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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Navy04

  1. If you were approved for New Conditions, then you get Retro to filing date. If you submitted for an Increase on an Already SC condition, they you don't get retro, just begin higher pay the following month.

  2. We all knew that when we joined the Military we might go to WAR and be KILLED or POW!!!! What the Recruiters and Govt failed to tell us is, " If You Join the Military You Most Likely Will, Get Hurt, Sick, Blown up but not Killed, Come Home with Unknown Diseases, So Mental you Talk to Yourself, Suffer for Life, Not get the Proper Healthcare and Fight Til the Day we DIE for Benefits that were promised to us From the Beginning!!!

  3. Todd, I have to agree with Berta. There are just too many Vets on here posting half reports, wrong info, or no evidence or right to Service Connection to begin with. So what happens, we all try to help on here, and instead end up chasing our tails. As I have stated on many Threads on here, Evidence is Evidence is Evidence!!! Not saying this is your case, good luck

  4. That BDD program came out after I was Retired, but it can be fast or slow. My bud retired last year and it took his claim over 8 months to complete, after he retired and that was only with a few conditions. Really just hard to say for sure, but don't count on it towards your future. If you are well qualified and prepared you should find a good job, if not be ready for a long road ahead of you. I know a lot of buds right now working at Lowes and Walmart, as they did not do a good job of preparing, or going to school. No company hires Vets just cause they can shoot or got a few ribbons/medals. Good luck and God Bless

  5. Rental is right on the money. I am currently helping a 65 yr old woman that her husband of 35 years died. Well he was 65% VA but paid 100% IU. He ended up dying before the 10 yr mark of not service connected issues, even though he would have been granted them if he would have ever file a VA claim for them. I too am one of those that was granted 100% fast last year, and been granted 7 more conditions since then. When people are very sick like me of a lot of issues, you have to make sure that everything is noted. My mother died at 35, and I too am now 33, God forbid something happens to me, I have 2 young daughters and a 30 yr old wife. We deserve for the VA and Govt to admit and document every Scar, Condition and Disease that was caused by our time in War. If you were sick enough to warrant a 100% SC, then you would understand what all we go thru every day.

  6. Nothing to worry about bud. My last 3 FDC claims all stated Evidence Past Due, and it was either due to the VA or Ebenefits was flat out wrong, or not updated in a timely manner. I have received Claim Complete Packets in mail 2 times, before Ebenefits was even updated to reflect complete. I don't think that it is nothing to worry about. Good LUck

  7. USMC and Buck is right on the money bud. Basically the VA just wants proof that you were in a War zone that caused the Stressor. I spent multiple tours in OIF/OEF, even though I was active all 10 years, but while in Desert I had multiple injuries and infections. Nothing on record as there was not treatment in Desert for any other then local, but I had no issues as VA had copies of my Ribbons, Medals and awards that I was granted afterwards. I just went thru this with a Vet that died and left his wife of 35 years. She went to get VA benefits and income, and was told that her husband had never served in War even though he stated this to her during their whole marriage, as they married later in life. She went from thinking all this money and benefits was coming in, now to almost starving, repos and had to go back to work full time at 65. Good luck and keep us posted

  8. I will use myself as an example bud, I was granted 30% PTSD when I was Medically Retired in Feb 13. I submitted a new claim in Nov 13 for a few more claims and an increase for PTSD, recommended by my VA Trauma Docs at the time. Well in Mar 14 was granted 100% Total, and PTSD was increased from 30 to 70%. Well in the PTSD C&P Docs exam notes, it states " Service Member met 70% or greater rating for PTSD at time of Discharged 30% PTSD granted. So basically I could have fought it as that 70% PTSD would have given me 100% back dated to Feb 13, instead of the 80% that I was granted total in Feb 2013. Just not worth the cause, and the VA would have just said that it was the Docs opinion, even though she is a VA Psych Doc for the C&Ps. You get what I am saying. The VA makes mistakes all of the time, but we can not challenge opinions, only official Laws and Policies that the VA violates, and we need official wording to fight them back, not one Doc or another saying that we were worse at one time or another. Other then these exact words, sorry to say that you are just driving in circles my friend.

  9. Sorry bud, and I agree with Phillip if the exam was done thru the VA. If it was thru the VES, me personally I had a complete claim denied last fall and never saw the exam notes. Turned right around and reopened those conditions in Nov 14, and guess what had the C&Ps in Feb at 2 VAs and all but a few of those same conditions were granted. I actually just had 2 exams this past Wed thru VES Doc, and for the first time he was Very Nice. Good luck and keep us posted

  10. Sorry to hear of your issues bud, just be careful. As everyone knows on here, I too have been granted close to 30 conditions in the last 2 years, with 4 FDCs. The wins were good, but also the VA thought I was rocking the Boat as I was 100% SC already. So beginning in Feb 15 the VA has reviewed all of my high conditions even though I was not up for review until Feb 2016, including this week they reviewed my Scars and Cranial Nerve Damage. Now in my case it back fired in the VA's face as all were continued, and in fact my TBI/Migraines was Increased. The Re Exams were brutal though especially the PTSD Review. Only you can decide what to do. Good luck and God Bless

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