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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Navy04

  1. Welcome aboard and sorry to hear of your life issues. In my opinion the Law is the Law is the Law, Regardless of who is on the good and bad end of it. I worked in Federal Law Enforcement for a bit after I was Medically Retired and no one and I repeat no one is looking at a Minimum Lengthy Prison Sentence without committing some serious crimes. I had a Vet in a similar ordeal ask me to help him turn his OTH around, and when I dug in, he not only was he Convicted of crimes, but was Discharged from the Navy for attempting to rape two different Sailors. I am not saying that you are a bad person, just sounds like you made a lot of mistakes and now you want the Govt to change the wording so that you don't have it on your record, or you want the benefits that come with a properly discharged Vet. Good luck to you and God Bless, cause you need it brother. Also, I have more in common with you then you think, and it never made me want to break the Law.

  2. Sorry to hear of your issues but without the actual exam notes or denial letter, just too hard to say either way. I will say that I have had over 30 C&Ps in the last 2 years, and the majority of the Exam Docs did not have all of my Records to look over, just used their medical opinion and the evidence that I took with me.

  3. Pete is on the money when it comes to the VA lingo, and as far as Phillip I totally agree with him. I am 70% PTSD and I spent 3 months in mental hospital and had to Resign as a US Marshal, I definitely can not work, and I know that there are a lot of Starving and Homeless Vets out there that would take your 100% in a heart beat. We are not being hard on you bud, and only you and your family can decide what is best for you. We all would like to get rich off of the GOVT, but if you can work then I say risk the lesser % and work your but off. God Bless

  4. Sorry to hear of your issues bud, as I have Crohns Disease. I have to totally agree with Pete's statements, but in the end I think that you will be fine. Me personally I do not like the Appeals or NOD process, just too long of a headache for me. I was denied multiple items in 2013 when I was retired from the Navy. Instead of NODs, I filed 4 FDCs in the last 2 years, with over 30 C&Ps and most were granted, even when I thought I had had enough with this whole VA Roller Coaster of Crap. Just sit down with someone who is knowledgeable and figure what is best for you and your family. Good Luck

  5. Sorry to hear of your issues bud, and I agree with both statements above. Then again, I just had all of my high %s Re Evaluated, after I submitted my last FDC, and they were not due to be Reviewed until Feb 2016, so as you can see the VA came after me early. It backfired in their face, not only were all of my conditions %s continued, but the Ro increased my TBI from 30 to 50%. Good luck and truly wish you the best.

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