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Philip Rogers

HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by Philip Rogers

  1. They've(VA) offered the implant but no thanks, I'm not big on any kind of erective, I mean elective surgery. All surgery carries risks, so I accept life the way it is. If I'm meant to die, so be it but that doesn't mean I'll stand in traffic as a test. Besides I don't have anyone in my life right now and the prospects don't look good, for now, either. Altho yesterday, I had a nail tech from Ho Chi Minh city do my pedicure. Never thought I'd do pedicures but thanks to the DM-II, I do. Wonder if I can get the VA to pay for them. Easier to get them than to get a VA appt w/a pediatrist. Sweet little thing but too young and beautiful for me to marry. Guess I'll just keep looking. ;-) pr
  2. Their statements would be good as to "what they witnessed." Simple letters are generally discounted by the VA. They should also be sworn to, like an affidavit. Use the VA's "Statement in Support of Claim" form, as it has the sworn statement part, on it, being attested to. jmo pr
  3. I'm sorry Meg, I shoulda been more tactful but it wasn't aimed at you. It takes all of 2 minutes to verify the current rate paid, by going to http://www.benefits.va.gov/COMPENSATION/resources_comp02.asp and checking the rates and I was seeing a variety of rates posted from $89, up to $125. I was just trying to stop the wrong info being posted, again. You may want to check when his claim award date was. It may have $89, then. My claim took 10 yrs and was somewhere around $89 when I started but w/COLA's it's now $100, monthly. Also, Chuck posted something about $95 in 2012 and the rate in 2012 was actually $99, according to the rate tables. He is right, tho, it is possible the VA erred and used an earlier rate table. Again, I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was attacking you! This is never my intention, towards anyone. Thanks! pr
  4. At 10 yrs he's pretty much locked in and protected. I believe SC is locked in at 10yrs and at 5 yrs he can't be reduced lower than his previous rating. Besides it takes a couple of exams and some real strong evidence to reduce, at that point. As for ED, it can also be caused by hypertension & alcoholism, besides the effects of the drugs previously mentioned. If I were him I'd go for it. jmo pr
  5. SP4RVN1971 - my apologies, I'm truly sorry, for not remembering our previous discussion, on this topic!!! My best to you and yours!!! pr
  6. That's the problem w/most men - they think w/their penis. They tell me there are other forms of sex, where the penis may not be needed but at my "age" I can't remember them. ;-) I think sex is less important w/age, but then maybe that's just me. pr
  7. As I stated, the current rate for SMC "k" award is $100 monthly. http://www.benefits.va.gov/COMPENSATION/resources_comp02.asp#BM05 Please only correct me when I'm wrong. pr
  8. vet2010 - good on you!!! Congrats!!! pr
  9. I recommend contacting the National Org of Social Security Claimants Representatives at http://nosscr.org for a referral in your area. The one I had referred from them won me 7 yrs retro. jmo pr
  10. Might have a better idea of an answer if I/we knew what you're rated for?? pr
  11. I think the VA is supposed to contact the spouses/next of kin(NOK) of those who've been denied claims and died, when their AO related disease is approved, as presumptive, but I doubt they really do it. There are probably many that don't know they have money coming, if they apply. jmo pr
  12. Always happy to hear good news!! Enjoy your shore leave!!! pr
  13. It means you'll probably get an increase and could get TDIU but in the end decision is up to the rater, not the doctor. jmo pr
  14. They won't approve or deny him due to age but shouldn't request any review C&P exams once a claimant is 55yo. They generally will give a C&P exam on any new claim. He would be best to pursue an increase, on the PTSD, as it's the easiest to get increased, provided there's evidence it's worsened. The main problem is most vets tend to minimize their "current symptoms," at the C&P exam. jmo pr
  15. I used to live in Hartford, VT but now I'm up in the Northeast Kingdom (NEK), over by Colebrook, NH, summers . . . small town called Norton. I spend May to Oct there and back to NC for the winter. Maybe we can have a coffee sometime, this summer? pr
  16. deanbrt - and your point is??? If I had not used an atty I would have zilch, nothing, zero. By winning a remand I should get what I shoulda got, way back when!!! I wasn't really expecting anything more. Would I have liked more . . . sure but it's been to the court twice now and I'm still going. Sounds like you expected more and may be a little bitter? You said in the end you won!! Sometimes it's best to let it go? jmo pr
  17. Nice thing about using them is I got a complete copy of my c-file on a CD, 4700+ pages of it, when the claim was finished. You'll probably get yours also and because it's thru the court you'll know it's complete. pr
  18. Good luck w/the Manchester VARO and the DAV there. I've dealt w/both of them and they are the pits! I ended up moving to VT and have some problems w/them but I tend to always win, anyway. The Manchester VSC manager retired some yrs ago, took the job as VSO, at the Am Legion, and proceeded to win all the claims he had been denying all those yrs. Think his name was Kent Davis. Like Berta said, check your address changes and banks also. Sometimes they screw up, just because someone was looking at an old document. Voc Rehab did that to me - sent my stuff to an old address and then b*tched at me cuz I didn't return paperwork, that I'd never received. pr
  19. They may not be posted yet, as I believe it takes about 3 months before they get posted. jmo pr
  20. Technically, they can't just suspend payments. They need to notify you of their intention and allow you a specific time period to respond and/or request a hearing. They need to follow "due process." Meanwhile, I'd tighten my budget and remove any monies they deposited into your account and place them in another bank or safe deposit box, where VA can't access the funds. pr
  21. Venturing an educated guess I'd say 50% but could be 70%. If you're not working and unable to work I'd put in for TDIU but you may want to wait until this decision arrives. We used to have an atty here who stated he could get anyone w/a GAF of 50 or less TDIU, just to give you an idea. jmo pr
  22. Under the rules for C&P exams and re-examination, the VA is not supposed to schedule exams on persons who are static (over 5yrs without improvement) and/or over 55yo. There is one more circumstance where they aren't supposed to re-exam but I can't think of it right now. Age is not considered in the ratings process, just for re-exams. pr
  23. Don't rely on your VSO to do it. You should also get your file and review it yourself and if you have questions come back here and ask. jmo pr
  24. It sounds like it. If they can't find anything in your records about your injury or illness, they have no choice but to deny it. Sometimes they miss it even when it's there. pr
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