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Trump and TDIU for Vets on SSDI or SSA

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I just heard on the news that Trump proposes to cut benefits for TDIU vets who are also getting SSA.   This is the guy who said he was going to take care of vets?

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Well, I learned not to listen to the news as so much of it is fake news.  When Trump signs a bill which cuts benefits to Vets, I will believe it.  I did not beleive the media's slams on Trump earlier, and I believe them even less now.  So much of the so called "news" is really propoganda from one party or another.  I remember when the media reported that Hillary would not only win, but she would win by a landslide.  

Im not a conspiracy theorist, but I do recognize that there is a huge bias in news reporting.    You simply can not beleive the news anymore.  

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John 999 we worry about you........glad you are here tonight....

This is not even a proposal yet ....they tried crap like this years ago,.,....noting to cause alarm YET.


The Sec is taking control in many ways to Reform the VA.

The new Acountability Act will help him be able to fire the incompetents and protect the whistleblowers.

Chek out the new WH Hot Line for vets. 

They told me they needed to here from advocates like me.....I dropped a dime on my RO ....

things are changing...but in the long run, it will be veterans who change the VA.

Pres Trump White House Hot Line 

1-855-948-2311.    I waited for 3 rings after a brief WH transfer and talked to the woman who answered for over half an hour. I mentioned it was close to lunch time but she kept me on the phone with her.

I didnt have a claim question and also had some compliments about VA, but I mentioned a few things I already wrote to POTUS and the Sec about and need to know what they are going to do about my suggestions.

The WH needs to hear from us all.

She said I will get a phone or email response from either the Sec;s office or the White House within 2 weeks.Forget what day I called.Last week ...maybe Friday AM


Edited by Berta
type too fast....

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Hey Berta and Bronco


                  I went to DAV and AmVet websites and they referenced Trump's proposed budget for 2018 and he wanted to cut SSDI and TDIU benefits.  He has no idea what this would do to the incomes of many older vets. I have been getting TDIU since 2001 and have been P&T with Housebound for years.  I am not going to stay up at night over this but it is disturbing that anyone who dodged the draft during the Vietnam War would want to cut benefits or even think about cutting benefits for people who went to Vietnam or who are over 62 and on SSDI.  Does anyone understand how little money most of us get from SSA and VA?  With TDIU and SSA I get about enough to live on but cutting $1500 out of that would put hurt me and all those over 60 like me.  I lost the most productive years of my life and have tiny pension and SSA.  When these politicians want to cut billions out of programs for the poorest people in America I wonder what it is all about here in the USSR.




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The WH is so confuse they have no direction. Attorney General says he want to 

crack down on medical marijuana but VA Secretary  says he would like to try it on Vets   with certain

disabilities. who knows 


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  • HadIt.com Elder

Yes, they have their heads up their Azzes.  WH did propose to cut those on SSDI and IU (over 62) but maybe it is just trial balloon.  With Mr. T.  I don't know if he listens to anyone or just dreams this stuff

up from old conservative playbook.  Hardcore conservatives consider all treasury transfer payments to be "welfare" including our pensions and compensation. I get small pension from USPS representing 30

years of service and SSA.  I know Trump & Co. want to reconfigure COLA.  They praise vets as heroes and then find ways to cut benefits.  I thought Federal pensions and VA and SSA were pretty safe

but I must reconsider.  Life sucks and then you die.

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The only positive thing I can see about this IU/SS issue is that the same proposal has come up for at least the last 4 years and never went through.  I have contacted all my congress reps, and called some of them, and tweeted to the Sec of VA, and POTUS, without any feedback.  And have signed petitions, which will never go anywhere of course.

The most convincing argument for me, to not take away this benefit, is that those of us on the benefit have planned the twilight years of our lives around the benefit.  We received assurances like P&T, and no future exam is scheduled, and the 10 and 20 year thresholds that guarantee the benefit and our spouses certain benefits.  It is not like we can say ok, its not gonna work so we have to go back to the past and make a new plan.

I do wonder about all the federal regulations that would have to be changed to make the taking away of this benefit lawful.  And I do worry about other than the financial implications; I expect the suicide rate will double by veterans within a few months of the implementation of this inhumane VA budget proposal.

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