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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by ArNG11

  1. Pete I think your right on the money. It takes time and not so much to cure the disease/condition but learning to live with it and trying to be as close to normal as possible. Things set you off at least they do me. Cues, reminders, smells, sounds, and let's not for get the constant reminder of everything in having to deal with the VA in trying to get treated and applying for benefits. It freaking sucks. Oh I almost forgot the guilt. Survivors guilt and so on.
  2. Im curious on my timeframe. I filed for my back in Aug of 2012. Got awarded 30% in June of 2013. Filed for increase and secondaries Aug 2013. Went up to 40% in Mar 2014. Then filed two more claims. Filed NOD on first claim May of 2014. Hired attorney around June 2014. DRO hearing March 2015. This was out of Muskogee Regional Office. From what my attorney has stated, some of my contentions will be rated higher back to my initial claim, however, on two contentions I am headed to the BVA. My attorney believes I will be at 80% before I am finished at the regional level. Which incidentally will get me IU possibly however, that is moot since I am still employed. The kicker with all of this is that I am retiring or trying to go on disability retirement from injuries and illnesses from my federal job. Anyways, I did read my fee agreement with my rainmaker. With exceptions of IME/IMO and court fees, the maximum fee he will collect is 20% of any retro. That is fine by me and well worth it IMO, but that is just my case. I have multiple agencies trying to short change me and not adhere to the evidence, regulations, and law, so I have attorney's on both VA and Federal Worker's Comp. When SSDI comes into play I may have a third attorney, depending if SSA plays fair. You know now that I think of it I think it was Bermann and Moore that asked for 30-33 percent of my award if they won my case. I know that Motley Rice charges 30 percent but that is a class action law suit which falls under different laws and rules. Federal Workers comp attorney fees are similar to VA cases. They charge an hourly rate but not to exceed 20% and on so forth.
  3. That's wierd. My understanding was no more than 20% was allowed by law. Hmm
  4. Holy crap man. If you have this, have you inquired how much it would cost to get it tested and analyzed. It is no secret that many of were used as guinea pigs for these types of drugs.
  5. The acknowledgment is officially Houston, TX for the Spinal Care Center Hub. I was told that they will pay for me to go down there with my spouse allowed to travel with me, however, how long the process takes and what to do in the mean time, I was given no information. I'm willing and wanting to go through the diagnostic testing to see what options I have even if its the VA, but I want to be afforded the opportunity to get as many medical opinions from surgeons before anyone even touches my back.
  6. I spoke to the patient advocate and several representatives from the Choice program and I keep getting different answers but no one can lead me to a direct response. The primary care doc is supposed to initiate the request. But if your PCP is not very, oh lets say cooperative, then how are you supposed to get seen. I've mentioned the fee basis and choice program and they seem to change the rules and responses according to their needs. I'm under exactly 12.6 miles from the VAMC, however, that is not the only way to qualify. If you have to wait more than 30 days to see a provider then that is supposed to qualify you. So if this is law and a new program we as Veterans qualify for then why the heck does no one on the VA side know the correct answers. Hell even the patient advocate gave me wrong information. I still feel this is a publicity ploy to take the heat of the VA's shortcomings on care, promptness of care, and so on.
  7. Well. My understanding was 20% of past due benefits was the typical fee allowed by law when working on a contingency fee. Was there a break down? Did your attorney pay for an IME/IMO or filling fees up front? Hmm interesting.
  8. Oooh prep for decision 4th claim. Hmm wonder if it will complete in the next month

  9. And another log on the fire, permanent restrictions, one by functional capacity tests, and the other a permanent 10 lb restriction on wrists. At least the snowfall is making the scenery look nice

  10. Heh congrats on the retirement and kudos on the ratings. Just make sure you take care of yourself and make sure you keep your continuity of care going.
  11. Man this is awesome advice. Words and actions to live by with regards to a VA disability claim. Fight till your last breath!
  12. RUREADY I do watch my back and I have been a bad boy. I record every visit I have with VA providers. I have recorded the last 3 C&P examinations and have them on file. I save every secure message as that is how a paper trail is made, electronic of course, but still a paper trail. I've grown tired of the lies and insults from most agencies. In this case the VA. But the Department of Labor, and the Department of the Army and the Department of the Air Force, all have done it. Obstruction of justice is what comes to mine. Defamation of character is another thing I think about. I've grown tired of agencies stating that things didn't happen, or that I wasn't exposed to this and that, that I don't have the right job to cause claimed injuries and diseases. That I wasn't exposed to what I am claiming. All the while I get angrier and angrier because my illnesses and injuries have been taking a serious toll on me both in the physical sense and the mental. Perseverance, tenacity, boldness, and unwillingness to surrender. Thats what I try to focus on. I will not lie, at times I just wish that rocket/mortar had just finished me when I was overseas, but alas, I am here, and I will fight. I will fight till my last breath. Not trying to sound overzealous or overdramatic. This is where I am now. Anyways off on a tangent again. Pain management. Yes that is important. Living with constant pain and not managing it well is self defeating. Try as many treatments and psychological approaches as you can. A well balance treatment plan with multi faceted approaches yields the best results. As well as a personal support group via family, friends and especially fellow Veteran bloggers. We all can share in our experiences and successes and give that extra push for when someone else is having a hard time. JMHO. "Fight till your last breath"
  13. Ambien, Xanax, and still no sleep. Dang it man.

  14. I feel for you I do Navy04, this crap is debilitating. rpowell and 63sierra can attest to this type of injury. Hell those are just of couple of the guys that I chat with and spine injuries do very weird things. AskNod has shared his experience. I recently have had the VA do acupuncture and this past week I had trigger point injections. Those were different. On the private side I have had the facet blocks, steroid shots cold turkey. They hurt a bit and then I started getting sedated for them. The Rhizotomy and medial branch blocks,I all had them while sedated. I still haven't found the right combination of treatments to offer long lasting relief. Chiropractor and physical therapy has somewhat helped. I kind of had it with the drugs as well. A pain pill here a muscle relaxer a few hours later. Mostly demerol, hydrocodone, methocarbamol, and mexalone. Then the ice, the heat, tens, lidocaine patches and creams. I try to switch it up but man it's hard to stay awake and not drowsy zombie like. Now I just have had it with the pain. I'm seeking surgical consults now. I okayed my docs to schedule the disco gram and I'm waiting for the appointments. The private doc that recommended that I do not do the disco gram a couple of years ago is talking to me Tuesday. Don't get me wrong the VA medical side has tried to keep up but only after me seriously pushing for treatment and going through another Patient Advocate. Quoting regulations and the hippocratic oath helps. I take it they are getting tired of me. They are so reluctant to do what is best for the patient. They changed my VA PCP yesterday and get this, now they actually admit to the centers in Texas that deal with spinal cord injuries. I was actually mistaken on one part though, the center is actually in Houston, not near Dallas. Heck they even admitted that they would fly me and my spouse over there. They have even stated that I could go through the VA choice program, however, this only works if two things happen, your VA PCP puts in the request and two if a private doc accepts the fee arrangement and participates in the new program. The VA system is not an easy thing to get through though. There are so many road blocks, one after another. My suggestion is for people to be knowledgeable in what the VA medical system offers. Don't take no for an answer. Remind them that they are there to work for you. Take charge of your care and make them work for you. That is the way it should be. JMO
  15. The acupuncture is different. Those spots on the inner cartilage of the ear are a little uncomfortable at first but no worse than epidural shots. IMO give it a try, the practice has been around for thousands of years and it works for many people. A versatile pain regiment will yield the best results. The thicker needles in the back some are a little uncomfortable as well but bearable.
  16. This is the thing that I have been dealing with for years with my ex VA primary care doctor. Mind you I don't understand how a seasoned Dr. that I have been treated by since 2008 and has worked for the VA since the 90's does not know about programs and options for veteran's care. She denied knowing anything about the the spine clinic at the hospital. Played dumb every time I mentioned fee based care. Never heard of the choice program, hell only now she started referencing the SCI Hospital that I've been mentioning and asking about for a longer time than necessary. (years) It's crap. You get what you pay for. Which IMO is sad. Patients should not have to go through this. Especially when a doctors role is to take care of their patient one patient at a time. This is just me, but when you get the runaround, or meet resistance, fight back. Don't take that crap. You are entitled to quality, timely, effective care. Compassion and understanding are key ingredients for doctors, at times, I think some forget that and get caught up in the bureaucracy, sadly, it is what it is sometimes. Gotta save a buck. Back on track. Sorry. Try every pain management option you have before you make a decision on surgery. Lifestyle changes, meditation, acupuncture, chiropractic care, etc, exhaust all options before even considering surgery or more aggressive solutions to health problems. JMO
  17. Man I'm getting inpatient. DRO Hearing in 27 days and a wakeup. Anxiety is eating at me.

  18. Well yeah that is an inherent problem, however, to avoid overdosing or unnecessary procedures it would be in a Veterans best interest for their health care providers to know everything regarding their patient's mental and physical health. If you've been honest you really shouldn't have any issues for the VA docs to have that information. Besides IMO I would trust the advise of the doc that's sees me on a regular basis and knows about all my health issues. That way they can make a more informed decision on your course of care. In my case that is my private doc. My VA primary doc s too busy, and too overwhelmed to read my records and has been of hardly any help managing my health problems, even when I give her office the records and history of medications. For that reason I fired her and asked for a different doc. My advice is just to be smart. Be honest. Use the system in a way that it takes care of you and your family's health needs. Oh and one more important detail. Sharing of the medical information maintains safety and continuity of care. JMHO
  19. Congrats. I would do as stated above. Research all the benefits you are entitled to now. I cannot stress enough with the others as well, make sure, absolutely sure that you fill that yearly employment questionnaire out and yes send it green card RRR mail. Give then what they need to leave you alone. Congrats and take care of yourself. FYI Look at your benefits for the state you live in. With the P&T that opens you up to many benefits for you and your family. Take advantage of it and good luck to you. Always grand to wake up and get on here and read about good news.
  20. Well Buck at least there is a store that has good practices. It is a shame though that one rotten apple can kill the public opinion of an establishment.
  21. So far this has been a sham. I haven't posted on this topic in a while but so far every doc plays as they never heard of this. Today I again confronted the doc and the patient advocate. I asked to have my PCP changed, asked about fee based care, asked for a surgical consult on the spine, asked about the VA choice program and nothing but elusive answers. I am getting medical opinions through my private insurance while I still have it, however, I was trying to get opinions from the VA side of the medical care that is to be provided to me and nada. Zilch. Crap and more crap. It is very difficult to get treatment, let alone acknowledgment of available services that are supposed to be provided by the VA for service connected conditions. No chiro, no appointments anytime soon. Such crap. On a positive note I got 5 trigger point injections today from the VA and honestly it is helping some I can't deny that. Although I know that it will be short lived, at least there is some relief. Third time going through patient advocate and it's been a waste of time so far. I'm going to give it a few days, however, I'm tired of the excuses, I need results and someone who will not give me the run around. RRRRRR. Patience is getting harder to come by. Oh heh. The patient advocate admitted there are such programs like the one I mentioned. In Dallas and San Antonio Texas for spinal chord injuries. I was shocked. At least someone has heard of it.
  22. Man it would be great. Even with portable hard drives and usb drives it is a pain to share the medical information. Some of my docs VA and private have outright refused to input the records other than by paper. Come on folks this isn't the dark ages. Information should not be so difficult to share, especially between health professionals that can severely alter the outcome of your health.
  23. that is sad but ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Hopefully this spurs up some awareness and it doesn't happen to any one again. Sad though.
  24. That catch 22 is a booger. I just realized something that I kind of new already given my experience with the VA and VSO. It's no different on the federal employee side. Unions are almost identical to the problems you run into with VSOs. I knew better. Dang it man.
  25. Eh I am sure the conflict of interest would arise in a situation like that. But it is really a question of ethics and values and what a Veteran considers priorities. I am one that is not afraid to rock the boat per say. There are things that are just right and just and there are things that are wrong and completely unethical. You have to have a strong moral compass and a high character. I think, just my opinion now, if a veteran is working for the VA, he or she might have to make decisions that are against the game, if I can call it that, but I believe most people would do the right thing. Follow the law, the regulations, and the evidence presented and give the veteran due process and a fair shake. Let the higher ups do the evil deeds. In the end they will have to answer for their transgressions. JMHO. I think I would get fired within a day. After going through the process myself, as a claimant, I cannot forsake one of my brothers or sisters for the sake of my job or money. Screw the pooch it would be yes, but there is a right and wrong.
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