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Home Oxygen rating

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I have a 30% rating for asbestosis, 4 years ago. Now breathing much worse VA  walking breathing test indicated 89% Can not walk farther than 100 feet with out breathing difficulitys. Does home oxygen given by the VA mean 100% rating?

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I cannot say if home oxygen gives you 100% but this is out of 38CFR.  Having this condition I hope that you can better understand this than I do.  I am interested in the statement "or requires outpatient therapy" for a 100% rating.  I hope this helps.

6825 Diffuse interstitial fibrosis (interstitial pneumonitis,
 fibrosing alveolitis).
6826 Desquamative interstitial pneumonitis.
6827 Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis.
6828 Eosinophilic granuloma of lung.
6829 Drug-induced pulmonary pneumonitis and fibrosis.
6830 Radiation-induced pulmonary pneumonitis and fibrosis.
6831 Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (extrinsic allergic
6832 Pneumoconiosis (silicosis, anthracosis, etc.).
6833 Asbestosis.
    General Rating Formula for Interstitial Lung Disease
     (diagnostic codes 6825 through 6833):
        Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) less than 50-percent             100
         predicted, or; Diffusion Capacity of the Lung for
         Carbon Monoxide by the Single Breath Method (DLCO
         (SB)) less than 40-percent predicted, or; maximum
         exercise capacity less than 15 ml/kg/min oxygen
         consumption with cardiorespiratory limitation, or; cor
         pulmonale or pulmonary hypertension, or; requires
         outpatient oxygen therapy.............................
        FVC of 50- to 64-percent predicted, or; DLCO (SB) of 40-      60
          to 55-percent predicted, or; maximum exercise
         capacity of 15 to 20 ml/kg/min oxygen consumption with
         cardiorespiratory limitation..........................
        FVC of 65- to 74-percent predicted, or; DLCO (SB) of 56-      30
          to 65-percent predicted..............................
        FVC of 75- to 80-percent predicted, or; DLCO (SB) of 66-      10
          to 80-percent predicted..............................

Edited by vetquest
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  • Content Curator/HadIt.com Elder

Welcome to Hadit!

Based on Vetquest's post, please note that the 100% criteria has a lot of or's in it. That means you need only meet the criteria for just one. Check out the last one...


Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) less than 50-percent predicted, or;

Diffusion Capacity of the Lung for Carbon Monoxide by the Single Breath Method (DLCO (SB)) less than 40-percent predicted, or;

maximum exercise capacity less than 15 ml/kg/min oxygen consumption with cardiorespiratory limitation, or;

cor pulmonale or pulmonary hypertension, or;

requires outpatient oxygen therapy


Good luck!

"If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid."
- From Murphy's Laws of Combat

Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert, so use at own risk and/or consult a qualified professional representative. Please refer to existing VA laws, regulations, and policies for the most up to date information.


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Take a run at the 100% Increase based on the"OR" Factor.

My 04/2016 SA Increase (50 to 100%) was Denied 07/16, however; it was overturned by a Sr Rater doing a Quality Control Review 11/2016. The basis for the Increase, 02 Concentrator required at night and 1 other "OR," Cor pulmonale. The SA C & P Dr said I was wasting his time, thinking I was eligible for an Increase from 50%, then the Rater agreed with his negative DBQ and Denied the Claim.

The Quality Review Award hit just as I was starting my NOD.

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Forgot to mention, do a BVA Decision search for 2015 & 16 using  Supplemental Oxygen + your specific DX.

If you have a problem, let me know. I believe I have a couple Docket Numbers for "Supplemental 02" Increase Awards.

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Thanks very much Chief, but I do not understand what BVA and "specific DX means. . Please give me the docket numbers for 02 supplemental increase awards. Thanks again

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When you open the BVA Decision search, you'll see about 5 Criteria Lines. on the 1. search Decisions where any of the following words appear. Supplemental oxygen use and whatever your SC "DX" Diagnosis is listed as. That should pull up a couple from 14 -15 and 2016.

Might take me a bit to locate the (2) I mentioned. Keep in mind, generally, BVA Decisions don't become "President Setting." However, if you found a Remand or outright 100% Award, mirroring your exact situation, referencing it in your Claim or Appeal could be a Deal Maker.

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