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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Navy04

  1. Sorry to hear of your issues bud, but without a bag it is very hard to get an increase. I was Medically Retired in 2013 for Severe Crohn's Disease, and soon to have bag, yet I am only rated at 30% for it, and that includes Barretts Disease, Chronic Rectal bleeding and vomiting. Try to go around the VA by Filing for secondary conditions, but remember that the VA can always review your IBS and continue, increase or even reduce. You have to decide what is best for your family and you.

  2. Sorry to hear of your issues bud. Are you seeking treatment at VA for the condition that was reduced. Remember that the VA can review a SC condition at any time and increase or decrease the condition. All of my high %s were reviewed a few months ago, Even though I was not up for Review until Feb 2016, including PTSD and my TBI/Migraines. Those exams were very brutal especially the PTSD review, which was over 2 hours long. Well it back fired in the VA's face, most conditions were continued at their current %s, and my TBI was increased from 30 to 50%. I make sure and go to all of my VA Docs and seek treatment, even though I live over 200-300 miles away from all three VAs. Good luck, God Bless and keep us posted

  3. Sorry to hear of the bad news, but VA is looking at the fact that you have such low %s, basically stating to them that you are not fully disabled in their Opinion. You need to get an IMO to state that your SC disabilities keep you from both Physical and Secondary work. Do you collect SSDI, and have you been to Vocation Rehab yet? If you collect SSDI for you SC issues that would help, also if you have seen Voc Rehab and they denied you, then that would help as well. Good luck and keep us posted

  4. There is no accidental secret there bud, as I have had over 30 C&Ps in the last 2 years, and have seen the RO question the Exam Docs many of times. As far as VA looking at your 0%s, so what,  I submitted my last FDC in Nov 14, while I was at 100% already, claim sat at Prep for Decision for over 2 months then VA decided to order a ton of C&Ps, and Review all of my high %s in Feb 2015 there were not up for Review until Feb 2016. Those Reviews were brutal especially the PTSD that was over 2 hours, but guess what not only did it back fire in the VA's face and continue the %s, but my migraines went up from 30 to 50%. I always say Evidence is Evidence is Evidence, and as long as you are seeking treatment for you SC issues, you have nothing to worry about. Good luck and keep us posted

  5. I have the same ratings as you do for the Back and nerve damage bud, nothing to worry about. Remember that the VA at any time can look at whatever condition. I put in my last FDC in Nov 14, claim sat at Prep for Decision for over 2 months, then the VA ordered all the C&Ps, and decided to Review most of my conditions in Feb 15, including PTSD, which were not up for Review until Feb 16. All those Reviews were brutal, especially the PTSD, but in the End it backfired in the VA's face, with most High %s continuing and my Migraines were Increased. Good luck and keep us posted.   BTW I have a current claim Supposedly for Increase, that the VA opened 2 months ago, and sent me to a Heart Surgeon to have my Scars and Tongue Nerve Damaged reviewed, and it is currently at Prep for Decision. It is always something bud

  6. Pete is 100% on the money, and I think that most Vets think that a little % here or there means that they meet the IU Criteria, when in most cases they don't. Ask yourself this, does your Disabilities 100% keep you from Working Manual Labor or Desk Duty? You can consider yourself disabled in one way, yet the VA or SSA say that you can do other type of work. As stated above Do you collect SSDI, and if not, you need to file if you feel that your are unable to work in any form. Good luck

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