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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Navy04

  1. Sadly I agree with you guys above. There are so many Vets on here, or that I have tried to help outside of Hadit that are not truthful. They come on here or to me, and say "Oh the VA has screwed or lowballed me, and I don't know why". Then I get into the truth, and guess what they either never served in a War, no medical evidence, or flat out making conditions up to get money. I am in no way saying this about all Vets, in fact 99% deserve every benefit and dollar they can get, but when folks lie or jam up the VA system with Fraud claims, and freeking pisses me off. There are too many Starving and Homeless Vets that need the help and yet they have a long way to go. In my home town there is a 65 year old woman that lost her husband over a year ago, he was 72, 65% SC but IU 100%. Well he died of something he was not SC for, and had not reached the 10 yr rule. Well she was only married to him for 30 years and he had told her he was in Vietnam and Korea, and did all this secret stuff. Well he was a nice enough man, but talked too much about secret missions, and I knew something was up, because he was a member of the Legion, but not VFW, even though they are both local. Well she applied for the VA benefits and income, after he died that she thought she was entitled too. Well when the VA issued her a copy of his DD 214, he in fact worked in the Motor pool and was never in a War or Action. So apparently he lied to his own Wife for over 30 years. Well she asked me to help and when I showed her the truth, she did not want to believe it. Now she had to sell everything but her Double Wide, and was semi retired and had to go back to work. She did not deserve to be put thru all this crap, all because he was dishonest and wanted to make people thank that he was a Hero, when he was a good enough person to serve in the Military for over 8 years, even though he did not serve in War.

    Just tired of Deserving Vets getting Run Over, by bad people taking advantage of the Government!!!

  2. Sad to say bud that you are right. As most of you know on here I was granted 100% VA Mar 14. Put in an FDC in Nov 14 to reopen a few previously denied, a few new and a few secondary. Well after that claim completed recently almost all conditions were granted. But what did the DAM*** VA to decide to re eval all of my high Conditions, even though they were not scheduled for a re eval until Feb 2016. Well those exams sucked especially the PTSD review, well in my case it back fired on the VA and in fact the 70% PTSD was continued and Migraines/TBI increased from 30 to 50%. Well last week got a call and then the VA decides to Re eval scars and tongue damage. Why would VA even want to look at these conditions. Well went yesterday and it was actually thru the VES and it was a dang Heart Specialists, WTH!!! Went there did all these chemicals on my tongue with no reaction, as most of the taste buds where damaged when I had 2 throat surgeries. Then Doc looked at all my Scars, and in fact I have 2 knee ones caused by a fall last year, so he took measurements and pics of those. Don't know what to think, but I am very aware when I go to VA and see Docs, and by the ways I have a ton of Specialists so it is a job in itself to watch what I say and do around those crappy people. Thanks again for putting this info out. Hope you have a good weekend.

  3. Totally agree with Asknod, I myself recently go SC for lower back under name, yet was denied originally when I left the Military under a different name. Both of my knees were the same issue as well, R Knee and L Knee both SC but again under different Codes, even though they were documented, had evidence and were denied initially as well. What I am trying to say that one disability, can be listed sometimes in 10 ways, does not mean the VA committed a CUE. Good luck and congrats on the SC.

  4. Welcome aboard bud, but as stated above you will have to wait for official paper work. I specifically knew a Vet last year that was over seas and was getting out of the Navy and staying in Japan. He applied for a job at the Commissary there but again they needed the Disabled Veteran Letter. Well I tried to help him as he stated he had all these disabilities and the VA was going to grant them. Well in the end, the VA approved a sprang ankle at 0%, and he thru a fit. Well he lost that job offer, and you have to realize that nothing is approved or final, until you get that letter. Good luck and take care

  5. Congrats on the quick claim and SC granted for Depression. As far as Asthma/Bronchitis you don't always have to do an exam, and as far as scars the VA would look in your military records. Typically when no Exam or DBQ is ordered, then the VA feels there is no basis whether Medical Evidence or STR. Good luck and keep us posted.

  6. Welcome aboard bud and sorry to hear of your issues, as I too served in OIF/OEF. I would not file for PTSD, go get diagnosed and seek treatment thru the VA for a few months, then file. I don't want to see you go thru the VA roller coaster of crap, just to get screwed in the end. Plus it will be good for you to seek treatment. I have been going to Trauma treatment at VA for 2 years. Good luck and God Bless!!!

  7. Welcome aboard and sorry to hear of your issues bud. I would like to know the specifics of your SC, or why it took so long. The VA is the VA, but in the long run Evidence is Evidence is Evidence. That I know of, I have had more C&Ps over the last two years then most on here. 4 FDCs filed, over 30 C&P exams, 10 different Docs and driven over 2000 miles at 2 Different VAs and VES system, and during that time all of my high %s have been Re Evaluated, as I believe the VA thought I was rocking the boat, filing claims after I was already granted 100% VA. In fact I have 2 appointments tomorrow for my last 2 SC conditions to be Re evaluated. What I am trying to say is that some Vets go round and round, and in fact either the evidence was not there, no basis to begin with, or a 0% rated condition that does not warrant an increase. What I am trying to say is that without some specifics, it is hard for us to understand if we don't know the steps along the way. Good luck, God Bless and keep us posted.

  8. I recommend what Basser said bud. Everyone seems to think that they can file after they retire and claim will move fast. Infact my bud just retired after 24 years in the Navy, and he was moving too like you. Guess what, he waited until after he moved, had a hard time finding a job and darn near starved. It took almost a year for the claim to complete, but if he had filed in the first chance, claim surely would have been completed in a better time frame. Filing online is not that difficult either, I have submitted all 4 of my FDCs over the last two years via Ebenefits with success. Only you can decide what is best bud. Good luck and God Bless

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