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Veteran's Comp and SSDI? Entitlement After Death?

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  • HadIt.com Elder

 I am not sure how to ask this / another Veteran ask me this at my VAMC Thursday? not to sound morbid  or ugly  but

a  married couple of 35 years Veteran 100% over 10 years and is married for 35 years Veteran wife gets part of Veterans comp and Also disabled and getting SSDI.


Can a spouse (the Veteran) if his spouse dies and getting part of the Veteran Comp   the  3 % or whatever it is ?

and his spouse is on SSDI and she passes away,  is the Veteran still entitled to her SSDI and part of the VA She gets while living ?

or is her part of the VA Comp taken away? and what about the SSDI she was getting from being disabled?  From SSA .

Question? do both of these benefits the wife had Stop? or is the Veteran still entitled to them?

I told the Veteran it all stopped but not sure because depends on how long hubby was getting benefits and what he was rated  & for how long and I was not sure about the SSDI Part?

I know that when a spouse dies the other spouse is entitled to half of the benefits from SSA  IF Divorce ,if still married at the time of death then the other spouse gets the full entitlement...but I am not sure on this at All ?

Anyone Know? 

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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Im going to try to correct this, even tho I will admit I dont fully understand it myself.  

SSDI ends when you die.  However, Social security disability "automatically" turns into regular social security after your full retirment age.  (Probably about age 67).  

And, you can apply  for a deceased spouses social security, because that is considered an "earned" benefit that you paid into for many years.  

I do not think you are entitled to a deceased spouses social securiity disability.  

You can go to the social security office and ask them, however, if something smells rotten about their answer it probably is.   

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I get SSA in a greater amount than my wife.  When and if I die first she can get the full amount of my SSA as a survivor benefit.  I get 100% from VA and my wife must apply for DIC and she can get about $1400.   She also is entitled to half my tiny federal pension.  This money will not support her.  We all must find some other source of income for our spouses besides SSA and DIC.  I have an annuity and she has an annuity.  I hope this will be enough and I think it will.  I saved and invested for 30 years, so if that isn't enough  then goodbye American Dream.  In my neighborhood a person needs between 4K and 5K  a month just to keep it going.  Unless you live in the bad lands of N. Dakota SSA and DIC will probably not support you these days.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I was thinking if the spouse is on SSDI it splits and her hubby gets half when she dies?...but on second thought Maybe that is SSR Social Security Retirement.

I Wish that the veterans comp would stay with the spouse when her veteran hubby passes..I mean that's the right thing to do.

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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John, you might want to revisit the SSI and Spousal Death Benefits. If your wife is eligible for her own (based on her earnings)  SSI and Passes, you have a choice of either receiving her SSI Amount or your's, whichever is greater. You don't get any part of her's added to your"s. You can file for the Death Benefit, I think it's currently about $250 or $350. 

Be aware, when an SSI recipient dies, the Funeral home notifies the SSA and the entire month's SSI Deposit is snatched back.  My 84 yr old dad used to say if I walked in on the 27th and found him dead, to leave and don't come back till the 1st.

As to SSDI, it automatically changes to SSI on your Full Boat SSI Eligibility age.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

eligibility age is 62  now yeah if you wait until 65 or longer you will get more  but it will take 3 years to make up the difference in the loss.....I was always afraid to wait I thought the SSA was going broke  so I took mine early at age 62

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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