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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Navy04

  1. Welcome aboard and sorry to hear of your issues bud. I too completed multiple degrees in the last few years, and I have had all of my high %s Re Evaluated in the last few months, even though I was not up for Review until Feb 2016. The PTSD Re Eval was brutal and over 2 hours, but I just went in there and was honest. I have had a lot of PTSD and Trauma treatment at the VA, and still currently in VA Treatment, so It was all well documented. Good luck and God Bless, keep us posted

  2. Welcome aboard and sorry to hear of your issues bud. I am 100% Temporary for 18 months, and I just had all of my High %s Re Evaluated in Feb and May, even though I was not due for a Re Eval until Feb 2016. The exams are brutal especially the PTSD. Just go in there be honest, and as Berta stated your back may be worse and grant an Increase. Good luck and God Bless!!!

  3. Welcome aboard and sorry to hear of your issues bud. I have multiple degrees of higher learning, but in my case I had to quit school when I was working on my Doctorate. I was not able to focus or be around people anymore. Now the VA does have a bad habit of looking at us with Degrees and assuming that if we are smart, then we must not be Disabled and are Miraculously cured. Just keep going in there and get your point across. Good luck and God Bless

  4. Congrats bud, and yes you will be re evaluated in 5 years. I too am 100% Temporary, even though I am SSDI and Navy Retired permanent. I actually have had 7 conditions Re Evaluated just in the last few months, even though they were not up for review until Feb 2016. Those Re Evals are brutal, especially the PTSD. Just make sure that you continue your treatment thru the VA. I had my student loans forgiven last fall, but only cause my SSDI is permanent. Good luck and God Bless

  5. As you know bud the Roller Coaster can go either way, in my case I was already 100% SC when I filed 2 more FDCs there after. Now it was a Success as most of the conditions were granted, but then the dang VA went in for the kill and decided to Re Eval all of my high %s. Well luckily it back fired in the VA's face, most continued and Migraines went up from 30 to 50%. Still was a heck of an ordeal to go thru, especially the over 2 hour PTSD Re Eval.

  6. Welcome aboard bud, but I will tell you that the Number 1 mistake Vets make is that they all think they are 100% VA disabled. Sadly, it takes a lot more then you think. I was Medically Retired from the Navy in 2013 at 30 years old, with a ton of Service Connections and was only granted 80%. Also, I am rated both knees at 10%, and that is after 2 knee surgeries, ACL/MCL and severe Arthritis and Tendonosis in both knees. Good luck and God Bless

  7. I feel for you bud, but I personally know a few Vets that have been denied for playing video games. I am and have never been a gamer, and in my opinion if someone can play these new difficult game systems, then they must not be that bad off. I can get on this site and that is about it for me, and I am only 33. Not that you are not sick my friend, just don't know why you guys go in there and tell those Damn sucky C&P Docs that you fish, hunt, race cars or play with electronics. The VA and Govt will use it against you every dang time. Good luck and God Bless

  8. Sorry to hear of your hard times bud. Sorry thing is bud, you either have to be crazy crazy with high % or not so crazy and work. What I am saying is I am bad off, Spent 3 months in mental ward in 2012, wife is POA for payments, and I can not own any weapons. Well I don't care, if it means my family and I get the benefits I deserve, they you have to figure out what is best for you. My bud just retired as an E7 and he did not want 100% Total, so he said enough to get 80%, and still work. Good luck and wish you the best

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