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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Navy04

  1. Sorry to hear that you are out raged, but I don't know what you are upset about. 1 the DEA laws have changed recently due to the whole Opiates issues with Veterans and Americans, and 2 what about this is un true. There are a lot of Veterans claiming this same issues now, but unless it is not the truth, don't know what you can challenge. In my case I had a File in my records that stated I was a 42 year old white female recovering from Alcoholism, when in fact I am a 33 yr old Hispanic male, and never smoked, drank or tried a drug in my life. I live with a lot of pain in my daily life, and due to Crohns Disease and 2 Blood Transfusions, I have and can never take pain medication, which after 15 surgeries in the last 6 years, that is a lot of pain that I had to go thru. Good luck and God Bless

  2. I agree with all of the above, and again remember that the VA can always reduce a Condition if treatment is not attained or the Veteran is good enough to work. I personally know a Vet that just lost his P&T for PTSD that he had for 13 yrs, due to the VA saying that he had not seeked treatment thru the VA for that condition in over 5 years, there fore it was assumed that his PTSD had cured. Veteran pulled every loop hole and policy he could and in the end the PTSD was knocked back down from 100% to 70%.

  3. Remember that Suicide is not natural cause death, and I know that you are having a hard time. What you have to realize is that health comes first no matter what. I myself spent 3 months in a Civilian Mental Hospital while I was active in 2012. I too had 2 small children at that time and a young wife doing it all on her own while I was gone, and a Geo Bachelor. Material things and a place to live can always be had. I always tell Vets the same regardless of situation, family or children. You need to seek help, and if you are in bad shape then continue to seek treatment at VA and submit a claim. Evidence is Evidence is Evidence. In less than a year my VA increased from 80 to 100%, got SSDI in less than 10 weeks, and wife is paid by VA to be my care giver. Do you have SSDI, what is your 50% VA for, and as I stated on another thread of yours, I have a lot more in common with you then you think. Also I went the Suicide route and thank God it Failed, and I know now that is not the answer to anything. Not fair to leave the family behind to pick up the pieces, and I have $1.5 million in Life Insurance. Good luck and God Bless

  4. Asknod gives a lot of good hope, but also remember that you better have all your Evidence and Ducks in a row, or you will end up just going round and round with the VA. I have filed 4 FDCs in the last 2 years, over 30 C&Ps, all of my High %s were Recently Re Evaluated, a year early, yet I had 90% Success. It has been one heck of a Stressful time and sure don't want to see other Vets go thru it.

  5. Welcome aboard and yes you will probably have to have another brain MRI. I just went thru this and my Migraines/TBI was increased from 30 to 50%. Yeah that MRI with the contrast dye made me sick, and I have had quite a few Scans and MRIs and they never get any easier. Good luck and God Bless

  6. Welcome aboard, Sorry to hear of your issues and Congrats on the 100%. Sorry to say bud but there is nothing Evil that the VA is going out of their way to impose on you. As you can read from my signature I have a ton of High Disabilities, have quite a few that I have not even filed for, yet I am only Temporary VA 100%. I was Medically Retired in Feb 2013 at 30, approved for SSDI Permanent in less than 10 weeks at 31, and VA pays my wife on the Highest Tier to take care of me, which is really hard to get approved, yet Guess What still Temporary VA. In fact I was Scheduled for Review/Reduction on all my conditions for Feb 2016, What did the VA do, decide to Review most of my Conditions in Feb 2015, and 2 more just a few weeks ago. Instead of the VA low balling me, the Re Evals back fired in their face, and all my conditions continued at High %s and in fact Migraines/TBI was increased from 30 to 50%. What I am trying to say is that if you are Being Treated by the VA Docs and you do not get better the VA can not Reduce you. Just go in there seek treatment and be honest. I go to 3 different VAs and they are all over 200 miles round trip, yet I make sure and not miss an appointment. Best piece of advice is that we should all try not to Rock the Boat, as the VA calls it, when we are already 100%. When I filed an FDC for over 8 conditions in Nov 14, BTW they were all granted except a few, the VA thought I was being ungrateful and that is when the Snowball of Re Evals started. Only you can decide what is best for you and your family. Good luck and God Bless my Friend!!!

  7. I have had 4 FDCs in the last two years and all with DBQs, most were in prep for decision phase, when the VA decided to order over 30 C&Ps, and Re Evaluate all my other conditions. So yes, nothing special going on with your Claim bud, VA just going the Extra Mile. Good luck

  8. All the notes are fine bud, but it wont help us help you. We need to see the statements where it say "condition is more or less likely to have occurred in the Military" and "Social and Occupational Impairment" and where it says "Service Connection is granted or denied at this time" From these notes by itself, it does not look to good, but with those statements that I mentioned will ultimately decide your fate.

  9. Sorry to hear of your Friend's issues, and thank you for helping him. I completely agree with the advice given above. The Number 1 mistake that we all make as Vets, is that we don't submit a claim for benefits, and for every month and year that goes by we lose Money that we deserve, and instead the Corrupt or Bad Folks in this world are on the Ball and take it all from us. Good luck and God Bless

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