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Adding Ptsd To Bipolar Adjustment Disorder

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Hello all, new here. Have questions. I've already opened a new claim and am awaiting my exam, so I think I have to wait to open a new claim after this one closes for an increase in rating for bipolar adjustment disorder w/ anxiety and depressed mood (also claimed as sleep disorder) which I'm service connected disabled with rating of 30%. This was given after I was honorably discharged in 2007 when enlistment was up after 4 years. My mental health has gotten so much worse. I'm seeing a marriage counselor, private therapist, va psych and my insurance psych (all have release of info to talk to eachother). Anyway I have not worked since 2012, my va dr wrote a letter stating she didn't think I could work due to panic attacks and such.

enlisted weight at age of 20 and no kids was 135

Same when I got out with one child

NOW after 3 kids (youngest will be 2 next month) 104lbs.

I don't eat, I get hardly sleep, anxious, panic attacks, no longer talk to friends and rarely see family outside of my home.

I was also diagnosed ADHD jan 2014 3 months after my 8 year old was when I realized I had all the symptoms they told us in his two week evaluation of ADHD. VA Dr aware.

Also before I enlisted I had to tell the military about my prior sexual abuse as a child by my father. I had no symptoms of anxiety and such prior to military. However, I got married a year in and found out my husband cheated on me and was coming back and forth between us and I was devastated and couldn't handle the emotional roller coaster and the feelings of the guilt and shame associated after I'd have sex with him and he'd leave to go see her. I was admitted into a mental facility for 4-5 days and that's when the above diagnosis was made. But I'm thinking that I could suffer from PTSD because of my childhood and when my ex cheated and used me for sex and then left me, it brought many flashbacks and memories of my childhood and I'm not sure if I can link a claim for PTSD to the mental health comp listed above. Like I said military was aware of sexual abuse prior to service and yes I turned my dad in and he went to jail and have never seen him again.

please help?

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I understand what you're saying about how they add all mental health as one disorder. I agree that when I was given the rating of 30% that was true to be correct at that present time based on my mental status. However, I believe that PTSD should have been diagnosed as well and wasn't. With that said. PTSD does come with a higher rating regardless which will top the others.

I have already opened a claim with the va and am awaiting my exam appt. I did not even look into ptsd until I came across it as bipolar often being misdiagnosed (especially by military) when should show ptsd. My claim that is awaiting the exam does not mention ptsd as I just came across it. I went to the va office today and they said I can definitley link it to when I was dx in service. The reason I opened a claim was to increase my rating based on my symptoms becoming extremely worse to the point I rarely leave the house unless I have to and my kids are in daycare because I can barely take care of my self, due to panic attacks and anxiety and flattened mood. None of which I was experiencing when I was awarded my inital award which was based on my hospital stay 3 years prior and occasional help for anxiety and sleep.

I wrote to my va dr who I have an appt already scheduled with and asked she evaluate me for ptsd due to childhood past and military past and most importantly NOW. She said definitely. I am not trying to drop the bipolar dx as that will prolong and like others have said it could be in remission and that's why my symptoms don't show. But I can add on ptsd if diagnosed. I am not bothering with the adhd because I wasn't dx until 2013 and really doesn't matter anyway.

But I 100% believe my symptoms of what I experience now warrant a higher rating of 30%. Thank you.

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I will have to disagree with BroncoVet (sorry), but even though your rating shows only one mental disability, they can piggy back onto each other. Also, where you have quoted I don't see where only one mental health condition has to be evaluated unless I am reading something wrong. In my case I filed for PTSD related to MST. I also was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder when I was admitted to the VA hospital. When I looked into MY BLUE Button, it was interesting to see the RO talking to the C&P examiners. The RO wanted to know if the Bipolar could have been attributed to the PTSD or caused the Bipolar. The C&p examiner stated that more likely than not the bipolar was at least exasberated (awful spelling) by the MSt. Because of that I believe my rating was higher than would have been with the PTSD alone. I probably would have gotten 50% if PTSD was looked at. But because of the BIpolar I was awarded 70%. I guess if your Bipolar was made worse due to PTSD then there maybe a rating change. However, MST comes in many forms, I would believe it would probably be denied based on the info that you have given us so far. THeir maybe more...but the Bipolar must have been made worse due to the PTSD and that is a hard argument to make after all these years. I have Bipolar and understand what you are going through. I went through a very manic episode when my PTSD starting affecting me since often times episodes are triggered by stress. But you would also have to prove that your episodes are caused or made worse by the PTSD and that will be a hard argument to win based on how the military sees bipolar.

In actuality, they often use previous abuse against MST survivors stating that their was a preexisting condition to the PTSD/MST and that the MST is null and void because of that. I guess when you think about it I was rated 50% PTSD, 30% Bipolar and 10% PCL to give me the rating of 70%...Not 100% sure about that though.

Edited by bassrunnin1

PTSD/MST & Bipolar:

100% TDUI P&T

PCL: 10%


Survivors & Overcomers -

There is hope to Overpower.

All gave some, Some gave ALL

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bassrunnin1 thanks for the insight, good information.


Founder HadIt.com Veteran To Veteran LLC - Founded Jan 20, 1997


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I am writing my memoirs and would love it if you could help a shipmate out and look at it.

I've had a few challenges, perhaps the same as you. I relate them here to demonstrate that we can learn, overcome, and find purpose in life.

The stories can be harrowing to read; they were challenging to live. Remember that each story taught me something I would need once I found my purpose, and my purpose was and is HadIt.com Veterans.

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  • HadIt.com Elder


check out this site, it may shed some light for ya.



I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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Sorry to hear of your issues and sad to say, that we have more in common then you think. Wish you the best and God Bless!!!

100% PTSD

100% Back

60% Bladder Issues

50% Migraines 
30% Crohn's Disease

30% R Shoulder

20% Radiculopathy, Left lower    10% Radiculopathy, Right lower 
10% L Knee  10% R Knee Surgery 2005&2007
10% Asthma
10% Tinnitus
10% Damage of Cranial Nerve II

10% Scars



OEF/OIF VET     100% VA P&T, Post 911 Caregiver, SSDI



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I have an appt today with my private psychologist. I'm going to talk to her about the ptsd. I don't ever really talk about the childhood stuff, but I guess I should.

As far as claiming mst with prior reported childhood abuse, I've read that you CAN be diagnosed if you have evidence. I know that it's not anything that you can get a rating for but it did happen and I have solid proof. MST doesn't have to be rape or whatever. It can be many things and you don't have to show exact proof of incident. My evidence that I can provide for claiming MST is - 2 days after I got out of the hospital I found out I was pregnant (before I knew he cheated). Due to stalking and harassment I chose not to go through with the pregnancy fearing it would be another way for him to have some sort of control or reason to continue to do so. I asked my military ob for time off work for abortion and was denied (can't remember how I got the time off but I did). One of the most emotional and horrific physical things I've gone through since I was awake the entire time. Had procedure done off base, however it was noted in my medical records as being pregnant and having procedure off base. I also requested orders to Korea in order to get away. If need be I'll contact my old supervisor and office manager to provide written statements. I know I don't need MST to get ptsd based on other evidence, but because I was older and remember that way more than my childhood experience, I think the military experience of MST was worse. So because I didn't show symptoms prior to the military experience, I'm not sure what caused ptsd. It could have been triggered by the mst, or the mst itself. But whatever the case I should have been diagnosed in service.

I really don't care about how much money I get or whatever. I have been seeking help feeling like I'm crazy because nothing has worked. Feeling like my family hates me and that I'm ruining my kids and husband lives because I can't walk around with a smile on my face all day, and don't like a lot of physical touch so I think they feel rejected especially my oldest. He asks me every hour if I'm ok, or comes and tells me he loves me and gives me a hug. He can see when I get overwhelmed and asks to "help with the babies" because he's afraid I'm going to get over stressed. I'm actually relieved that I've finally found a diagnosis that describes my symptoms. The unexplained pelvic pain during sex that I've been seeking help for since getting out of the military that I never had prior. It all makes sense now and I'm just happy to finally know where to get help or focus on during counseling. It's a major relief.

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