎: ‎200-499
Borderline-high triglyceride level‎: ‎150-199
Normal triglyceride level‎: ‎< 150"
On my deceased husband's VA med recs I saw blood  chem lists with very high trigly values as well as abnormal cholestrol values. VA doctors had put check marks next to this values,as if they were monitoring them, but never gave any diagnosis or treatment for them.
He never had any HB1AC tests to rule in or out DMII.  
This was not part of my FTCA case at all...but a re-open, at my daughter's insistence.She was right. I had to look at the medical records in a whole new way  and learn more about diabetes.
Hypertriglyceride is a common disorder and treatable,just as cholestrol problems are. If it is left undiagnosed and untreated and DMII is never diagnosed or ruled out, it can lead to  a fatal result.
I had already received 1151 DIC for my husband's death .The award was for direct service connected death.
We discussed DIC briefly here---in this thread--lots more in our DIC forum.
This might help someone out there.
1151 DIC has NO ancillary benefits - that's right  folks - they can kill you with piss poor  medical care , but your family will NOT receive CHAMPVA or DEA (Chap 35) due to a 1151 DIC death award 
I received Chapter 35 and CHAMPVA due to a 100% P & T rating for SC PTSD that VA gave my husband posthumously on a claim pending at his death. ...so I did have those benefits but they were NOT awarded due to the 1151 death.
It is imperative that any survivor who gets 1151 DIC, should also try to prove a SC death-and that can be VERY difficult.
The CHAMPVA people told me how sad it was to advise some 1151 widows , trying to obtain additional benefits that the  deceased veteran's dependents were Not eligible for CHAMPVA due to the 1151 DIC award.( and not eligible for Chap 35 DEA)
This is why every vet should file for  disability they have, that could be attributed to their service, and that could ultimately cause or substantially contribute to their death. 
And why, if you die with a claim pending, the spouse should do all they can to continue that claim, by substituting themselves as the claimant, as well as apply for DIC within the first year after your death, for the most beneficial accrued award, if the claim succeeds.

This is one of the types of  links I used to prove my DMII AO death case:


"Practice Essentials

Hypertriglyceridemia, a condition in which triglyceride levels are elevated, is a common disorder in the United States. It is often caused or exacerbated by uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, obesity, and sedentary habits, all of which are more prevalent in industrialized societies than in developing nations. In epidemiologic and interventional studies, hypertriglyceridemia is a risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD)."







GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I Agree with ya,

Thanks for posting this information Ms berta.

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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side bar - My Mother had cancer  secondary to radiation treatments, with a similar dx: Pernicious anemia (per-NISH-us uh-NEE-me-uh) is a condition in which the body can't make enough healthy red blood cells because it doesn't have enough vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is a nutrient found in some foods. ... Technically, the term "pernicious anemia" refers to vitamin B12 deficiency due to a lack of intrinsic factor.  ( intrinsic factors - intrinsic inside.... ) Very common condition. 

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I would tend to disagree with ya L,  it sure don't seem common condition to me  but that's just my opinion.

I have to take the injections the rest of my life...THEY ARE NO FUN  2 1/2'  -3' Needle injected in deep in the mussel. 

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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  • HadIt.com Elder



                    What was your last A1c reading and what was fasting glucose results.  Some of what you describe sounds like neuropathy which is a common secondary condition to DMII which is related to AO.  I have had PN for years and got rated for it as secondary to DMII (A0).   If blood glucose level is above (125) that is indication you have DMII.  If you are above about 110 that is impaired glucose which is just a hop, skip and jump from DMII DX.  DMII DX covers so many secondary conditions it would fill a page.  Having DMII I looked at a page in VBM and it indicated all the secondary conditions for DMII.  I used this to make a claim of secondary PAD which soon evolved into CAD and another 60% rating and "S".    All this was due to the VA doing a CT scan on a bump I had on my left leg.  They found calcification of veins and arteries in my leg and extrapolated to my heart and brain.  This is why I will file for HBP when and if VA adds it to presumptives for AO.   I don't think I will wake up the old pit bull unless I need to because I have three years to go for 20 years at P&T.  I am a little bit worried because after big unpaid tax cut the government may put VA benefits, Medicare, Medicade and SSA and all social programs back under the microscope for cuts.  This is what many in congress have wished to do for decades.  They have admitted this so it not a hot political call to arms.  We vets need protection for our benefits.

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