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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Navy04

  1. Sorry to hear of his health issues. Yes he can file anytime, but I agree with guys above. Make sure all of your ducks are in a row. If you need help with SSDI let me know as I have a Report that have helped other Vets get SSDI. Good luck and God Bless

  2. Welcome aboard and sorry to hear of your issues. I too have multiple bone and joint issues. You have too many Low %s, that is really what is not going in your favor. I was Medically Temporary Retired from Navy at 30 years of age with 30% DOD and 80% VA, and now at 33 I have 100% VA, Permanent Navy Retired, SSDI in less than 10 weeks and wife is Paid to be my VA Care Giver. I definitely know how you feel bud, I am 6'3 200lbs athletic looking, even though My GI Doc says that I have the insides of a 65 year old. I am actually having my second Testicular surgery soon, yet people look at my Disabled Plates and wonder where it comes from. Just go in there be honest, and you should be fine. Good luck and God Bless!!!

  3. I feel your pain bud, as I too have had a few knee surgeries with more to come. Truth is you have to wait a while and see what happens. My best bud had Hip surgery a month ago and he is having a lot of knee and back problems know. Docs told him to wait atleast 6 months to finish re hab first, and then allow the swelling to go down. You need to give it a few more months. Good luck and God Bless

  4. Root, Congrats on the great news, and yes it appears to be official. As far as the Rest, if you remember I was in the same boat as you. I was Prep for Decision for almost 3 months, then back to Gathering of Evidence with 10 C&Ps scheduled at 2 different VAs. Then as that FDC completed, immediately the same day the VA opened a claim for Increase for my Scars and Tongue Damage, yet I did not open those conditions. It was in fact for a Re Eval, so talk about being confused. It sounds like your claim is going a lot smoother then you think, it is just all so overwhelming for you. Good luck and God Bless

  5. 16in,

    Congrats on the VA, but don't and I mean don't take the 20% DOD. You will get Severance, which the VA will Re Coup first, and it will be as if you were never in the Military. You worked to hard for that bud. I am Medically Retired from the Navy after 10 years active and multiple Deployments. There is a world of difference from me being Retired, and you just being Medically Discharged. I just helped a fellow E6 that was in 18.5 and the Navy offered him 10% for MDD, and VA 100%. I told him to appeal the DOD, and guess what he got the 30% increase, and retired. You do what is best for you and I am sure that you are ready to get out, but at the end of the day you earned the Title and all the benefits that come with being Retired. I have known too many Vets do the same as you because they needed the Severance for the short term, but in the long run Retired is the way to go. Good luck and God Bless!!!

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