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Mayday, Mayday, Im Goin Down

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I am so trying to maintain a sense of humor,

I am not sure when I will be able to get back online, I am borrowing a friends computer.

One day as I came home from work, still in my uniform, wife tells me she wants a divorce and calls cops to evict me. So there I was, a week away from my retirement and homeless. I am sleeping in my truck and at friends homes. I go to Ft Knox and retire, do all the paperword, and on my way home, get a call, it is my Dr. The C and P doc called him, told him to get my approval to transfer records. Come to find out, I have two tumors on my spine down in the L something area where it meets the S something. Great story here is that in ten years I will probably be in a wheelchair paralyzed and peeing or worse all over myself. Did I mention she gave the cops my guns?

So after 22 years in the Army, I am finally a veteran, a homeless one.

I guess the only good thing is my friend Mr PTSD hasnt shown up yet, or is Mr PTSD that new dark friend Mr Depression and not Mr Anger?

If anyone could spare a prayer, I would sure appreciate it, as I am kinda goin through a tough time. Sorry to drop all this, but I need to get it out, I am drowning........

" The enemy controls everything, the roads, the bombs, they even own when and where they will attack. But the second they make the mistake to attack, we own them" ME, reference to insurgents in Iraq

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Reach down and grab where it hurts soldier!!!!!! Hang in there as all good things do come - and will more than likely come when you don't expect them to!

I will not counsel you on the love thing but my reaction to your situation would be see you babe.......

On the medical side they more than likely can remove the tumors and leave you with mobility - at least we will be praying that this is the outcome!!!!

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Well I am not as versed as some of these people but for one thing hang in there Life sucks but at least you got your sense of humor. Keep that going it helps. I will say a prayer for you the back issue is awful nasty thing but all these new operations and such get a second opinion naturally of course do not take two Docs get a thrid. The wife Issue what can I tell you but hang on it is a ride but what ever you do remember two wrongs do make a right one I am going through same thing both with my back and other stuff but check into this thought I read where you had discovered you had the tumors? Was this while you were active? If you can tie it in during your time in service it sucks but it is a way to cover you. I wish you well and I have been in the same boat. Take some time and get another opinion on exactly what you have and go for that. I have crap happen all the time so take a deep breath and try again tommorow. hope you work things out. Adios..

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Sgtfirstclass, hey, sorry to hear of your adjustments, I will pray for your safety and comfort. A freind told me a long time ago, she and her husband like transferring out after 4 years because God gave em a new start each time.

Do good things for yourself. Ymca swim class, not weightbearing, eat regularly and keep a schedule best as possible. Oh, and get a cellphone with iinternet, think of it as a mini-computer - rather easy to operate too. Just my thoughts, in fact, since I got ssdi, trying to re'invent myself, going slow - but its going.

Didnt realize you just retired, congratulations - that was a long haul. I bet your loved ones are proud of you and your career!

Let us know how your back issue is going, take care ~


Sure hope your marital issues balance somewhat. Dont know, physical seperation may be legal seperation

For my children, my God sent husband and my Hadit family of veterans, I carry on.

God Bless A m e r i c a, Her Veterans and their Families!

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oh man brother, that is a tough load to haul, but not impossible, get yourself to the local veterans center and see if they can point you in some direction for immediate assistance for food and shelter. perhaps some talk therapy because brother that is a heavy load to try and carry yourself.

if the internet helps, you can get an ipod touch and surf the internet from any free wi-fi spots in your area, coffee shops, book stores and places like that, some charge but there are a lot of free one also.

do not isolate, get to a vet center, get some assistance this is not something anyone should go through alone.

I am so trying to maintain a sense of humor,

I am not sure when I will be able to get back online, I am borrowing a friends computer.

One day as I came home from work, still in my uniform, wife tells me she wants a divorce and calls cops to evict me. So there I was, a week away from my retirement and homeless. I am sleeping in my truck and at friends homes. I go to Ft Knox and retire, do all the paperword, and on my way home, get a call, it is my Dr. The C and P doc called him, told him to get my approval to transfer records. Come to find out, I have two tumors on my spine down in the L something area where it meets the S something. Great story here is that in ten years I will probably be in a wheelchair paralyzed and peeing or worse all over myself. Did I mention she gave the cops my guns?

So after 22 years in the Army, I am finally a veteran, a homeless one.

I guess the only good thing is my friend Mr PTSD hasnt shown up yet, or is Mr PTSD that new dark friend Mr Depression and not Mr Anger?

If anyone could spare a prayer, I would sure appreciate it, as I am kinda goin through a tough time. Sorry to drop all this, but I need to get it out, I am drowning........


Founder HadIt.com Veteran To Veteran LLC - Founded Jan 20, 1997


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Time Dedicated to HadIt.com Veterans and my brothers and sisters: 65,700 - 109,500 Hours Over Thirty Years



I am writing my memoirs and would love it if you could help a shipmate out and look at it.

I've had a few challenges, perhaps the same as you. I relate them here to demonstrate that we can learn, overcome, and find purpose in life.

The stories can be harrowing to read; they were challenging to live. Remember that each story taught me something I would need once I found my purpose, and my purpose was and is HadIt.com Veterans.

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Don't skimp on procurement of your lawyer. Unless kids are involved don't let past memories affect current decisions. To take a line from a famous movie, "nothing personal, its just business". Id have a lawyer looking into why she thought she had the right to transfer your personal property (guns) to a third party. Because of your current living situation you might inquire with a reputable gun dealer if they would recover and store your firearms for you.

Relationships are great when they are great and they are Hell when they have gone to Hell.

Best regards,


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  • HadIt.com Elder

Those tumors usually sound worse than they are. And peeing on yourself all the time ain't that bad...trust me.

Funny thing is, I came home for lunch one day at fort hood to a empty house. I left for work and my ex had just left. Stupid girl didn't even leave a note. But, if she hadn't have turned my life upside down I would have never met my wife of the last 17 years. I guess what I am saying is that things work in mysterious ways. You just have to put your trust in the creator and Charlie Mike. We got your six!

90%, TDIU P&T

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