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Posts posted by Andyman73

  1. Cliff,

    If you have plantar fasciitis in your SMR, and you made a claim, and the examiner noted that you have it, and connected it to your SMR, what reason did they give for the denial?

    I have pes cavus w/plantar fasciitis bilateral rated at 30%.  I was getting Podiatric care from my VAMC off and on since 2005.  I filed a claim last summer and it was granted easy peasy lemon squeazy.  However a short time later I received my C-file and found that I had filed a claim for foot condition to include the PF and it was not decided, even tho the examiner found same issues back in '06 as in '15.  Got a tasty EED for that one!

    Semper Fi


  2. Berta,
    I didn't even think of the reference there to the chapter 11 discharge.

    75HC,  Were you discharged under chapter 11?  If so, that will be a big obstacle until you can get your discharge upgraded.  Question, if your record  shows all the assaults to your person, physical, mental, and emotional, before your enlistment took a wrong turn, that certainly will play in your favor as it shows the effects on your disposition and changes to your personality.  That ch.11 could actually turn out to be damning evidence in your favor...but only if you have a deep and wide paper trail of treatment records from start to finish, leading up to your discharge.

  3. On 8/29/2016 at 10:09 AM, Navy4life said:

    When I was on the phone with my rep at the VA, she was reviewing the notes and Steve Wilbur has so many mistakes noted on my SOC.  One issue is the fact that my original C&P exam from July 2013, the examiner gave NO RATIONALE, however several months later, a medical opinion was given by a doctor who NEVER saw me but rather took a quick glance of my documents and denied me even after the fact that the examiner from the C&P exam noted both my DBQ's from my podiatrist and stated my injuries were in-service.  Furthermore, I had the letter from my current podiatrist stating all my injuries were in-service.

    Sounds an awful lot like what I got from my RO, when speaking with her, how she could not and would not look at my overwhelming physical evidence and go against the C&P examiner's opinion, who had checked the box that they did not review my medical records.

  4. Hmmmm, not sure, looks like your list of claims is overly redundant and repetitive.  But that could just be me.  The VA will only pay for 1(one) MH disability.  That's across the board.  Nobody gets 2. Now, all of those things will come into play into one main disability....PTSD, or MDD.  On this site you can look up the ratings chart, and it will show you where your various symptoms fall, and what rating percent they get.  For example, suicide ideation(SI) is in the 70% rating block.

    Now, have you been getting treatment?  IF so, see if your therapist will write a nexus letter for you, stating what their professional opinion is and such.  Others here will have a better response for you.

    Semper Fi

  5. Has anybody heard if Willow Grove will be the next Camp Lejeune?  My paper had an article in yesterday's issue regarding Willow Grove and Warminster(I think), both which have been closed 10+years now, or more.  The whole area around the bases have had a veritable cancer bloom, such as it is...related to the fire suppressing foam chemicals.  I was stationed at Willow Grove for 2 years in the mid '90s...drank the water, showered in the water.  And even got to enjoy the benefits of the hanger fire suppression system mis-firing a time or two.  Talk about a foam party!!!

    I searched Hadit and only found 2 mentions previously, one from me, just saying I had been stationed there, and another from lovely Nicki, who's husband has since gone on to be with Jesus.  He was stationed at the Grove around the same time I was.

    Any thoughts comments or opinions....even 2 or 3 cents worth...would be greatly appreciated.

    An interesting fact from my own history, the high school I graduated from, had a work release program with ConEd....the power company from the "Erin Brokavich" movie starring Julia Roberts.  You could see the collector from the school grounds.

  6. Yes, yes, yes, and again...yes.  Not because you "need" to, they will tell you to your face that they have all the pertinent information on hand.  I know because I was told this, said I will send anyway, reaffirmed that I don't need to...sent copies of SMR and such, claim was denied anyway.  Examiner claimed on the C&P report that he DID NOT view my SMR.  And so then, neither did  the RO, who had the copied SMR entries filed as my evidence.

    IF you don't send them, they will definitely not look at the electronic copy on hand to see what's what.  And if you do send them, they may or may not look at them anyway.  But then at least you will have covered all your bases.

  7. Palma114,

    It's the opinion of the Rheumatologist that makes the secondary connection.  My PCP was just showing me when I had asked if there was a DX for my issue.  Then he showed me what had been written, pain in SI region most likely caused by the DDD, DJD, and lower back issues. Which is all aggravated by my knee and foot issues as well.

    I just wanted some you more experienced and vastly more knowledgeable Vets to weigh in on this.

  8. Silverdollar, No, just takes a pretty significant reduction in bend ability or ROM to get there.


    Mu PCP showed it to me, I asked if there was a DX in there somewhere.  He showed me where the rheumatologist made that inference.   He is the one who sent me to the pain clinic for pain shots.   This all started with a C&P exam for my hips, at that time I didn't know about the SI joints, I went back to my PCP who sent me to physical therapy. After pt said no more due to increasing symptoms, or not helping. Then the rheumatologist, who checked me out said he recommends the injections. He is the one who said secondary to those other issues.  

    Wouldnt the rheumatologist opinion be strong enough for a secondary claim? 

  9. I was at my PCP for routine services and he pointed out that a VA doc had said my SI joint pain was most likely caused by DDD, DJD, and low back issues.  This doctor wrote this back in the spring.

    so, my question is this...is this strong enough to file for SI joint pain secondary to those issues? I've been SC for my low back since late 1998, which is currently rated at 40%. If a VA dr gave this opinion rationale, is it good enough to base my claim off it? 

  10. I had contacted both Attig and H&P, both turned me away. So neither got any of my $57K EED award. Now my case is being reviewed by a NOVA lawyer.  My current case has potential to bump me from 80 to 100% going back to April of 2015. Which isn't a big retro now, but by the time it plays out, could be reasonable amount for them to get a few off of.

  11. First off, I actually have an appointment with my PCP on Monday. So I can tell him already.  

    Quick bio on me to get you up to speed. I fell down a flight of stairs during boot camp in 1992. Not a tumble, more of a man-o-steel type fall/flight, and landed knees first, then chest, with my legs jack-knifing up behind me, compressing my lower spine.

    My back was SC to my EAS 11/98 and 2 yrs later and many trips to the VA, my knees were also added. 

    More recently my feet were SCd and then EED to 2006.  I have been having some weakness in my L foot, got tested for drop foot, all through the VA. And have been having issues with my SI joints for the past few years.  Been through pt and pain injections, again through the VA, as well.

    Lots of notes and such but no actual DX.  Which is making me feel like they are avoiding that to make it harder for me file a secondary claim. 

    As for age, I am living in my 5th decade. Yikes, what a realization that was!!!?

    But what about the anxiety about falling and flashbacks to my fall in 1992?

  12. I have a secret to tell.  I am afraid of falling down the stairs.  A few weeks ago, I was going down the steps at home, carrying my 13 pounder aka 5 month old foster babygirl., and I felt a near blinding pain in my R foot, which made me nearly finish my trip down the stairs in stunt person style.

    So, here's the problem, ever since then, every time I am faced with going down any flight of stairs, I keep seeing the stairs I fell down during boot camp.  Is this something to be concerned with?  It sure bugs the crap out of me.  I was always leary of stairs ever since that boot camp fall...but not like this...especially now since I have various foot, ankle, and knee issues, both SC and non-SC.

    I didn't want to even mention it here, but I keep hearing a voice in my head telling me that I need to speak up, so someone can tell me that I'm not crazy, or...at least, not as crazy as I think I am.  Should I tell my VA MH at my next therapy session?  Is this something not even worth mentioning?  Now I feel so dumb and childish for having mentioned it...

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