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Claims status Check by Veterans

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I have a Question  maybe a silly one but for all the hadit elders or anyone that has the knowledge to give an answer? please chime in.

We all we have access to our medical records  via MyhealthVet  to be able to read what they are saying about us through the Progress Notes, Check Appointments, Medical Notes,Records Medications, Lab Results & look at our on going health care , were able to contact our VA Dr's per each speciality clinic  via secure messaging ect,,,ect,, And we have to register and get  a  Internet Premium Account  via VA them self to do all this.

If the VA lets us have access to all this and the information...then my question is

Why can't we have access to an internet account to see and check on our claims status?

The VSO/VSR have access to this  why not the Veteran himself.???

If were given a choice about our health care  then why not a choice to check on our claim status...instead of the VSO/VSR?

I believe every Veteran should be able to check on his claim status anytime he wants to or needs to...I mean what would it hurt?

They give us peggy ...yeah right  then theres the forgetful VSO or a VSO that is just to busy to notify the Veteran  when the Veteran needs to be notified.

They want to give us a choice  then why not this choice too!

Anyone Know why we don't have computer internet access to our claims status?

other than the VA says No way.


I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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I think the VA would say that E-benefits gives you the status of your claim. Have you signed up for E-Benefits it's different than MyHealthVet? https://www.ebenefits.va.gov/ebenefits/homepage


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I am writing my memoirs and would love it if you could help a shipmate out and look at it.

I've had a few challenges, perhaps the same as you. I relate them here to demonstrate that we can learn, overcome, and find purpose in life.

The stories can be harrowing to read; they were challenging to live. Remember that each story taught me something I would need once I found my purpose, and my purpose was and is HadIt.com Veterans.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Yes I have e benefits  but it don't tell the veteran his claim status as to where his claim is and what there doing in  a correct manner.  (they lie)

and e benefit's is unreliable.

  Oh they do say we have recieved your claim & preparing &  gathering evidence and things like preparations and give a ridiculous time frame for adjudication, but it don't say what the claim needs or what evidence is used or being gathered, where the claim is  ect,,ect,,

They should inform the Veteran of everything he needs to win his claim  but they don't do that  or not read his evidence and say not enough evidence to prove his claim ect,,ect,,,anything to deny the Veteran.

Things that a VSO/VSR Can look at.  we should have that right to look at our own claims just like they do.

just my opinion.

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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The va goes to great lengths to keep vets in the dark.  Their excuse for not giving us "read only" Access is that it's possible for hackers to accelerate permissions and to then alter our file by doing things like changing 30 percent to 100 percent.  While this is possible, if va computer's are t that vulnerable to hackers, stuff like that will happen anyway.  Va already has computer security issues which would be made worse with 28 million new computer users with access.


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to get a rating and to keep your current rating. What else you think they will do

I will say this too keep a rating you still have to meet the requirements for the rating. 

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When I was younger and still able to work I was an accountant and worked in IT.  In those days it wasn't unusual for an in house person to learn the IT part of keeping the network running.  I eventually went back to college to get my 2nd degree in MIS (management info systems). And a another IT degree in programming.

Based on my experience with government systems and private sector systems and what I've heard others say with how the VA system is set up it is an IS nightmare.  One of my best friends was a government IT/programmer so we joke about this.

If the government/VA updated their systems to work efficiently together it would cost the taxpayers zillions of $, cause we know they are wonderful at accepting crap bids.

The VA utilizes "different systems" at different "departments" (for a lack of a better word) and then ebenefits and other programs try to pull info from those systems and their databases to give us an overview of what is going on.

The VA department is an antiquated system in general, using old programming systems with government employees that are content to clock in and out each day, rubber stamp and process paperwork which they are not skilled to process and collect a paycheck with good government benefits.

In my work history, I've had to go into companies and install new hardware, new/updated software and teach employees to use it.

I will use this one example as the worst.  It was a huge law firm.  The legal secretaries and time billing clerks were working with an old system the software vendor no longer updated or supported.  The law firm hadn't had an IT skilled employee in house before and it didn't occur to them to buy the software updates or evaluate their systems.

When I was hired as the Accountant I found that each time an employee needed to add data to, pull a file from, or view a file on screen it would take this old system 15 min to process each request.  So the workers kicked back and waited.  I was shocked that a law firm of that size and rep was that pc illiterate.  I immediately went to the owners and we worked on addressing the situation.

But I often think of that situation when thinking of the VA.

The employees don't have a vested interest.

Those in charge don't want bonus money spent on hardware and software.

And people don't like change.  I mean it doesn't affect them.  It's just we vets.  And it takes a strong leader to go into an aged department such as the VA and revamp it.  They have been trying to band-aid it here and there but we all know how bandaids don't work.

Edited by eli
spelling error
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  • Content Curator/HadIt.com Elder

On one hand, it makes sense for the VA, but on the other hand it is frustrating as hell to us veterans. If I had transparent access to the inner workings, I would be making every effort to perform the equivalent of hand carrying my claims through the system. That would be great for us, but it could result in the VA employees having to spend more time responding to requests like the kind I would make.

"If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid."
- From Murphy's Laws of Combat

Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert, so use at own risk and/or consult a qualified professional representative. Please refer to existing VA laws, regulations, and policies for the most up to date information.


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