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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Andyman73

  1. Tinnitus isn't something tangible, like hearing loss, it's noise inside your head due to damaged nerves in your inner ear.  So it's like the ghost sounds of something no longer there, like a phantom itch of an amputated digit or extremity. It really will depend on what your MOS was, to verify noise exposure, or combat experience, where you were exposed to gunfire or artillery, or even IEDs going off.  It can be cumulative from constant exposure, or from a one time even...like working around aircraft or artillery, or a single IED blast. 

    And pretty much 10% is all they ever give for that.

  2. I just looked at it again, since I didn't look anywhere else, earlier, to see if there was any clue to what it may be.  That appeal was filed in October of 15.  And it still shows as pending on my disabilities list.  But the new one says Entitlement to EED filed on 7/9/16 and says INC out to the side, same as the other one.  What's curious is when I filed a few appeals a few months ago, there was no change with the first one.  And both the October 15 and the July 16 both specifically say for my pes cavus w/plantar fasciitis bilateral disability.

    Sure as heck don't want to get my hopes up for anything, certainly not retro $ for a 9yr 4mos increase that a 30% added to 40% rate would bring.  Can't tell nobody, either, cuz that would drive a person insane, thinking of something that is so close you can feel it, but still so far away you can't see it.  Worse yet, I already crunched the numbers and figured out what the minimum and maximum $ ranges would be.

    This is the first ebennies message/change/update that I ever had that made me think something good may be in the not too far off distance. 

  3. Oh, no, Buck, the big guy in my story wasn't like that, it was just that nobody wanted to make him feel taken advantage of, with his tailoring gift...that's all, they didn't want "Dave's Tailoring and Repair" shop to close, that's all. 

    He was a good dude, for sure.

  4. Thanks, Armorer, my first "good job" for this month.  :happy:  The Dr was surprised that she made that error, and was very appreciative that I caught it so soon after it was made.  And that I pointed it out to her in a rather mild easygoing manner.  Then she said to call her guy for apt to go over test results, to which I just secure messaged him a few minutes ago.  But I do wonder, what if any, value does it bring to my claim??? 

    I feel so much like the "that guy" in the movies who has the winning ticket or what ever, and has "the girl" waiting in the wings, but don't have the slightest clue about either one. And then ends up being a day late and a dollar short anyway. Let me tell you, I have to take off one shoe/sock to count past my hands/fingers how many times this has actually happened to me. But that's a can of worms to save in "Warehouse 13" not to be disturbed for 100 years.


  5. Buck,

    Thanks for the info, but I don't think I need it, and here's why...operating a sewing machine is/was a part of my primary MOS duties.  I was taught how to use their simple but powerful Eagle brand sewing machines at my A school.  The only option these machines had was reverse. So sewing was a part of my regular daily duties of my primary MOS.

    In my shop at Cherry Point we actually had this monster machine with a hand wheel approx 18 inches across!  Supposedly these big machines were for sewing parachute webbing, where you had it folded over 3-4 times. This beast could punch through a dollar's worth of quarters like tissue paper!!! Several years later it was taken from us, apparently we didn't rate that big machine, as they are usually found on flat tops(aircraft carriers) or at parachute lofts, and not at individual squadrons.

    We repaired flight suits, and jackets/coats/etc; and aircraft sound deadening insulation blankets(really sucked if they were soaked in old hyd fluid). And often we did little side jobs on a barter basis, too. I must have sewed velcro backing on several thousand unit patches during my enlistment, and probably near 10K or more leather name patches, that we also embossed with name rank and specific flight/jump wings.  I mean, we literally earned our semi-degrading sounding nick names "Stitch Bitch".

    Shoot, one guy in my shop paid for his car's bare metal body resto and paint work with after hours tayloring work.  He was rather gifted with a sewing machine, however at 6'3" tall with 22.5" arms, no one was brave enough to call his manhood into question. Not only that, no one wanted to cause the unofficial squadron tailor to shut down ops, because he was as good or better than off base tailors and more affordable too...and had a much faster turn around time, too.

  6. On 7/9/2016 at 3:16 PM, EODCMC said:

    Ha...you're right. This gripe is better suited for a different segment of the forum. However, Gastone is correct, in my view. The system is meant for veterans like us. After seeing a glimpse of your problems, I would gladly give up my place in line for you and anyone else with DXs that are more serious than mine. I'm not against triage, but I sense that is not the reason for the delays. Good health Coot.

    I got to say,  be cautious with letting others go ahead, cuz you feel they are more deserving or worthy.  Trust me, I know, I did that for 17 years, and it got to the point of me calling the hotline late last spring.  I had reached the point where the next step I took would have been the one going beyond the point of no return.

    And now that I've done that, made the call, that is, I still feel like the point of no return is only a step or two further back from the line, now, instead of right at my toes. I really dislike talking about it, because the voices in my head then start up their chaotic cat calls and jeers, pushing me back towards that last step.

    It's great and all that my VA MH dr wants to talk about my feelings, but what about the very real pain I live with every day?  Why do I sleep and wake like I haven't truly slept? Why do I continue to feel like I'm still invisible, and my voice has no volume? More so, why do I feel that because I stood aside, so that others more deserving and worthy may go ahead of me, that now I have to stand in that "other" line, the one that leads to the window with the sign that says, sorry, today is not your day, and tomorrow doesn't look good either. Then I look to see how long the line is behind me....and find that I'm the only one in that line.

    Hey, that's just like the time I was at the gas chamber for training and the truck that delivered our box lunches ran out when I got to the tailgate, last in line...and they told me...get this...they actually told me I should have gotten in line sooner.  Which meant that then someone else wouldn't have gotten a lunch. 

    Who am I kidding....

  7. Ok, so, while I was at my VAMC, yesterday, for various appts and such, I took time to go to the MH dept. and had them call the dr who signed off on my neuro psych eval, about the left out Loss of Consciousness report. Said yep, come on up. Went up, told her that I had given a copy of the SMR report to her "underling" and did she get it, since her report said LOC was not reported.  She paged through my file and there it was.  She was instantly apologetic and said she will add an addendum to report that day and correct that.  Whew! So glad that she was able to give me the 5 minutes of her time yesterday.  Also recommended I call her "underling"(a good guy, really) to schedule an apt to review the eval results.  So...2 birds with one stone yesterday!

  8. On 7/5/2016 at 5:40 PM, EODCMC said:

    Thanks Mr. A...agreed. I know this must make me look like an inexperienced outpatient. That's because I am. In the military, I was not a sick bay commando and nothing much changed post retirement.  Now I have serious health concerns (perhaps) and a financial claim of entitlement. I'm just trying to make the right decisions that won't require amending.

    That not being a sick bay commando is what is really screwing us all.  It was frowned upon, so we didn't go, unless we couldn't help it.

  9. Buck,

    I was in a car wreck, and hurt my wrist.  I didn't go to dr right away, but a few weeks later I did.  Wasn't hurting at first, but with continued use the pain came.

    I did mention it at a dr appointment, 10 months out, when I was first getting into the VA healthcare system.  I saw that on those records I just got, a few weeks ago.  It says I complained of wrist pain from MVA while on AD.  So that's at least one complaint after AD, to the VA, but still inside my 1 year window.  Same for my SI as well.

    A few months back  I was DXd by my VAMC with the CTS, bilateral. 

    Where would I find info that shows operating a sewing machine was a part of my duties? Right hand was the one that cranked the wheel for manually operation machine when slower than foot pedal was needed...And I probable logged 1500 hours or more over my 6yr enlistment.



    Semper Fi

  10. 17 hours ago, armorer said:

    It sounds like you are doing good. I just found my sa test I've been looking for for 2 years on a VA dr.'s laptop Wednesday. I argued a bipap machine with more intake than exhaust by 'Reasoning' with a Neurologist :) I wanted a variable one, but... I guess this will be better than a weak ass cpap and help me breath better at night.

    Who knows where your reports are. Did you get blue button access yet on HealtheVet? I need to do it Monday and see if it will help. So far, my HealtheVet I just got in the tbi clinic access looks just like

    I have a bipap, or whatever, reduced pressure on the exhuast side, with heated water chamber.  Over it is good, but...doesn't do much for my other sleep issues and chronic pain interference with my sleep.  Will be speaking with my VA MH dr. on the 29th coming, about those two issues, specifically.  My PCP told me, last week, that the MH guy will be the one to address those issues, especially in conjunction with my MDD that he DXd.

    I have a copy of the issued/published report, and what it says.  Only thing with that is they left out the SMR entry copy showing loss of consciousness from my fall down the stairs at boot camp.  I secure messaged them and found out that the Dr who did my neuro psych isn't in the secure messaging program.  So will be calling her ASAP!!!  Got that report from the ROI office before I saw it on blue button.

  11. Probably figure on 30% for starters, but no way to say without your C&P exam findings.  You can look at the breakdown of the symptoms you have and bounce them against the rating chart found on here on the CFR forums.  That will give you a much clearer picture of what you are entitled to.

    For example if you have SI, that is in the 70% block.  By law they must give you the highest rate of any of your symptoms.  So based on the example, if that is the only symptom you have in the 70% bracket, then the law states you must be rated at 70%. However that don't mean the VA will abide by the law, more often than not, they don't, the first time around.

    I wish you the best.

    Semper Fi

  12. armorer,

    Not sure exactly what you're saying, mostly due to my own ignorance, but for my recent test results, they said my issues stem from several different areas, such as my MDD, SA, and chronic pain related sleep interference.  Which does actually mirror my DXs, so is pretty much spot on.  My VA MH dr mostly wanted to rule out any underlying physical issues, such as alheimers, dementia and so on. 

    So, while I am pleased with my results, I do wonder what the results were of the tests being excluded from the report, and why they chose to exclude them.

    Semper Fi

  13. I know nothing of which you speak, in relation to TBI and PTSD.  However, I too, recently enjoyed neuropsych testing.  Some of my results came back as inconclusive, because the scores were not inline with the overall picture...and were not reported.  Some were below average, some were average. One came back at 4%, which was deemed borderline(borderline to what??!!??)

    The report says short and long term memory losses possibly due to my MDD, and chronic sleep issues, both which are aggrevated by my chronic pain issues.(that are SCd). 

    I'd say file that TBI claim.

  14. Vync,

    Me too, brother, me too.  It's been far too long since anyone with the power and authority actually did something to make the lives of Veterans better.  And I don't mean like COLA better, either.  I'm talking real improvement.  I think the overall budget of the VA should be doubled, with 50% of that increase going to revamping the comp scales.

    And I would like to see a national movement, started by "Uncle Sam" to truly honor Veterans.  Far too many civilians think sports and media/entertainment figures are heroes, and the media tends to portray them as such.  But if not for us, defenders of freedom and the American way of life, they would be regular joes, too.

    Yes, there are plenty of these stars and such that personally honor Vets, but it's still a fraction.  I remember going to movies, on base, as an Army brat, and then as an AD Marine, where the theaters showed a video montage of U.S. Military might/power with the National Anthem...I think all movie theaters should show that, before the previews.

    Veteran's Day should be every day.  The Dough Boys are all gone now, and The Greatest Generation is following them, the Chosin Frozen(and the rest, too) are getting there as well. And Vietnam Veteran's...well, they are EVERYWHERE, and all us that have followed since...We are a tiny fraction of the total population, but have given more than nearly all the rest combined.

    I think any establishment that honors Vets everyday should be recognized loudly and publicly.

    It's sad when the gov't and those in that, that do care, have to negotiate a VA budget every year, but you never hear of any budget negotiation for any welfare programs. The SS program is prepaid by the SSI retirement recipients, not a welfare benefit, handout or freebie. 

    OK, I'm off my soap box now.

  15. With the VA's proposed temp rating, it's because they offer that those issues may improve.  My low back strain/pain was originally temporary, because they reasoned that my DDD could improve over time.  Same for my knees, the cartiledge in the knees could miraculously regrow.

    Also, the VA doesn't go by the Service's ratings, they do their own exams and rate from there. However the medical evidence and DXs from your AD time will go very very far in helping you.  I think the Service's tend to under rate, and I think it's more so based on retainability versus disability.  Not sure exactly, sorry.

    Hope this helps you a little.

    Semper Fi

  16. Not sure, have you been to the Dr for your knees since the instability began to manifest? If you've been going to private or VA PCP and complaining about this new issue, it would certainly hope.  I would think they wouldn't need to check ROM, since instability issues may not reduce ROM, but the opposite, cause hypermobility(?). 

    I too have that issue, and occaisional locking up.  Had that while on AD, and it's noted several times in my SMR, but got nothing for it.  Could be I didn't push the issue, because I didn't know, at the time, that instability should have been taken into consideration.

    Hopefully someone who knows will chime in, here, with some good info.

    Semper Fi

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