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Third Class Petty Officers
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About bassrunnin

  • Birthday July 16

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  • Service Connected Disability
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    Love to play bass!

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  1. I’m talking about if I die from something that is not service related. For example I’m 100% for PTSD but I die in a car accident. How long do I have to be T&P until family would qualify for DIC. Also, if I die either before or after 10 years do my kids still get DEA? (College assistance) Thanks
  2. I’m coming up on 8 years T&P and I thought that I read somewhere that they changed the requirement from 10 years to 8 years. Am I misreading some of the information because I’m also seeing it’s still 10 years? Thanks
  3. But I believe in the examples that you gave that they were 100% schedulers whereas I am TDIU. Do you think that makes a difference?
  4. I am currently 70% TDIU P&T for PTSD (mst) and Bipolar. I was thinking about writing a book about my experiences in the military and was wondering if it could affect my TDIU if I were to make a little money off of it. I suppose I could make the book free, but could even writing a book affect my disability pay? There is no way that I could go back to work at this juncture of my life and I doubt that I ever could. And I don't know for sure if I could even write a book. And even if I could that anyone would want to read it. It's just an idea that I'm kicking around. Thanks.
  5. Thank you very much for the link. How do I know what the station address is? I live in TN if that matters
  6. I know on here it has been said that you should turn in a form even if one has not been sent to you. I've filled out one but don't remember ever getting one again. Is the anniversary date the one when you originally filed or the date you got the award. For example I filed in Aug 2014 but was awarded in March 2015? And if I don't get the form what is it called and how do I get one to send in myself? Sorry I am talking about talking about the employment money earned form. Hopefully you know what I'm talking about.
  7. Please contact me! I have a similar story and just started this process :)

  8. How do I find out more about this? Do I contact my local VA medical facility?
  9. What kind of dental do they cover? I have two missing front teeth
  10. How do I get the address of the Designated Claims Intake Center?
  11. I am currently TDUI and have not received a form to fill out. I guess it's the 21-4140 Employment Questionnaire. Is it necessary to fill out...this is my first year. Also where do I mail it to. If it helps I live in TN... Sorry computer was lagging and hit submit again so this is a duplicate. I am really really sorry
  12. I am currently TDUI and have not received a form to fill out. I guess it's the 21-4140 Employment Questionnaire. Is it necessary to fill out...this is my first year. Also where do I mail it to. If it helps I live in TN... Sorry computer was lagging and hit submit again so this is a duplicate. I am really really sorry
  13. I am currently TDUI and have not received a form to fill out. I guess it's the 21-4140 Employment Questionnaire. Is it necessary to fill out...this is my first year. Also where do I mail it to. If it helps I live in TN... Sorry computer was lagging and hit submit again so this is a duplicate. I am really really sorry
  14. It's been awhile since I'be been on this site but I need some guidance and knew this was the place to get it. HADIT helped me so much with helping me to win my claim. I am 100% for MST and was also in the Navy and female. I received TDUI due to my symptoms and I don't know how to handle it. At first I was elated, now it's been awhile and I have guilt about getting 100% when so many people are fighting the system. I guess it's winner's guilt? But here's my real problem with all of this. Because I'm 100% I have Disabled Vet plates and I don't work. People ask what do I do and some closer friends know that I am on disability and some are ex military. I served in Hawaii and was in the Navy and was a female. How do you handle telling friends and relatives that your a disabled vet under my circumstances? They probably think I'm scamming the system because I don't have an answer for them. How can somebody who was on shore duty, a yeoman, in the Navy and a female possibly be 100% disabled. It would be so much easier if it was a back injury or something like that. I guess I'm ashamed of getting disability for PTSD and if I told them it was for PTSD there's no way that they would understand. And the ex military people would probably figure out it was MST and that is my worst fear. How can I tell people why I'm disabled? I feel like I should hide the fact that I'm disabled because I know they are thinking "how could I get TDUI". I'm just really at a lost about all of this and would like any advice you can give me. It's been bothering me for awhile and it's getting to the point where I have to tell my close friends and family something. I can't avoid it much longer. How have others handled telling people close you have PTSD? It's one thing if I would have served overseas then there wouldn't be an issue, people would be more likely to understand, or at least it would make sense to them. Anyhow I am starting to ramble...any advice would help...thanks.
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